
I have become the Child Emperor

A man finds himself inside the body of the Child Emperor from the world of Akame Ga Kill. With this unexpected twist of fate, he now possesses the ability to influence the Empire's future. Will he use his newfound power to bring about positive changes, or will his actions inadvertently lead to the Empire's downfall? [FAIR WARNING: I'd like to point out that this story will mostly prioritize the ripple effects caused by the MC's decisions. Chapters in which the main character is involved might be few and far between.] Get advanced chapters below↓↓↓ https://www.patreon.com/Support_Five

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29 Chs

Chapter 18

As the Child Emperor conducted a crucial meeting with the acting Prime Ministers and ministers, the northern part of the Empire bore witness to a woman in dire straits. Her body was marred by multiple wounds, wounds that would have proved fatal for most. However, through her remarkable mastery of her own body, and some pills and first aid kit she stole from the soldiers pursuing her, she was able to stave off excessive blood loss and death.

She was none other than the member of the Four Rakshasa Demons of the former Prime Minister Honest, Suzuka.

"Damn Budo and his soldiers," Suzuka uttered between heavy breaths. Her once pristine clothes now lay in tatters, soaked in blood and dirt. Despite having successfully fled the Capital a few days ago, she found herself relentlessly pursued by Budo's soldiers, with two of the general's top Lieutenants spearheading the chase. While individually these Lieutenants lacked the strength to defeat her in one-on-one combat, the sheer number of enemy troops and the injuries she had sustained during her escape greatly hindered her abilities.

Every time an opportunity arose for her to eliminate either of the Lieutenants, their accompanying soldiers would swiftly intervene, rescuing their commanding officer. This infuriating cycle of evasion, brief skirmishes, and subsequent retreat had persisted for several days. Suzuka knew the fault didn't lie with her inability to elude them; her injuries had been worsening with each passing day, progressively slowing her down, making her tracks easily detectable and causing escape all the more arduous.

Seeking refuge in a dense forest at the northern border, she found herself immersed in the stillness of the surroundings, providing a temporary respite from the relentless pursuit of the Imperial soldiers. With her back against a sturdy tree trunk, she allowed her weary legs to rest, feeling the weight of exhaustion taking hold of her. In her trembling hands, she clutched an assortment of herbal plants she had managed to gather while navigating through the foliage, their faint aroma mingling with the scent of dirt and sweat.

Her physical strength waned, and her muscles ached with each movement. The relentless chase had taken its toll, leaving her with new wounds that marred her already battered body. As she carefully assessed her injuries, she realized that her old wounds had reopened, dashing her hopes for a swift recovery. The need to treat her wounds became imperative, yet the prospect of stitching or cauterizing them seemed daunting, if not impossible, in her current state of weariness and limited resources. She could only rely on the herbal plants she had gathered to help alleviate the pain and promote healing, even if only temporarily.

"As much as I like pain, I don't want to die yet", Suzuka declared, loosening her muscles and carefully applying crushed herbal paste to each wound.

She had no idea what had become of Ibara and Sten. The three of them, a group of hardened assassins, had unanimously agreed that their best chance of survival was to part ways. As Suzuka's gaze fixated on the expanse of the blue sky above, frustration gnawed at her. "I swear, if those two end up finding safety while Budo's soldiers continue to chase after me, I'll be beyond furious," she muttered with frustration.

Despite the time they had spent together, the members of the Four Rakshasa Demons were not truly friends; they were merely bound by the hefty sum of money that Honest had paid them to work as a team. In any other circumstances, they wouldn't have willingly spent a moment in each other's company.

Soon, the distinct sound of rustling leaves reached Suzuka's ears, instantly jolting her into high alert. Though her weary body longed for rest, she swiftly made the decision to abandon any notion of relaxation and instead bolted in the opposite direction. In that moment, she had no clear destination in mind; all that mattered was her survival, fueling her desperate escape.


"Why are we the ones doing this? Shouldn't it be the grunts who are supposed to handle such tasks?" voiced a man with evident annoyance. He possessed a robust, muscular physique, spiky blond hair, and striking white eyes devoid of pupils.

Accompanying him were two individuals dressed in matching attire, donning standard imperial officer coats in a deep black shade.

"The order came directly from General Esdeath herself," explained a tall man, his gray hair styled into a long ponytail. His piercing blue eyes were accentuated by a mustache. "She noticed that our supplies were dwindling rapidly, and she wants us to replenish them before we run out completely. The General is thinking ahead", he added.

"I don't mind it, personally. I have been itching to kill something for a while now," remarked the smallest among the trio. This young man possessed a slight frame, with blond hair and captivating golden eyes. There was a certain feline quality about him, evident in his sharp teeth and slit-like pupils.

The 3 of them were none other than the Three Beast, the chief enforcers of General Esdeath's formidable army. In recent days, the decrease in supplies had forced Esdeath's forces to establish a camp in the forest of the Northern Border. Desperate to bolster their provisions, Esdeath had tasked her enforcers with procuring substantial quantities of Danger Beasts meat. While water was something Esdeath's army didn't have to worry about due to her ice powers, finding sustenance for her soldiers had become a pressing concern.

"Do you truly believe the news we received from the Capital, Liver?" inquired Daidara, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Liver, upon hearing the question, maintained his silence. The news they had received from the Empire was nothing short of shocking, and he found it understandable that their supplies would be affected as a result.

While Esdeath found the news intriguing, Liver found it exhilarating. The demise of the man who had stripped him of everything brought a profound sense of satisfaction to his heart, although he kept his emotions concealed behind his stoic demeanor when he found out the news.

"Cat got your tongue, Liver?" Nyau teased, noticing the serious expression on Liver's face.

Before Liver could respond to Nyau's remark, the three individuals heard a series of howls in the distance, accompanied by the sound of gunshots and metal shattering. Their senses heightened, they exchanged glances and swiftly sprinted towards the source of the conflict.

As they drew closer, the cries of dying men became more audible. Liver immediately instructed his companions to leap onto the taller trees in order to gain a vantage point to survey the area.

"Those are Imperial Army soldiers," Daidara remarked grimly, observing the soldiers being attacked by a pack of danger beasts.

"Night wolves," Nyau added, identifying the formidable creatures responsible for the assault. Night wolves were larger and more resilient than regular wolves, their thick fur capable of deflecting most blades which in turn makes them extremely dangerous creatures.

"Should we intervene?" Daidara inquired, noting that the outnumbered soldiers numbered less than ten.

"It's too late," Liver replied solemnly, assessing the severity of the soldiers' wounds. Even if they were to be evacuated to their camp, their chances of survival seemed slim.

Suddenly, the trio was taken by surprise as they witnessed a Night Wolf being launched into the air. Their attention immediately shifted towards the source of this spectacle—a woman clutching a broken sword in her hand.

"Isn't that one of the Four Rakshasa Demons?" Daidara questioned, recognizing the injured woman.

"Yeah, she's in pretty bad shape," Nyau observed, noting the extent of her injuries.

Liver's gaze sharpened as he observed the presence of the former Prime Minister's executioner. Something felt off about the situation. With Honest's recent demise, Suzuka being so far from the Capital and bearing wounds that seemed days old, raised suspicions within him.

"What about her? Should we lend a hand?" Daidara inquired, seeking Liver's decision.

As the leader of the Three Beast, Liver held the highest authority among the group. Despite the uncertain circumstances, he chose to extend aid to Suzuka. Recalling the compassion and support General Esdeath had shown him in the past, Liver commanded the group, "Eliminate the Night wolves and let's rescue the girl. Afterwards we can have our soldiers gather the wolves meat for our supply"

"Finally, some action!" Nyau exclaimed.

"Whatever," Daidara replied nonchalantly, while taking out his axe-type Imperial Arms.

A few hours later, Liver could be seen standing in front of Esdeath, with his hands behind his back.

"You brought home a stray, Liver", Esdeath stated while placing a document down on her table.

"I believe she would be a useful addition to your forces, General Esdeath", Liver said with a slight bow.

Esdeath said nothing as she stood up from her seat and went outside of her tent. She surveyed her entire army with mild amusement. She didn't care who Liver brought back into her camp, not even if she was a member of the Four Rakshasa Demons, a member of Honest's attack dogs.

"For now, keep her presence inside the camp a secret. Make sure she recovers from her injuries" Esdeath commanded.

"It shall be done, General Esdeath", Liver replied with a bow.

The report Esdeath had been reading moments ago provided a more detailed account of the events surrounding the death of the Prime Minister. Liver had yet to lay his eyes on it, unaware of its contents. If he had known, he would have taken the drastic step of killing Suzuka to prevent trouble from reaching Esdeath's doorstep. And Esdeath was fully aware of this, but she held no genuine concern for the girl Liver had brought into her camp.

For her, she didn't care that the Four Rakshasa Demons were part of the group General Budo was trying to eliminate. As a fellow General, Esdeath believes that His Majesty will grant Suzuka pardon if she intervenes on her behalf. She intends for the girl to fully recover before sending a message to the Emperor.

"Before I take my leave, General Esdeath, may I ask a question?" Liver inquired, maintaining a neutral tone.

"What is it?" Esdeath responded.

Liver paused for a moment before asking, "When will we resume our attack on the Northern Tribe?"

After a brief moment of contemplation, Esdeath replied, "His Majesty has not yet rescinded any orders regarding our attack. For now, we will gather supplies here in the forest and await the additional provisions that the Empire will provide."

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