
I Loaded Kaidan Game

After arriving in Japan, I became a high school student named Kamiyagawa. Looking around— Hanako crouched in the bathroom, waiting for someone to knock on the door; the Split-Mouth Woman wandered the streets with scissors in hand; Miss Mary's deathly calls echoed incessantly; the wails and barks in Inunaki Village never ceased; the Ubume searched for her long-dead child; the Aoandon smiled, enticing passersby to play with the lanterns of a hundred demons… In a crumbling world rampant with sinister tales and malevolent spirits, Kamiyagawa set a small goal for himself: "Defeat all the demons and monsters, and become the supreme ruler of ghosts and deities."

Thirteen Modesty · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
400 Chs

238 Bewitched Object: The Mirror Beyond the Clouds_3

"Every two months when the full moon arrives, the energy in 'The Mirror Beyond the Clouds' becomes so saturated that it can no longer be contained, leaking out. The black mirror surface on this side will randomly reflect a location. And the other side of the mirror, Tsukumono Village, will overlap with that random location. The overlap lasts for about half an hour."

"God, the residents of Tsukumono Village are mostly harmless smaller youkai. However, when Tsukumono Village overlaps with some dangerous place, we Tsukumogami are forced to battle with dangerously mad monsters. In the past six months, we've experienced two spatial overlaps, and a lot of Tsukumogami were destroyed by the monsters, not even the God Artisan could save them..."

The three musical instrument Tsukumogami took turns speaking slowly, all looking very depressed.

In the afternoon, these elders filled the room with music, creating quite a lively atmosphere.