
I have no mana, but I start with "magical tool creation"

It was a different world when I fell into a hole. The initial skill is only creating magical tools. There is no mana in my body to use magical tools. Am I screwed? I will somehow survive with this. Aim to return to Earth., from syosetu : n9650fg I want to read it, so i use Chat GPT to translate it.

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Chapter 6 - Day 5: A Boxed Idea?

On the fifth day,

Collecting the corpses of magical creatures was becoming a morning routine, and breakfast consisted of sandwiches and vegetable soup.

Today, I started again with magical tool creation.

Magical Tool Creation Level 2

Which function would you like to use? (Up to 10 times per day)

Magical Tool Creation (2 times per day)

Transmutation of Possessions into Magical Tools (3 times per day)

Addition or Removal of Magical Tool Functions (3 times per day)

Expansion and Adjustment of Magical Tool Functions (2 times per day)


I selected "Magical Tool Creation."

Magical Tool Creation Level 2

Choose the shape.




Cooking Device



Today, I chose a "Box."

Through the functionality of basic appraisal, I learned about skill explanations. Using that knowledge, I researched "Magical Tool Creation Level 2."

Leveraging this understanding, I proceeded with today's "Magical Tool Creation."

Magical Tool Creation Level 2

Magical Tool Creation

Select the details.




Lid (Yes/No)



I focused on "Width 1m, Depth 50cm, Height 50cm, with Lid."

Magical Tool Creation Level 2

Magical Tool Creation

Select the details.

Width: 1m

Depth: 50cm

Height: 50cm

Lid: Yes



I confirmed the input.

I mentally said "Execute."

Magical Tool Creation Level 2

Magical Tool Creation

Box 1

Width: 1m

Depth: 50cm

Height: 50cm

Lid: Yes

Select functions from the list.

Function 1

Function 2



I thought "Function 1 list."

Function 1 List

Infinite Storage

Breeding Storage

Disassembly and Sorting of Magical Creatures and Beasts

Separation and Sorting of Plant Materials

Separation and Sorting of Inorganic Materials

Item Production

Infinite Storage

Breeding Storage

Disassembly and Sorting of Magical Creatures and Beasts

Separation and Sorting of Plant Materials

Separation and Sorting of Inorganic Materials

Item Production

"Function 1: Separation and Sorting of Plant Materials" was selected.

In "Function 2 list," I also chose "Infinite Storage."

Following the instructions, I prepared materials and performed "Magical Tool Creation."

This Box 1 will separate and store plants put into it, categorizing them by material type. It will separate grains from wheat, turn wheat into flour, divide herbs into roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits, and so on.

You can not only directly place items in it but also transfer them from other storage-function magical tools.

Additionally, materials that have been sorted and stored through the separation function can be transferred to other magical tools with storage functions.

The storage magical energy capacity is 200, and each operation consumes 5 magical energy units. Recovery takes 5 minutes for 1 unit.

Similarly, I created Box 2 with the functions "Disassembly and Sorting of Magical Creatures and Beasts" and "Infinite Storage."

Tomorrow, I plan to create boxes for "Separation and Sorting of Inorganic Materials" and "Item Production."

Under "Transmutation of Possessions into Magical Tools," I transmuted shoes, smartphone, and tablet into magical tools.

For the shoes, I added the functions "Enhanced Defense" and "Degradation Prevention."

The smartphone and tablet were equipped with "Magic Energy Charging" and "Indestructibility" functions.

For "Addition or Removal of Magical Tool Functions," I targeted two wristbands and a ring.

For the ring worn on the left index finger, I added "Basic Light Magic" and "Basic Binding Magic."

"Basic Light Magic" included Flash, Light Sphere, and Light Bullet. Casting the magic required 2 magical energy units. Flash could dazzle, Light Sphere emitted a bright light similar to a 200W light bulb, and Light Bullet was a 5cm long and 2cm diameter light projectile, capable of piercing through a 20cm thick tree trunk.

"Basic Binding Magic" involved restraining objects with magically created ropes, demanding 5 magical energy units per casting.

Upon adding these functions, I synthesized a Horn Rabbit's magical stone into the ring, increasing the storage magical energy capacity to 70. Recovery also improved to 2 units every 5 minutes.

For the wristband worn on the left wrist, I added "Basic Earth Magic" and "Basic Scouting Magic."

"Basic Earth Magic" offered abilities like constructing defense walls, bridges, waterways, foundations, and embankments, each requiring 5 magical energy units per usage.

"Basic Scouting Magic" enabled me to scout objects within 100 meters. It consumed 1 magical energy unit per hour.

By combining 2 more magical stones, the storage magical energy capacity increased to 150.

For the wristband worn on the right wrist, I added "Enhanced Magic Resistance" and "Enhanced Poison Resistance." These functions provided resistance against magic attacks and poison, respectively. They were not complete immunities and consumed 1 magical energy unit per hour.

I also performed "Expansion and Adjustment of Magical Tool Functions."

Through a function enhancement, Tent 1's internal expansion increased by 2 levels, providing a toilet and a shower. I combined 5 magical stones, raising the storage magical energy capacity to 800. Recovery improved, but consumption increased as well. The toilet came with automatic toilet paper supply, but the drainage system remained unclear – likely dismantled into another dimension.

I upgraded the "Simple Barrier" on the left wrist to "Basic Barrier," enhancing its strength. It allowed me to create short-duration magical barriers.

After various tasks and confirmations, I could manage smoothly and even have an early lunch.

In the afternoon, I practiced swordplay, went a bit far for collection, and hunted magical creatures and beasts. "Magical Tool Creation" required magical stones from these creatures, but my equipment and defenses were well-prepared, including my ability to sense presence. I planned to explore around 1000 meters.

I discovered a nearby river and swamp, following a beast trail I had created. It seemed that the area had rivers and wetlands according to the information from the basic appraisal.

I brought a sword, Eco Bag 1, and the storage feature of the wristbands with me, wearing all my magical tools, including rings, bracelets, clothes, and shoes. Additionally, I had prepared sandwiches and tea in a cup within the time-stop storage of the left-hand wristband.

I used my keen sense to explore while collecting. If monsters approached, I'd interrupt collection to deal with them. I grew accustomed to fighting, using my enhanced barriers for defense.

I fought and defeated creatures like the Horn Rabbit, Forest Wolf, Small Boar, and Big Boar without problems. Had I adapted or did my "Basic Mental Stability" spell help? After decapitating creatures, I had to purify the blood before storage.

Midway, I switched to the Instant Death Magic to minimize blood. However, it seemed to affect some materials.

I managed to collect various materials, including wild rice, lotus, and fish from the river. I found a stream with sand, discovering a good amount of gold within the sand.

As I returned, I continued collecting and hunting. It was around 3:30 PM when I reached back. The expedition lasted around 2.5 hours. The beast trail development increased creature appearance rates, and I had time to create defensive walls around the tent.

After preparing a defense barrier and collecting materials, I relaxed until evening. At 6 PM, I used the all-purpose cooking device to make dinner – wild rice mixed with side dishes and miso soup.

I showered and went to bed, feeling the expedition had been good exercise, ensuring a good night's sleep.

Magical Tool List:

Left Bracelet: Basic Barrier, Basic Earth Magic, Basic Scouting Magic, Basic Healing Magic, Basic Presence Detection

Right Bracelet: Enhanced Magic Resistance, Enhanced Poison Resistance, Time Stop (50), Basic Electric Magic, Life Magic

Left Ring (Index Finger): Basic Light Magic, Basic Binding Magic, Basic Water Magic, Basic Fire Magic, Basic Earth Magic, Basic Wind Magic

All-Purpose Cooking Device: All-Purpose Cooking, Material Acquisition

Sword: Indestructible, Enhanced Sharpness

Box 1: Separation and Sorting of Plant Materials, Infinite Storage

Box 2: Disassembly and Sorting of Magical Creatures and Beasts, Infinite Storage

Eco Bag 1: Time Stop (20)

Eco Bag 2: Time Stop (20)

Tent 1: Concealment, Defense Barrier, Internal Expansion Level Up (2), Lighting, Air Conditioning

Water Bottle: Drink Generation

Japanese Tea Bottle: Japanese Tea Generation

Towel: Convert to Bedding

Smartphone: Magic Energy Charging, Indestructible

Tablet PC: Magic Energy Charging, Indestructible

Clothes: Enhanced Defense, Degradation Prevention

Pants: Enhanced Defense, Degradation Prevention

Shoes: Enhanced Defense, Degradation Prevention

Hat: Enhanced Defense, Degradation Prevention