

Since my childhood days I was absolutely introvert..that's complicated and but fortunately, I have had good results at studies as always..and I have no vision and I was so simple...and after I passed high school level...I need to transfer to higher education as there is no Higher level school in our village but I won't give up I promise myself ...and I pray alot for my studies..and when I get to go to our new school I have no friends.. this little shy girl have nothing to do making new friends..but I used to tell myself this 'determination can make impossible tasks possible' to encourage and inspire myself

No one knows how time passed...I think time is flying..then time passed away..and I also have had friends now ...when first term exam comes ...I was supposed to do well but I was failed in Chemistry subject ( that's because this subject is the last and I cant answer my questions because of excitement of getting out of our hostel ..my parents are already there in our hostel I wanna see them so bad..and that's why) 🤣 whenever I think that again I used to laugh like an idiot...

That's the first time I failed in my term exam...it hurt me alot but not that much because I know the reason why I failed.... 2nd term exam come again and I know I should not fail again..but do u know what exactly is happening?? no..!!!. then here's what happened...I failed again ..but this time not only one subject but failed again in both Physics and Chemistry subject..!!!😒😒 can u feel how much would it hurt me????? ahhh..never mind my turn would also come again.....

Now can we go to the positive side 💕...let's see ....but before that I wanna tell you something about our hostel Life ....I'm soooo sooo soo lonely 😔 in the hostel..so let's stop that... now this is I wanna tell you in the third term I get the 6th( out of 83 students )position in our class I also proud myself and feeling so blessed and happy ☺️🥰 I made my family happy also that's all

See you in another story good bye everyone..I would really appreciate it if you let me know how my story about thank you