
I Have Control Over Man's Weakness

Kevin, a scrawny teenager, felt like his life was falling apart. His parents' divorce left him stuck with his distant dad and stepmom, feeling lost and alone. On his birthday, surrounded by his fragmented family, Kevin made a desperate wish: for control and a sense of purpose. The next day, his world changed forever. A mysterious message appeared, announcing: **[Congratulations, Kevin! You have been granted the Seduction System by the Goddess of Love.] ** **[Welcome to the home tab.] ** **[Your daily quests are pending completion.] ** As Kevin explored the system, he discovered he had the power to manipulate women's desires, making them drawn to him. But this power came with a caveat: he couldn't control everyone, and the system only worked on women. With this ability, Kevin attracted a diverse group of women, each with their own secrets and motivations. There's the shy classmate, the charismatic cheerleader, the enigmatic artist, and more. As Kevin navigates his new relationships, he must confront his own vulnerabilities and decide how to wield his influence. Will he use his power to build genuine connections, or will he succumb to the temptation of control? And what happens when the women in his life begin to uncover the truth about his abilities? _With men being so attached to women, who's to say he couldn't manipulate them by controlling the women his enemies desired?_ This added layer suggests Kevin could indirectly influence men by controlling the women they're interested in, opening up possibilities for strategic maneuvering and conflict. It raises questions about the extent of Kevin's power and his willingness to use it to achieve his goals.

EMUAKHE · perkotaan
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16 Chs

Slap it

Kevin's heart raced as the crowd's energy hit a fever pitch. The stripper on stage had been working the room, teasing the men as they hollered and tossed bills into the air. His focus, however, was locked solely on her as the Connection Skill worked its magic.

He could see the subtle way her gaze kept returning to him, drawn to him like a magnet in a sea of thirsty patrons.The men nearest to the stage had their eyes glued to her, anticipation building with every seductive move she made.

She leaned in close to one of them, her chest just inches from his face, her brown skin gleaming under the flashing lights. As he leaned in, desperate to be closer, she grabbed him by the thigh, brushing against him in a way that made the crowd roar with approval.

But her eyes—those eyes were still on Kevin.

The crowd's cheers grew louder as she started to walk down from the stage, edging her way closer to him. Bills flew through the air like confetti, but she didn't seem to care. She was moving toward Kevin, her hips swaying, her black dress hugging her curves tightly. And then, just when she was inches away, she turned her back to him, shaking her thick, curvaceous ass with wild abandon.

Kevin's breath caught in his throat as the system buzzed.

[Slap it.]

He hesitated. The command was simple enough, but the environment around him was anything but. He was surrounded by rowdy men, all focused on her. He wasn't sure how they'd react if he followed through. The moment stretched on, the energy in the room growing even more charged as the stripper worked her magic.

But then she shouted, her voice ringing out over the pulsing music:


The crowd erupted in cheers, the atmosphere reaching a chaotic high. In that instant, Kevin made his decision. The hesitation melted away as he realized this was part of the show—part of the chaos she had invited.


Kevin's hand connected with her thick, round ass, the sound cutting through the noise of the club like a whip crack. The crowd around him went wild. There was no turning back now.

The stripper turned her head slightly, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. But before the moment could escalate any further, the men around Kevin, emboldened by his actions, surged forward.

They were like animals, their hands reaching out to touch her—some grabbing at her waist, others reaching for her breasts. It was like a switch had been flipped, and suddenly the line between performance and chaos had disappeared.

Kevin stepped back, unsure of how quickly things had spiraled. It was one thing to follow the system's commands, but this? This was turning into something far more intense.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" someone shouted, but it was too late. Hands were everywhere, groping, pulling, as the crowd lost control.Suddenly, the bouncers burst through the crowd. Two large men in black suits stormed toward the stage, pushing patrons out of the way. They grabbed the stripper, pulling her back from the wild mob of men, and rushed her toward the backstage area.

Kevin stood frozen, watching as the bouncers quickly regained control of the situation. The stripper was whisked away, but not before she glanced back at Kevin, a look of raw hunger in her eyes. Despite the chaos, despite the men who had piled in on her, there was a glint in her gaze that told him she had wanted something more from him—something he had only just begun to explore.

BackstageThe bouncers ushered her into the dressing room, trying to calm her down. She was breathing heavily, her body still humming from the adrenaline of the moment.

But her mind was elsewhere.

'All of that… it was so hot,' she thought, her pulse still racing. 'I hope that guy touched me. All those men, they were nothing compared to him.'

She couldn't stop thinking about Kevin—the way his hand had felt when it slapped her, the way their eyes had met, even in the chaos. There was something different about him, something that drew her in more than the others. Her thoughts spiraled, her body still heated with desire.

As the bouncers left her to calm down, she couldn't shake the feeling that the night wasn't over yet.


The show had gone on much longer than Kevin had expected. The energy in the club had been wild, and by the time the last performer finished, it was past 2 a.m. The crowd had slowly begun to thin out, the excitement of the night fading as people stumbled toward the exit. Kevin had chosen to hang back, waiting as the system instructed, a quiet hum of anticipation building within him.He had turned off the Connection Skill for now, deciding to let things play out naturally. It was risky to rely on the system all the time, especially after the chaotic scene earlier. Instead, he waited, content to see how things would unfold on their own.As he made his way toward the exit, the system buzzed once more.[New Quest: Wait by the blue car.]Kevin blinked, looking around. The message was clear, and when he stepped outside, he spotted it almost immediately—a sleek, blue luxury car parked just around the corner. The car stood out against the dimly lit street, shining under the glow of the streetlights. It was the kind of car that looked like it cost a fortune, a rare sight in this part of town.He moved closer, leaning against a lamppost nearby as the night air settled around him. The street was mostly empty now, quiet except for the distant sounds of the city. Kevin's curiosity was piqued. Why was the system telling him to wait here?Two minutes later, he got his answer.The door of the club opened, and the stripper from earlier stepped out, her eyes scanning the street. Her gaze landed on Kevin almost immediately, a flicker of recognition crossing her face."What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice curious but cautious.Kevin straightened up, giving her a casual shrug. "Just waiting for someone," he said, his tone nonchalant. "Looks like it's you."She raised an eyebrow, intrigued, but didn't question him further. Instead, she started walking toward him, her heels clicking against the pavement. The closer she got, the more Kevin could feel the pull between them. There was something about the way she moved, the way her eyes locked onto him, that made the tension between them almost palpable.[Attraction Increase: 7%]The system's message popped up, and Kevin could feel the shift happening in real-time. Her interest in him was growing with each word, each look they exchanged."So, what's your deal?" she asked, crossing her arms as she stopped in front of him. "You don't seem like the usual crowd around here."Kevin smiled. "Maybe I'm not."[Attraction Increase: 9%]She laughed softly, her gaze lingering on him a little longer than before. There was something playful in her eyes now, a spark that hadn't been there when they were inside the club."Well, what are you waiting for, then?" she asked, gesturing toward the car. "Get in."Kevin hesitated for a second, glancing at the car. "Where are we going?" he asked.She shrugged, her smile widening. "Wherever the night takes us."[Attraction Increase: 18%]That was all the invitation Kevin needed. Without another word, he opened the passenger door and slid into the sleek leather seat. She followed soon after, starting the engine with a low purr that filled the silence of the night.They drove in comfortable silence for a while, the city lights passing by in a blur. Kevin could feel the tension in the air, the sense that something was building between them. Every glance she shot his way, every subtle movement she made, only heightened the attraction.Finally, she broke the silence. "You know, I don't usually do this," she said, her voice soft but teasing.Kevin smirked, his confidence growing with every passing second. "Then why now?"She glanced at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Maybe you're just different."They drove for a little while longer until she pulled up to a small, quiet hotel on the outskirts of town. The building wasn't flashy, but it was discreet, tucked away from the prying eyes of the city. She parked the car and turned to him with a smile that promised the night was far from over."Well," she said, leaning in slightly. "Shall we?"Kevin felt the system hum in the back of his mind, but this time, he didn't need its guidance. He could feel the momentum of the night carrying him forward, and he wasn't about to stop now.

Now we're getting somewhere

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