
I Indeed don't Know How to Cultivate

Zhang Jian crossed into a world of immortals... So do you think that the next thing that will happen is that the protagonist will go through a life and death duel and eventually become a dominant party, or some other cliches growth plot? No. Although this is a world full of cultivators and demons, Zhang Jian always thought he lived in an ordinary world. In the eyes of others, he is a hidden master who doesn't like to fight, a compassionate person who doesn't want to see killing. Outside, his partners have already been in wars with the enemy, while our protagonist is still in sweet dreamland. As the saying goes, the storm's eye is the most peaceful location, and the protagonist is in this.

different_minds · Fantasi
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284 Chs

chapter 59 Steward

Back to Zhang Jian, it was another morning for him, where he had to beat Wang Yan and Wu Ming to the kitchen before they made a mess or burned the hut down under the pretense of cooking a heartfelt meal for their Master.

Luckily, the two were still asleep, so he exhaled a relaxed breath as he entered the kitchen to make breakfast, the dream from before still at his consciousness.

He felt like he was forcing towards Lin Xi, and even if it was a dream fabricated by his unconsciousness he still felt bad.

In his eyes, Lin Xi was just a young woman to who the faith has been unkind.

Having to live in such an open cave, where anyone can enter was unsafe for an unmarried maiden to live in.

It was inappropriate to invite her to live with him, and with Lin Xi's strong personality she was sure to flat out refuse his kind intentions.

Leaning against the counter, Zhang Jian put his first on his mouth and supported his elbow with the other hand across his stomach, as he waited for the soup to boil over, thinking about a way to help protect Lin Xi from wanderers who stumbled upon her residence.

As he was trying to find a solution, his eyes fell upon the leftover ancient wood from building the fence, sitting on the floor of his courtyard, from the kitchen's window.

An idea suddenly popped in his head, he should make her a nice bow with arrows!

So after breakfast, he got to work. He passed by the shed, and fetched some carving tools, and sat down to the table.

His hands started working their magic and Wang Yan, who came to stand beside him after doing the dishes, was astonished.

Even, before the work was completed Wang Yan can already tell that it's gonna be a powerful bow.

'Is master making this for me? After I told him that I was hurt from being attacked by wild animals?', thought Wang Yan, a dreamy look appearing on her face.

'He's so considerate and charming!'

Zhang Jian was so focused on the task at hand, so he didn't notice the looks of admiration he was receiving, but Cerberus who lounging nearby did, and scoffed at her silly attitude.

He was ignored completely by Wang Yan, who was immersed in stalking Zhang Jian's every move. So he went to check on Black Pheasant and make fun of him instead.

Cerberus found Black Pheasant in its nest sitting on top of a bunch of eggs, and he couldn't contain his laugher, " You turned into a mother hen now?"

Black Pheasant wasn't pleased too, but in the end, they all were animals and had the body of animals. It was only natural for them to perform the natural obligation of serving humans.

Wu Ming who came back from hunting also saw the scene but managed to contain his amusement, instead he lowered his head and went back to the hut to give the rabbit he got to Zhang Jian for lunch.

At this moment, Zhang to one of his drawers, and fished a string he had kept along a bunch of material he received from Xiao Luo.

'The junk that Old Xiao had given him has finally proved useful', thought Zhang Jian, as he was finishing up the bow.

Seeing Wang Yan's intense gaze, Zhang Jian said " It'll be done soon" mistaking her attention for simple curiosity of wanting to see the finished product after watching him work since that was a habit of hers, but never would he have thought that she expected the bow to be gifted to her.

Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Wang Yan was assured that the bow was being made for her.

As for Zhang Jian, he decided that his arrows needed some feathers for the final product, so he got up from his chair, and went to borrow some from black Pheasant.

Arriving at the nest, he saw that there were eggs in the nest and was delighted, but the owner was nowhere to be seen, apparently still chasing Cerberus around for mocking it.

Ever since Black Pheasant came to live with him, it never laid eggs so that was the first time, and he couldn't wait till he tasted them.

But the thought of Lin Xi resurfaced in his mind again, so he decided to gift her these eggs as an imaginary apology.

He fetched a basket and gathered all the eggs, then picked up some nice feathers that Black Pheasant recently shed and went back to his post to finalize the set of bow and arrows.

Wang Yan, noticed the eggs in the basket and asked, " Are those the eggs laid by Black Pheasant?"

Zhang Jian confirmed her thoughts and got back to work.

But Wang Yan didn't shut up, " Oh they look so delicious, we can have a fried egg over rice or a nice hard-boiled egg, or even have some egg soup, all these delicacies I can taste, it's making my mouth water, yum!"

Hearing this Zhang Jian, said " The eggs are for Miss Lin Xi, she lives alone without a stable source of income, we should be nice to her"

Wang Yan, of course, what kind of demon Lin Xi was, so surely her master knew, but why did he insist on treating her nicely.

Like a child, Wang Yan stomped her foot on the ground and complained, " I have been waiting to taste it ever since Black Pheasant was brought here, but Lin Xi doesn't even know about the eggs, what harm could be done if I took them?"

Zhang Jian tried to reason with her, " Your Old Master Xiao entrusted you to me, therefore I'm responsible for teaching you about life values and teachings, and this time you should learn how to overcome your greed and become a generous person"

Wang Yan, lowered her head thinking ' At least I'm getting the bow, it's way precious than eggs anyways.'

When Zhang Jian finished lecturing Wang Yan he wrapped up the bow and arrows and called over Wu Ming, under the heated gaze of the maid in anticipation to receive the best gift in her life.

" Yes, my lord?"

Zhang Jian handed the egg basket and bow kit to Wu Ming and asked him to send them to Lin Xi.

When she heard that, Wang Yan widened her eyes, and stared hatefully at the bow kit that now was in Wu Ming's hands.

Wu Ming paid her no heed, as he bowed respectfully to Zhang Jian, " Yes, my Lord" and headed out.

Wang Yan felt that Lin Xi, that spiteful wench was stealing everything her, first her master's attention, the eggs, and now even the bow that she thought was rightfully hers.

Wang Yan pulled a jealous face, turned her back to amused Zhang Jian, stomped her small feet towards the bedroom, and slammed the door behind her.

Seeing this, Zhang Jian couldn't help but think that she was acting like a little brat, he thought that she would feel better soon and went to prepare lunch.

As for Wu Ming, he hurried towards Lin Xi's cave and soon found her leaning her back on a rock boulder while sitting, trying to concentrate on reading a book.

Wu Ming broke the silence, "Don't you feel bored staying all by yourself here?"

" And I was wondering when you will stop staring and actually talk, what brought here today?"

Wu Ming bit back a sarcastic remark and answered politely, " I was sent back by Lord Zhang Jian, to deliver a gift", as he pulled out from his bamboo basket the bow kit and a smaller egg basket for her.

Lin Xi got up from her sitting position and went to inspect the items. Her eyes widened at the amount of qi and power those two items contained. The eggs looked like they'd help her advance through her bottleneck, while the bow had an ancient aura to it.

It looks like Zhang Jian is really trying to compensate her for his shameful act.

Satisfied, Lin Xi became less hostile towards Wu Ming, who had been previously working under her. She reassured him that he no longer had ties with the demon world and that he didn't need to hide behind Zhang Jian.

Wu Ming was grateful to Lin Xi, and replied, " I have no intention of leaving, as remaining by his side is beneficial to me".

Curious, Lin Xi asks Wu Ming what kind of a person Zhang Jian is.

Wu Ming happily obliged, " Master is so kind, he wakes up early, and cooks us all our meals and splits the work with us equally, by his side, we don't suffer any hardships."

"What else?''

Wu Ming realized that he was being baited into spilling secrets and refused to talk. He excused himself and turned his back to leave, but Lin Xi stopped him, trying for another chance.

"You don't have to tell me everything now, you can slowly let me know, progressively"

Wu Ming was fed up with her, so he warned her, " I am loyal to lord Zhang Jian, and I won't betray the side I'm on, Master has been so kind to you and you still harbor bad intentions towards him?"

Wu Ming didn't even give her the time to answer as he turned back and left the cave.

If it was a year ago, when Wu Ming was still working for the demon realm, he would have accepted to be a spy as long as he was compensated, since he had to provide for himself and had no one to shelter him.

But now he was no longer that Businessman, he was now a respected Steward for Lord Zhang Jian.