
BREAKS (shortest chapter)

There was tension in the backyard as we all waited and buried our eyes at the now panting and low laying Mandy

"Tobby...you know I wouldn't break your hurt in any way babe....I love you forever hun..."

Mandy looked up at Tobby as he gave the girl a furious lion sized eyes

She begged lots and lots of soothing words milking off her mouth

Tobby was still shocked and angry....he couldn't even move a muscle as Megan's words kept ringing in his pierced ears..

"I think we should just give each other some air...."

He then put down his glass of separty and left .

I went after him and found my worn out little brother seated by the side of the road and not uttering nothing.

"i can't do this no more bro..."

Mandy came fast almost breaking her feet