
Chapter 44 : Magic Gate - Heavenly Luo Sect

The members boarded the ship one after another, and as the sun set in the west, the assessment of the Heavenly Luo Sect came to a successful conclusion.

Ye Yong looked out into the distance from the bow of the ship, where magnificent mountains and rivers lay with clouds and mists swirling around them. These were not special effects from a science fiction movie, but real scenery that he had seen with his own eyes.

His heart, which had quieted down after a few days of excitement upon crossing over, couldn't help but start beating again.

"The path of cultivation is long and arduous, and things change while people do. Who can live longer than the heavens?" Ye Yong pondered as he held his folding fan, and these words were not plagiarized despite his extensive reading of novels. Even if one wasn't a literature major and didn't have much ink in their belly, they could occasionally come up with good sentences and phrases.

Wu Xue stood by his side, looking at her young master with an intoxicated gaze, as if she had just had a drink.

Apart from members of the Qin family, Qin Shi Meng only knew Ye Yong and Wu Xue here, and she didn't particularly enjoy being with her own clan, so she stood with her personal maid not far behind Ye Yong, also looking at the scenery.

Qin Shi Meng's personal maid used to have a strong opinion of Ye Yong, but with her mistress's change of heart towards him, she gradually lost her prejudice.

At this moment, watching Ye Yong's tall figure stretched out in the sunset glow, his white clothes fluttering in the wind, his handsome side profile reminiscent of a banished immortal, gazing into the distance as if he could see everything in his eyes, coupled with the poignant words he spoke, he was simply irresistible.

Many female cultivators on the same ship were captivated by him. Qin Shi Meng was also stunned by his back view.

Who can live longer than the heavens?

It was hard to imagine that such words came from an 18-year-old cultivator. It was full of resistance to fate but also helplessness.

The reason why cultivators cultivated was to change their fate, and everyone wanted to live a little longer. But no matter how strong one's cultivation was, who could live longer than the heavens? Even if one became immortal, one would eventually turn into ashes and dissipate into the river of time.

"Marvellous, marvellous." At this moment, a gentlemanly-looking male cultivator named Li Junxia came to Ye Yong's side.

Ye Yong looked at him but didn't recognize him. However, his appearance and temperament were either a villain or a good friend of the protagonist in the future,

and the protagonist's good friends were likely to be killed off by the plot, becoming the energy to enhance the protagonist.

"How should I address this Taoist friend?" Ye Yong wanted to know who he was and whether he should talk to him, but he wasn't particularly interested in men.

"Li Junxia."

Oh, it's you. Okay, we can talk.

"So, it's Senior Brother Li, please forgive me for my lack of manners." Ye Yong arched his hand.

"Do you know me?" Li Junxia didn't show his face during the assessment, and he didn't introduce himself, so this was their first meeting.

"Who doesn't know the talented formation genius Li Junxia of the Li Family in the Great Luo Empire?" Ye Yong wasn't flattering him. Li Junxia had a cultivation base of six-colored foundation at the age of fifteen and entered the Heavenly Luo Sect, that too on a non-assessment day, and was immediately accepted as an inner disciple. Eight years ago, he was a rising star, just like Ye Yong now.

However, after entering the sect, he rarely participated in secular activities, so his popularity gradually declined. But in the world of cultivators, Li Junxia is still the extremely talented formation genius he is known to be.

"I thought after all these years, no secular juniors would remember me." Li Junxia smiled awkwardly.

The reason why Ye Yong was willing to talk to him was that Li Junxia wasn't a short- lived ghost. Although he became the protagonist's brother in the novel, he was one of the few who could survive until the end.

He was a straightforward person and a male supporting character who was quite likable to readers.

Most importantly, what? He had a beautiful younger sister, and he wouldn't compete for the female lead. Because he was deeply in love with a mortal girl, but unfortunately, as she aged, the girl would become older and older, while he, as a cultivator, would remain young and handsome. The girl was very self-conscious and didn't want to delay his future, so she eventually threw herself into the river and died.

Heartbroken, Li Junxia carved a tombstone for the girl and named her his deceased wife, vowing never to not marry anyone else in his life

Of course, we haven't gotten that far yet. The girl Li Junxia loves is only 19 years old now, and the river is at least 10 years away. As for why she is not allowed to cultivate, no qualifications and even difficult to train the body to become a warrior? How can she train? Sometimes it's not just a matter of having enough resources.

"With Master Li's attainments in formation techniques, he will surely be famous for ages to come." Ye Yong laughed.

"I didn't realize that Master Ye is a flatterer." Li Junxia was quite embarrassed by the comment, after all, Ye Yong's seven-color building foundation was reasonably more promising in the future than him, and would be more likely to be famous for ages.

Just like a millionaire praising a Billionaire for being rich, how could Li Junxia not feel embarrassed? "I never flatter," Ye Yong wanted to find a poem from his mind, recite a verse to show off, but suddenly an attack came from a distance and hit the defensive formation of the spacecraft, causing ripples.

"Enemy attack!" "It's a demon sect cultivator!"

Someone with excellent eyesight recognized the flag and emblem of the distant spacecraft. Ye Yong almost forgot that they would be attacked by the demon sect on the way to Heavenly Luo Sect. However, because the demon sect that launched the attack was too weak and overestimated themselves, they couldn't withstand the counterattack from the Heavenly Luo Sect, suffered heavy losses, and would soon retreat. It was just a cameo appearance to let readers know that there is such a thing as the demon sect.

"Don't worry, this kind of thing occasionally happens. We at Heavenly Luo Sect are prepared enough to deal with it,"

Li Junxia comforted everyone and said goodbye to Ye Yong, then went to find the hall masters such as Liang Meng Chao. After all, how could someone like Liang Meng Chao, who was at the level of the Void Reversion, just come to see the new recruits?

Their main task was actually to escort the newcomers back to the sect. As a famous upright sect, Heavenly Luo Sect was naturally the most hated existence of the demon sect. Since ancient times, there has been no coexistence of righteousness and evil.

Over the past thousand years, many demon sects have done similar things to kill newcomers of the upright sect, with some success and some failure. However, as a top sect, even if it was just a branch, Heavenly Luo Sect could not easily suffer losses from the demon sect.

The counterattack began. "Boom, boom, boom." The sky occasionally heard deafening explosions.

"Young master..." Wu Xue had never seen such a battle and was scared, so she grabbed Ye Yong tightly.

"Don't be afraid, the other side will soon retreat," Ye Yong held Wu Xue in his arms and gently stroked her head. Ye Yong, we're actually scared too and want to be comforted. Many female cultivators' eyes widened. What's wrong with this world? How can a maid be treated so well? Some of them are still young ladies of their families. Qin Shi Meng saw Ye Yong holding Wu Xue and didn't have any thoughts.

At most, it confirmed what Wu Xue had told her, that the young master is good to her. Being able to spoil a mortal maid like this, maybe I really misjudged him before.

Qin Shi Meng's favorability +2.

Just like the novels Ye Yong read, the demon sect airship that couldn't withstand the counterattack retreated soon. A poor enemy should not be pursued too far. No one knows whether it was a plan to lure the tiger out of the mountain, so Liang Meng Chao and other powerful people returned to their original positions and closed their eyes to rest, as if nothing had happened just now.

After seeing how Heavenly Luo Sect handled the attack and the strength of their counterattack, the newcomers were even more confident about entering the sect. Since Li Junxia was a genius in formations, the three spacecraft of Heavenly Luo Sect were attacked to varying degrees. He needed to check those defensive formations, so he didn't come back to find Ye Yong. Ye Yong didn't care whether he came to find him or not. After all, what man would choose Li Junxia over the cute Wu Xue? Ye Yong had been holding Wu Xue since earlier and had never let her go.

Wu Xue felt the gazes of the people around her and felt embarrassed, so she kept her face buried in Ye Yong's arms. At the same time, she was glad that she could be the young master's maid. Favorability +5.