
I Have a God in My Body

Lightning struck a mountain as the skies thundered. A god had landed, but he was about to pass away. What he could only do was to find a way to survive, and that way is to find a body. "You killing me? You are just a human, how will you be able to kill me?" Kaian, who was just a commoner, was born with a talent for magic. No one knows it. More shockingly, he has elven magic circuits in his body that similarly only existed 3000 years ago were the reason for his talent. In this world, plenty of challenges and battles were waiting for him to face in order to achieve the promising life he desired. Whether they were nobles, adventurers, hybrids, or even gods, he had to face every challenge. He sought to be powerful and achieve everything. Alternative Title: I Find Ways to Kill a God.

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21 Chs

Contribution to the Village [2]

"I know, that is why I am asking you to get more by tomorrow. In that case, I will completely approve of your proposal."

"W-Wait... Tomorrow. In my proposal, I just said that it was just a plan. I put all of my knowledge in there, and it was already emphasized that the process is up to two days."

The village leader released a sigh.

"If you want me to approve it, then you should do it. I guess you approached me because you have something to gain from it, right?"

Just hearing that notion, Kaian froze up. It was indeed clear that he had some motive in his proposal. And looking at it, the village leader was not stupid and had a motive as well, just like him.

After further consideration, Kaian realized that he had no choice but to comply with the village leader's request. And what was more, was that he had to leave the village's fences since it was at the corner of the village, and it was limited there.

'For goodness' sake, I don't have any choice but to ask for some help. But part of me doesn't want to ask for someone's help. It will just prove that being unable to fight is still weak. Being smart is not enough to survive in risky missions.'

Kaian clicked his tongue and grumbled inwardly as he nodded to the village leader.

"I understand. I will get it by tomorrow and will start the procedure hastily."

Then, he turned his back and left the house of the village leader. He went straight back to their house and prepared what he needed for the collection of the plants. He had considered getting them in batches because one person would not be able to carry all of it in one go.

With his plan, he didn't need to ask for someone's help, and he could move hastily and easily without getting caught. Being stealthy was enough for him in this task.

On the other hand, the village leader had a small hint that Kaian would still not ask for someone's help. Thus, he had already made a plan to ensure that Kaian would be safe in collecting the ingredients.

He commanded a bodyguard to follow him, a loyal one, and be stealthy at any means. And without asking any questions, the servant followed Kaian to the forest, carrying two baskets on his back.

Kaian had already harvested every anti-pest plant along the fences. So, he went outside the village secretly to not cause any ruckus and avoid being asked by other villagers.

As he arrived in the forest, some hesitation in his system made him stop. But, remembering that he had to prove to the village leader and himself that asking for other people's help to protect him was not an option, he lumbered to the direction where more anti-pest plants were.

He started to pluck them one by one as he started to see one. They were in a row, and he easily got a batch of bags that he left and went to fill the other one.

The servant that was following Kaian, on the other hand, prepared himself for any danger that could arrive in Kaian's move. He was disappointed at first that he went without noticing other people on his leave, but, seeing how careful and stealthy he was, he slowly gave him consideration.

'At least not everything about the rumors about this kid is real. He is careful and smart, and it is enough for him to be safe since he knows where to turn. Just like his father, he could be a navigator.'

The servant then continued to watch Kaian. In the meantime, Kaian was filling the second bag he had. And after filling them full, he slowly dragged the two near the village's fences.

Kaian then proceeded to take out the plants and throw them inside through the gaps in the fences. After completely emptying them, he went back to the forest with the same procedure as he did earlier.

The servant, on the other hand, observed Kaian more with his deep eyes, looking at every movement he was making. While having his assessment as well, he was confused as to why Kaian didn't train his body. Every movement could be easy for him if he only trained his body while remaining intellectual.

'He could achieve greater things if he was not physically lazy. But his brain is enough to do something good for his future. If he had only trained and removed his attitude towards being lazy, he could be more successful compared to teenagers of his age.'

It was indeed true that Kaian could achieve more if he only didn't have the absurd and bizarre nature of working hard physically. He could also use it for any simple task that needed his body if he had trained. But for Kaian, a simple movement, for now, will be different in the future.

"Fuck... I'm sweating. I probably should have paid someone to do this. But if I do that, they will notice that I am doing something. And I hate them for prying into what I want to do."

He let out a sigh as he continued to reach the quota he had set.

But, as he and the servant were in the forest, there was also someone in the forest that was observing the two of them.

And from the sky, an old man appeared a little further away from them. He had been observing Kaian for a while and also noticed that someone was watching out for Kaian. But he ignored it as he had to do something for Kaian.

"This kid has an elven magic circuit in his body. But, I wonder how he got it. Did it come from his ancestors?" The old man pondered as Kaian began to feel tired from his activity.

He looked at his surroundings and saw a flower nearby. And discovering what it was, he slunk to the flower to pluck it.

It was a flower with a yellow stem and green sepals and petals. Its stamens were yellow and had a unique shape and appearance. When the old man realized what Kaian had picked, he unconsciously mumbled the name of it.