
I have fallen for the villian

It's about a cold , aloof guy transmigrating in a world which itself has a little problem. Being transmigrated : It's a joy or a headache?? No connection to this world guy: I am pretty neutral about it... Did you acquired any cheats??? I am myself a cheat! So who is going to be your main lead here?? That I have no idea... ............... TRANSMIGRATION!! A WORLD ACTUALLY A NOVEL!!!! NO IDEA ABOUT THE NOVEL!!!! NO CONNECTION TO THE NOVEL!!! NO CONNECTION TO THE AUTHOR!! THEN WHAT'S THE REASON FOR MY TRANSMIGRATION? ?? NO CONNECTION TO ANY KIND OF REASON! " _"

Thrishalaupadh1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

A new world

When i was loosing myself into the darkeness step by step, something warm filled my heart. It was akin to a ray of light that showed me my way out of the darkeness. The end soon made my eyes droopy as i tried to keep them open.

As i opened my eyes again, I was a bit shocked by my surroundings. It wasnt my little appartment but a european type room. 'Such an extravagant furnitute' that was the first thought. Then i remembered that i was transported to this world and i fed a vampire. So vampire are a reality here.

Suddenly the door of my room opened and the group of kids he saw in the cave came in one by one. offcourse the vampire ethan was staring at me like i am some kind of delicious snack. They all sat on the couch in the room. Ethan asked " How are you feeling?"

Ling xiao was having a bit complex feelings about all this situation. So he replied " I am fine."

Eli went towards ling xiao and touched his head to check the temperature. He then nodded and said " He is completely fine."

Rena then happily said " Thankyou for saving ethan."

Ling xiao only smiled. He then get out of his bed. He was wearing a semi green coloured nightwear which exactly shows a certain part of his chest. His tall structure as he stood up and his long white hairs that reached his back were mesmerizing. Copouled with his silver eyes having a hint of redness at the boundary makes him look bewitching. He walked towards the couch and sat in front of ethan. The room has a big balcony where couch is placed. As the wind made ling xiao's hair flutter it was like silky water having ripples.

Each one of them were attracted instantaneously to him. Even ethan smiled a bit. Ethan then asked " whats your name?"

Ling xiao has no idea of this world. The so called system isnt also responding . On his first tym he was greeted with a minatour then vampires. Seems like this a dangerous world. These people in front him seems not that bad. Maybe they can help him to understand a bit. He then decided to gamble once.

ling xiao replied " My name is ling xiao. "

That was a wierd name in this world. so everyone were a bit awkward after hearing his name. Ethan then asked " Where is your home ?"

Ling xiao lied " i seem to forget my memories. I cant remember anything about me or about here."

Ethan raised an eyebrow and then smiled " Well nothing can be done then. Be with us until your memories return"

Ling xiao thought for a while then replied "okay."

Ethan then asked ling xiao to get dressed. They left and a butler came inside. The butler started dressing up ethan. The clothes here are exactly not of european style. Its quite different fashion here. After dressing up ling xiao looked himsf in mirror. He is currently having a big ponytail with a big black lace in his head .The black lace is as long as his hairs. He is dressed in full black with a hint of silver in his clothes. He is wearing a black pant and a black v neck shirt with full sleeves. A silver half overcoat on top with black buttons. He is looking really hot. This is the first time , he is seeing his appearance in this world. He was stunned and then became normal.

He then came down where rest were waiting for him. As he came down he saw ethan staring at him.

ling xiao coughed and rena was the first to say something " you are looking really good."

ling xiao nodded a bit. Then he asked "Are we going out."

Eli then replied " Yeah. Taking you out to make you familarize here. First we need you to take you to an old man to fix your appearance. Its a lot eyecathing."

Then they all got into a wierd kind of carriage pulled by two beautiful animals. After an hour of travel , they finally reached a house in middle of forest. The house looks beautiful.All this time ling xiao was looking out of the carriage window. His face was almost plastered on the window. Rena teased him a bit. As they entered the house gate, an old man was seen silently sitting outside and sipping the tea.

Ethan stepped forward and said "old man we need your help"

The old man looked up and sneered " How come you asking me for help today?"

Ethan's lips twitched and he said " change his appearance."

Then the old man followed ethan's stare and saw a beautiful young man standing in middle. He was like a painting a beautiful one. The old man then asked " IS HE A HUMAN?"

Ethan the replied " yes"

The old man narrowed his eyes and said "Follow me!"

They followed him. As the old man reached the library he clicked a button. After that a hidden passage was shown. Several candles were lit up as soon as they entered the dark passage. As they walked downwards the stairs, ling xiao observed his surroundings. The stair reached an end and there was a huge room with a big magic circle in the middle.The sides of the magic circle were illuminated by several candles.

The old man then said " I will activate it. Tell him to drop his blood when i say so."

Ling xiao followed his instruction and went in middle of circle and then on the old man saying he dropped his blood. The magic circle illuminated a light blue colour. Soon the light became dim. The old man widened his eyes and asked " How can this be possible?" He then turned his head towards ethan and asked "Are you sure he is a human!"

Ethan too narrowed his eyes. He was simple sure that he is a human as he drank his blood.

Ling xiao then smiled and said " I lost my memories and i dont know what species i am."

Ling xiao was also nervous as he himself thought that he is a human. But now what exactly he is!!!