
I Inherited A Dream System

Dreams, dreams mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To some dreams are nothing more than the mind playing tricks on you, while to others dreams are visions that show us our past and futures. But to Toby Robinson, dreams are a way for him to have fun, because ever since he inherited a Dream System from who knows where, he got the ability to journey into the land of dreams, and go on all manner of supernatural adventures. But where did this System come from, who created it, and who may be coming after it? These are not questions that our main protagonist is thinking about, but they will no doubt come back to haunt him. Join Toby Robinson as he learns to use his amazing System, which will one day decide the fate of his world, but he doesn't know that yet. With the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a fun loving teenager, find out if he actually has what it takes to be a hero. [Congratulations, You Have Inherited The Dream System] ******** This story is going to be epic, I will try my very best to make sure of that... Happy Reading.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Fantasi
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88 Chs

Dream Kingdom

The dream door opens in the Grassland Domain, and shortly afterwards the butter ant queen flies out of the swirling blue portal, accompanied by several of her butter ants. Toby and Charming step out of the portal after the ants, with Noble and Browny closely behind them.

Toby Robinson: Oh, Charming. You really got me for a second there, I really believed you when you said the butter ant queen wanted to marry me. Such a funny prank! (Toby said with a laugh, ignoring Charming's serious gaze)

Charming thinks back on the matter, remembering what the butter ant queen actually told him.

"Your master is strong, and a kind person. He risked his life to protect his followers, that is an admirable trait. (The Butter Ant Queen told Charming)

"My Lord is all of those things, and so much more. I know that he will accomplish great things someday, and that is why I follow him, so I can see them for myself. (Charming told her confidently)

"Hmm... I would like to follow him as well, all I care about is myself, so I need someone strong enough to protect me. I have relied on my ants for too long, and they fail me time and time again. Your master is not the first to threaten my life, intruders are attacking more frequently now, getting stronger each time they evade. I got stronger to better fight them, but it is only a matter of time before one of them destroys me, and I don't want to die. Tell your Lord that I can be useful to him, tell him that I will marry him if he so wishes. My army, my strength, and my resources will all be at his disposal. All I ask in return, is to be protected, like he protected you and the others. (The Queen pleaded, her head bowed low)

"Raise your head." (Charming told the massive insect, and she does so)... I do not know how my Lord will respond, but I will tell him what you have asked." (Charming tells her)

"That is all that I ask from you." (The Queen told him with a short bow)


Prince Charming: Right... It was just a prank. (Charming said after he snaps back to reality)... It was never really about marriage, so it all works out for the best. The Queen gets the protection she wanted, and my Lord gets a strong ally. It's a win win for both parties. (Charming thought with a satisfied smile)

Toby Robinson: Oh, let me check my stats! (Toby said excitedly)


[Name: Toby Robinson]

[Race: Human (Dreamer)]

[Title: Dream Tamer]

[Level: 8]

[Tamed: 3/3]

[Bonded: 1/3]

[Bond: 1/3]

[Health: 100/100HP]

[Dream Bank: 5064 Dream Points]

[Skills: Dream And Tamed Skills]

[Exp: 945/1750]

[Knowledge Bank: 998/1000 Knowledge Points]

Toby Robinson: It's so cool that I now have a high grade dream being that won't try and kill me... So awesome! (Toby said happily)

Prince Charming: The Ant Queen is now a sworn ally, you can trust her, My Lord. (Charming vouches)

Toby Robinson: Charming doesn't know how the System works, so he doesn't know that she can literally never betray me. The True Bond is a mutual bond of trust and friendship between a Dreamer and a Dream Being. Once the bond is formed, we're connected. The only downside to this is that I can't use her skills, I would have to tame her for that. But still, it's pretty sweet to have a high grade on my team, besides Clockwork. And what makes it even sweeter is, this. (Toby thought with a smile on his face, reading the message from the System)

[Domain Merging Complete]

[You Have Successfully Merged The Grassland Domain With The Butter World Domain]

[30% Merged]

[70% Absorbed]

Almost immediately after reading the message, Toby looks up to see a massive mountain rising in the distance, a yellowish substance completely covering the top of this mountain, and that substance is of course butter.

Toby Robinson: Woah... Now that is one of the coolest things I have ever seen. The coolest still being Clockwork, but let's face it, what can top a giant green dragon with a clock in it's chest! (Toby comments happily)

Prince Charming: Marvelous. (Charming said in awe, marveling at the glorious sight)

The Butter Ant Queen quickly flies towards the mountain, and upon reaching it she begins to dig into the concrete, with her ants immediately following suit.

[What Would You Like To Name This Section?]

Toby Robinson: Wow, I have to name it? Okay then, how about... (Toby says as he thinks about it for a second, looking at the keyboard that has appeared along with the screen)... Butter Ant Mountain! (Toby said as he typed in the words, smiling as he did so)

[Name Selected]

[Butter Ant Mountain Established]

Charming looks around, taking in the wonderful sights of this domain. The Royal Castle, his destroyed home, now restored and given purpose again. The trees and the grass, home to the insects that beautify the place even more with their presence. And now the mountain, standing tall and true in the distance, a testament to the strength and courage of the one who made all of this possible.

Prince Charming: You created something great here, My Lord. And to think that you are just getting started... I am truly amazed by you, Toby Robinson. (Charming tells him with a proud smile)

Toby Robinson: Oh shucks, don't be overdramatic, Charming. None of this would have been possible without you, Browny, Noble, and even Clockwork helping me. I owe it all to you. (Toby tells him sincerely)... You know what, why don't I do something. Yes, it makes perfect sense! We've created so much here, we can't just keep calling it the Grassland, this place deserves a better name. (Toby tells him enthusiastically)

Prince Charming: What do you suggest, My Lord? (Charming happily asks)

A few minutes later, Toby has selected a new name for his domain, and it couldn't have been any more perfect.

[Name Selected]

[The Grassland Domain, Is Now The Dream Kingdom Domain]

Next: Meeting True Evil