
Chapter 2 - The Calling World Dolonde

As I regained consciousness I was standing beside a large waterfall, I got up confused and remembered what happened, I had met God and he gave me a new life in a new world.

After some time thinking about everything that happened I decided to explore the place was a beautiful environment with its beautiful waterfall and its river with crystal clear water, the only sign of life I noticed was the birds singing in the surrounding trees.

But what caught my attention was something that was close to the riverbed, as I approached I noticed that it was a very beautiful purple colored armor with a crystal embedded in its center, and beside it was a sword inside its sheath. Then I became aware and looked around, I was not alone there, I took the sword on the ground and drew it I did not know if who was there was friend or foe. With sword in hand and aware of any movement in place, something came out of the water.

Watching closely I saw that she was a beautiful woman with black hair and completely naked. 'A mermaid?' I thought. She came out of the water very fast and shot towards me, I ended up distracting myself with that situation, the woman disarmed me and with a spin hit me in the back of the neck with the hilt of the sword, in an instant my eyes darkened.

Upon waking with a severe pain behind the head. I asked, "How many times do I have to lose consciousness in this world?" Realizing I was chained to the cell wall, "But what the hell is going on here? What world is this?"

"Looks like our guest has finally woken up!" Said a man outside the cell. He was a tall man, I would say he must have been six inches tall, had blond hair and blue eyes in his 26s.

"Lord Norhand, shall I warn Lady Aliaga that the prisoner has awakened?" Asked a man standing next to Norhand, he was shorter than the first 20 cm and had black hair. I had not noticed it until that moment.

"Yes, being able to go, meanwhile in conversation with our guest." Said Norhand.

The shorter man hurried and left us alone.

"Excuse me sir, but I think there was some misunderstanding here." Take pleasure in resolving this misunderstanding as soon as possible.

"My name is Arthur Mars, could you tell me your name sir? And what's going on here? "I asked and kept calm, I just wanted to sort it out and get out of there.

"Of course, my name is Norhand Trannyth Commander of the Falonde Republic troops." "And you're under arrest for being a suspected spy of the Donegrest Empire; Oh, and also for attacking Mrs. Aliaga. "

"This is a mistake I am not a spy, and I do not even know what this Empire is and I did not attack anyone, first I came from another world." The face what a problem I got into, I don't think he'll believe I came from another world.

"Another world? I've never heard such bullshit! "Norhand said scornfully.

Norhand open the cell. Said a woman's voice coming down the hall.

"Yes ma'am right now." Norhand said, saluting a woman I'd say was a higher-ranking person than his.

'I have the impression of having seen her before'. Arthur thought for a moment.

"Ah, you the mermaid who was naked in the waterfall, I couldn't recognize why she was in armor." Said Arthur surprised.

"You damn how dare you talk to her like that? You are in the presence of Aliaga Darkeyes, knight chosen by the holy armor. " Said Norhand furiously.

When Norhand finally opened the cell, Aliaga came in and drew her sword and pressed her blade to my neck.

"Damn you, if you tell anyone else I'll cut your head off." Said Aliga, still with her sword around my neck.

"I thought I was going to die." Said Arthur, breathing hard.

Aliaga Darkeyes was a beautiful woman with dark eyes and black hair, about the same height as my five-foot-seven, and wore dark purple armor with a crystal inlaid at its center.

"Colbet take off the chains, the King who talks to the prisoner." Aliaga told the low band that was with Norhand.

Colbet fulfilled his orders and released me from the chain, but still handcuffed led me down the hall.

"So he said something?" Aliaga asked Norhand.

"He said his name was Arthur and he came from another world." Norhand said laughing with disdain.

After a few minutes of walking through the corridors, we stopped in front of a large door, which as we approached it opened. As we entered the room there were horsemen lined the passage.

It was a very spacious room that could fit my parents' house with ease, its windows were huge illuminating the whole environment.

"Attention to all, you are in the presence of the King of the Falonde Republic - Crumorn Tarmikos V". Said a tall, muscular man with long blond hair.

Suddenly everyone there knelt, Aliaga and Norhand were on their knees too. Colbet the guard knocked me down to his knees, to someone short as he was quite strong.

They all rose after the King raised his hand. I was the only one who stayed there on his knees.

Aliaga and Norhand stood near the King, and beside them was the long-haired man who had announced him. The three must be the King's trusted people.

The King was a bearded man with gray hair, I would say he was not yet in his 60s, would kick about 50 years old, for someone his age he was muscular. Surely he was a king who commanded respect.

"So he said something while in the cell?" Said the King in his thick voice.

"Yes majesty, he calls Arthur Mars, denied being a spy of the Donegrest Empire and also said he did not know of his existence and attacked Mrs. Aliaga, as he also said he came from another world." Norhand hurried to tell the King.

"Another world?" Asked the King to make sure he had heard right.

Yes! Said Norhand.

"Prisoner, I want to hear what you have to say in your defense," said the King in his thick voice.

"I came from a world called Earth, from a country called Brazil! I had an accident and I ended up in this world. "Arthur said trying to justify himself.

'I had to hide the part that I was sent here by God, to the idea of ​​coming from another world, must already be crazy to them!'. Thought Arthur.

"What do you think of that, Marlamin?" The King asked the long-haired man who stepped forward.

I supposed he should be the King's advisor.

"Majesty Crumorn, I don't think he's lying! And I don't believe a Donegrest spy would invent anything like that either! "Said the man named Marlamin.

"Wait, Mr. Marlamin!" Interrupted Aliaga.

"And how much did he take my sword and try to attack me?" Aliaga asked.

'Oh really! This woman who throws more wood into the fire and complicates me even more. ´ thought Arthur hiding his irritation.

"How do you explain this prisoner?" Asked the King.

"I got it because when I saw that I wasn't alone, I could use it to defend myself if anyone there was someone dangerous," said Arthur, begging them to believe.

"You want acre ..." Before Aliaga finished speaking a knight entered the room interrupting her.

"Sorry Your Majesty." The panting knight hurried.

What happened? Asked the king.

The holy armor reacted Majesty.

"When did this happen?" Asked the suppressed King.

"It was soon after Mrs. Aliaga and the prisoner entered the walls of the Republic." Said the knight still trying to catch his breath.

I was still there handcuffed and on my knees not understanding what was going on at that moment.

"Don't tell me he?" Said the amazed King staring at me.