
I have Saitama's physique in the Fairy Tail world

[Invincible, invincible, still TM invincible] Raphael has traveled through time, and it’s still the world of Fairy Tail. Good news: There is a system. Bad news: The system traveled to the wrong world and ran away. Good news: Saitama’s physique is left behind. Bad news: You need to exercise and I will be bald...

Peringkat tidak cukup
58 Chs

Chapter 30


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At Haruzion Port, Natsu, Lucy and the Habies, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared here.

"Ah ah ah, why did I agree to come over? Is it okay if I regret it now?"Lucy, who was originally full of interest, finally started to get scared after asking several boatmen who didn't dare to go there because they were afraid of the cursed island.

"Ai~ Lucy is so shameful, it's obvious that she was the one who wanted it because of the money!" The harpy flew around her and kept complaining

"So I say we should just swim over there!" Natsu excitedly suggested again.


"Don't even think about it, this may be something that only you can do!"Lucy chopped Natsu's head with a knife and rejected Natsu's idea with a frown on her face.

Gray looked at Raphael beside him, wanting to say something but stopping himself. Seeing Gray's dead look, Raphael hit Gray on the head with a slap.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, don't be so mother-in-law!"

Gray covered his head and jumped around for a while, and said angrily:"You guys are too harsh. I just want to ask what kind of existence you just mentioned that I am interested in?

Raphael rolled his eyes and smiled maliciously:"There, your significant other exists!""

To a certain extent, Leon is indeed his other half.

Gray's mouth twitched and he said,"Forget it if you don't say it, why bother saying disgusting things about your other half.

Gray, who pretended to retch a few times, was silent for a while, and then continued to ask:"This mission...why is the president so nervous?" And it's so urgent that you go get them back? Natsu...will they really be expelled from the guild?"

"Before I answer these questions, let me first ask you, do you understand why S-level missions are called S-level missions?"Raphael turned back and looked at Gray seriously.

"Aren't they called S-class missions because they are difficult or have a high mortality rate?" Gray pondered for a while and answered what he knew.

Raphael shook his head:"These are only a small part. The real reason is that these missions were obtained at the cost of the lives of countless wizards, some of whom were even S-class wizards. Only then did we get the real information about the missions!"

Gray's pupils shrank. He couldn't believe that so many people had to be sacrificed just to get the mission information.

"Behind every S-level mission there is a demon or monster hidden by at least two or three people, and there must be at least one magician among them to solve it. And there is a demon behind this cursed island!"

Although this demon is actually dead, Raphael secretly added this sentence in his heart

"demon?"Gray instantly remembered the weak devil from the previous Lalabhai incident.

"Do you think it's the demon from the previous time with Bakro? That was just a small fry at best. You should be familiar with the real demon."Raphael looked at him meaningfully.

When Gray heard Raphael's words, his pupils shrank. He remembered the great terror that destroyed everything for him.

"As for Natsu and the others... don't worry, everything will be fine. Do you remember what I said before?"Raphael turned around and continued walking towards the port. He seemed to see Natsu and Lucy.

"What you said before... are you talking about the one that counts as the mission you accepted?"

"Yes, the nature of me accepting the mission and inviting Natsu and the others to be my team members is different from Natsu violating the rules and stealing the mission himself, so... look, they are in front, let's scare them secretly!"

Raphael confirmed that the backs in front were indeed Natsu and Lucy, and he quickly slowed down and secretly called Gray over to scare them.

Gray was relieved after hearing what Raphael said, and then he also smiled wickedly and quietly approached behind them.

Natsu and Lucy were looking at the sea in the distance helplessly, and they couldn't think of any way to go out to sea.

"So I'd better swim over there. Lucy, sit on my head and I'll take you over there!" Natsu still wanted to swim over there, after all, the means of transportation were too scary for him.

"Wow, you two are so close!"

"Found you!"

Raphael and Gray quietly walked behind them, grinned at each other, and suddenly reached out and patted their shoulders!

Natsu and Lucy were so scared that they almost fell into the sea.


"Don't suddenly appear behind others!"

After Lucy came to her senses, one of them punched her to cover up the embarrassment of being frightened.

"Gray?! Raphael?! What are you here for?"Natsu was actually so arrogant that he didn't know what Gray and the others were doing.

Raphael covered his face helplessly:"Your affairs have come to light. The old man entrusted us to bring you back!"

"Have you discovered me?!" Natsu opened his mouth in surprise!

Even Lucy covered her face helplessly:"So you didn't hear a word Raphael said just now, right?"

"Come back with us! It's too late to go back now, otherwise you will be expelled from the guild!"

Gray rolled his eyes and said to Natsu pretending to be serious.

"No! I just want to do an S-level mission!"Natsu shook his head stubbornly, determined not to go back,"I want to prove to the president that I am capable of completing the mission on the second floor!"

"Expel... expel from the guild?" Lucy, who was standing by, only focused on these words, and her eyes went dark.

"Raphael~ They forced me to come. I have been trying to persuade them not to come!"Smart guy... Cat has decided to distance himself from the matter and protect himself.

"Strictly speaking... it was you, Harpy, who was exposed first. After all, you are the only cat that can fly and grow wings."Gray's ruthless words instantly dealt a heavy blow to Harpy.

Harpy out!

"Hahaha, you stupid cat!"

Lucy took the opportunity to mock Habi mercilessly.

"No, I don't care, I will definitely complete this mission, now is not the time to back down!"Natsu clenched his fists, looking at Raphael with fire in his eyes and said

"In this case, let's follow along!"

Raphael turned around and looked for Bobo, the only boatman willing to take them to Karna Island.

"I know Raphael, you can't...eh?"

Natsu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Raphael didn't pull him back.

"Raphael took over the mission himself, and then invited you to complete this mission with me as a member of his team. Thank you Raphael, he allowed you not only to not be punished this time, but also to gain experience."

Gray held his hands, a faint smile flashed across his face, then turned his head and looked at Raphael's figure and said to Natsu.

Natsu was silent.

"You must be Bobo!" Raphael looked around and finally found the boatman with a beard that looked like a circle.

It must be said that the devil's aesthetics are a bit weird. Not only did he transform into an angular face, but he also made his beard into a circle. With the mouth in the middle, he looked like a target no matter how you looked at him.

"I am, what's wrong? Didn't I say I wouldn't go to that cursed island?" Bobo looked up at the man in front of him who was smiling and squinting at him. He felt intuitively that this man was scary, very, very scary!

"We are wizards from the Fairy Tail Guild. We have been commissioned to go to Karna Island to help lift the curse. Are you sure you don't want to take us there?"

Raphael looked at Popo with a hollow look.

"...In that case, I'll take you there!" Bobo felt that if he didn't agree to Raphael's request, he would suffocate.

Sure enough, after he agreed, the suffocating feeling disappeared instantly. He gasped for air as if in the spring breeze. When he came to his senses, Raphael had already called Natsu and the others to get on the boat.

Natsu walked to Raphael in silence, looked up and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Raphael.

"Although I accepted the mission, I will not take action unless you call me. I know what you want to prove, so you can do it boldly, I will take care of it!"

Raphael patted Natsu's shoulder and turned to walk onto the boat.

""Okay! I will definitely prove it to you!" Natsu was instantly excited and got on the boat with great enthusiasm, but the next second he turned into a dead salted fish, a dead salted fish that was about to ascend to heaven.

"Not handsome for a second!"

Lucy's complaints are fast and accurate!

""Uncle, do you know what the curse on the island is?" Lucy turned around and asked Popo after she finished complaining,"And why were you willing to send us there after knowing that we were wizards?"

Popo was silent for a while, looking at the surging sea in front of him, and said,"That curse... is terrible. Everyone on our island is cursed. I was the only one who escaped from that place with great difficulty. I have asked many people to help, but everyone who lands on the island will be beset by this curse and cannot be eradicated. Even so, are you sure you want to go?"

Lucy was frightened and trembling, while Gray frowned and looked ahead seriously:"Go! Fairy Tail will never give up a mission unless it dies in battle!"

Popo unexpectedly turned his head to look at Gray, and when he saw the dozing Raphael in his peripheral vision, a hint of understanding flashed in his eyes. Yes, with the existence of such a strong man, this time maybe... it can really succeed!

Popo retracted his gaze and looked at the looming island in front of him. A strong sea breeze lifted his cloak, revealing his devil-like arm in front of everyone.


Gray, Lucy and Happy were stunned for a moment.

"So, I beg you, please lift this curse that has caused us pain for so long!"


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