
I In Love With My Summons

This is a story of a lonely boy who going to be one of the most popular guy in other words. Who know he going to be like that. Only wait and read the story. if you want to give this writer a support or commit you can by follow their Instagram " ktsd_art" and twitter "@KTSDart"

KTSD4 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

(8) The New Town

They see the town a head of them. They so happy and walk touch it. On the way there they star talk about what they should do when they arrive at the town. Taka remember that they still go letter from the town mayor when he first been teleport to this world. So he walk to the gate and ask the guard that can they help them to see the town mayor.

_ the Guard say " What can I help you guy? Do you guy have ID ? "

_ Kata " sorry, but we lose ID when we on our way here so. Can we meet the mayor of this town ? We have letter for him to identify us

And hope to make new ID for the 3 of us too."

At first the guard don't want to let them in but when Kata show him the latter he see the seal. He show him the way to the middle of the town the see the big castle with logo that have 3 picture 1 is castle 2 is shield and the last is sword. So Kata ask.

_Kata ". Why the logo have 3 picture?"

_Guard " it because this castle has 3 function. The mayor office town guard HQ and Adventurer guild in that one building ."

_Sino " so after we got ID can we also make a Adventurer ID so we can make some money by kill monster? "

_Guard " Yes. Only if you get the ID . Oh before anything else I should introduce myself . My name Gaga the west gate guard. "

_Kata Sino and Ura "hello Gaga thank you for your help."

And then they introduce themselves Kata" I am Kata and this is Sino and Ura." He point this the 2 of them.so the arrive at the mayor office . Gaga knock the door and an old man voice answer " come in.."

The door open the they see the old men sit while doing his job and ask them.

_old men "what business do you have here boys and girls."

_Gaga " sir theses 3 say that the loss the ID and hope we can make them 1 and also they have this letter who's them too. Sri"

He take the latter and give it to the old man . When he read the letter he know what to do.

_ old man " hello kata and Sino and who might the littler girl be."

_Kata " oh when we leave the town we came across her in the wood and her she ask if she can came along with us so I take her in ."

_old man " so you also want to make and ID for her too."

_Kata "yes Sri ."

_old man " ok them I will give you 3 and ID but you need to compete the test first . Like you mage and if you have been do any bad in the past .

_ all 3 " yes sir."

And the a female come and ask them to follow her.they got out ton the test room 1 by 1 and came out find and they don't have any criminals record so all 3 got there ID as a people of the castle town. When they look at the name of the town the so surprise that the name is simple but they not yet know that this one of the most dangerous town in this land. They go to the lower floor of the castle to register as a adventurer . They all go in and see a lot of adventurer sit and drinking or just sleep all over the place. The walk to the receptionist and ask

_Kata " can we sign up as an adventurer ?"

The receptionist say " my name Gio and yes you can just show me your ID and we also need to test your combat and MP before we let you in."

So they show her there ID test MP and the last one the has to go meet the tester and fight . So Sino and Ura has to hold back a bit so that they won't kill them but when Kata true he loss but they still got there ArID they all has to star from G rank and only can take a simple Quest like finding cat or help looking for pet . But they decide to find a place to rest first….