
V7 Ch 27: The French man.

"Sunaarashi!" Sir Integra yells in her office.

Sandstorm suddenly appears in front of her.

"Yes sir Integra!" Sandstorm says with an excited air punch.

"We got new recruits coming today they are mercenaries." Sir Integra says

"Ok sir what do you want me to do?" Sandstorm asks with a head tilt while her fox ears twitch.

"I already asked Seras but I want you to also be there to show them there is much more to this world than just humans." Sir Integra says

"Yes sir but why not Allucard?" Sandstorm asks

"Because.... they are French." Sir Integra says

"Got it?" Sandstorm says before teleporting away.

"Walter are we sure we couldn't get any English mercenaries?" Sir Integra says tiredly with a hand to her face.

"If it's their record you are worried about, they have quiet an amazing one." Walter says trying to appease her.


Later that day in the dining room.

"As you have all heard you have been contracted to the hellsing organization as "bodyguards". As you may have heard we deal with special interest targets. Terrorists, cultists, vampires, and other supernatural creatures." Sir Integra says

""""haha haha""""

A lot of the mercenaries start laughing.

"Don't believe me well... Seras?" Sir Integra says and Seras walks forwards.

"Um... hello? I'm a vampire." Seras says

Pip starts laughing.

"Oh my god this is better than when my ancestors said they already had a holy grail!" Pip says before laughing again.

"Oh, he does? Is it very nice?" says a voice from in the middle of the mercenaries.

They look to see a small ginger haired girl no ears not tail.

"Yes yes it is." Pip says

"Can I see it?" Sir Integra asks wondering about the treasure known as the holy grail.

"No you stinky Englishman!" Pip says before hitting his hat a few times.

"How rude." Sir Integra says

"I got this sir Integra! French man, I fart in your general direction." Sandstorm says back.

"Oh yeah! Well your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!" Pip taunts back.

"Oh that's it soldier of guy de loimbardo! Ready the catapult!" Sandstorm yells with a catapult and a live cow appearing in the corner of the room.

Before anything else can happen.

"Hey kids!! Wanna see a dead body!!" Allucard says partially sticking through the wall.

All the French mercenaries scream besides Pip.

"Awe, you are using medieval siege weaponry without me!" Allucard says a bit up set seeing the catapult.

"Everybody stop!!!" Sir Integra shouts.

Everyone goes quiet.

"Moooo!" Well besides the cow in the corner.

"What happened!" Sir Integra says

Suddenly Walter runs in "Sorry Sir I tried to stop him, but he just said and pardon my French. 'Fuck the police' and proceeded to tilt every painting on the way here." Walter says exhausted

"Pfft!" Sandstorm stifles her laughter.

"I'm not talking about that Walter, there is a cow in the room for Christ sake!!" Sir Integra says

Everyone goes quiet again.

"How did a cow get in here?" Walter asks

"I don't know how did it fox girl?" Sir Integra asks

"Ah you see, me and the French man became best friends!" Sandstorm says with a smile.

"That we did! Monty Python is a comedy genius!" Pip says back excitedly.

"Hey do you wanna see the holy hand grenade of antiog. One of my magic allows me to own every treasure in the world! It should be in there!" Sandstorm says with a gleeful smile.

"Wait isn't the holy grail in there too?" Pip asks

"It should be!" Sandstorm says excitedly.

"Everyone Shut up!!!" Sir integra says messaging her forehead.

"Fox girl did you just say that you have every treasure in the world? You know what never mind just put the cow back before it poops on the carpet." Sir Integra says with a really tired voice.

Sandstorm snaps her fingers, suddenly the cow and catapult disappear.

"Anyway Senior vampire hunter *points at Walter*, baby vampire*points at Seras*, Senior vampire*points at Allucard*, bored god likes to pretend to be a 9 tailed fox *points at Sandstorm*" Sir Integra says before walking out of the room leaving everyone.

"Wait! a deity?" Pip says looking at Sandstorm.

Sandstorm smiles and changes to her 9 tails avatar.

"Technically yes? But I'm just in this world cause I got bored." Sandstorm says

"So I'm friends with a deity?" Pip asks

"Yep I will also give you a gift!" Sandstorm says with a mischievous smile.

Suddenly hundreds of golden circles open up and several weapons of myth and legend cycle through at a fast pace.

Walter just stares at the monster that is fox girl.

"Hurry up and chose one." Sandstorm says

"Uh... Ah... Hmm." Pip begins contemplating

Suddenly all the circles disappear.

"Times up!" Sandstorm says handing Pip a pen.

"Huh?" Pip says a little confused

"You didn't chose anything so I chose this pen for you!" Sandstorm says with that ever annoying know it all smile.


"The pen is mightier than the sword." Sandstorm says with 'a try it expression'.

Pip pushes the thing on the pen down and suddenly it transforms into a sword.

"Tada!" Sandstorm says before disappearing from her spot.

"She's worse than me some times isn't she? I need to up my game!" Allucard says before leaving

Walters face goes pale as he runs off to warn Sir Integra leaving Seras with the mercenaries.

Wrote this after remembering a day at work where everyone was just screaming Monty Python lines back and fourth at each other. Never loved my job so much after that moment.

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