
Chapter 11 Don't Move or I'll Shoot_1

However, she still lowered her head and licked the blood from your finger.

You didn't understand what exactly was happening to Zhao'er, but for you, life seemed to be getting better and better.

The setting sun cast its last glow, and the twilight deepened.

Holding Zhao'er's tender little hand, you strolled leisurely along the bank of Xiang Lake.

This was the countryside, with few people by the lake, leaving the vast space for just the two of you to walk alone.

"Zhao'er, how wonderful it would be if we could always walk like this."

"Zhao'er, do you like being with me?"

"Zhao'er, for you, I, Li Muyun, am willing to give everything. As long as you're happy, I'll do whatever you ask."

"Zhao'er, do you like me?"

"Zhao'er, I... suddenly realize that I... might really have fallen in love with you..."


All along the way, it was only you performing a monologue, while Zhao'er just followed you, looking at you, her eyes gradually brightening with clarity and confusion.

The golden sunlight reflected off the lake surface and also shone on Zhao'er's beautiful face. You stood opposite each other, only half a meter apart.

You gazed at her steadily, took a step forward, and embraced her slender waist. Your shadows slowly overlapped under the golden afterglow of the setting sun...

Zhao'er's lips were slightly cool but exceptionally soft, making you momentarily forget yourself, just holding her tighter.

This was a true first kiss, and the first time you wholeheartedly gave yourself, with all your emotions converging in that moment...

Perhaps some would think you were taking advantage of someone vulnerable, as Zhao'er was still without consciousness, but you didn't care how others saw you. In your view, life had no right or wrong, only daring or not daring, loving or not loving.

After nightfall, you put aside the identity of a lover and, like a father bathing his daughter, took a towel and gently wiped Zhao'er's snow-like skin as she soaked in the bathtub.

At such times, Zhao'er's charming eyes would always squint into crescent moons, her mouth slightly open, her lips parting with a smile that was not quite a smile.

You could tell she was enjoying it.

She was awakening...

After cleaning up, the two of you would sit at the head of the bed and watch TV. At this time, Zhao'er would seem particularly lively, staring at the TV for hours without moving.

At night, you and Zhao'er slept in each other's arms. No matter how you slept, Zhao'er's cool, tender nose would always gently touch yours. You guessed she was probably absorbing your yang energy.

But you were never worried that you would die from it because you could feel that Zhao'er must have the same heart as you, loving you.

When the sky showed the first light of dawn, you were already up.

Since drinking your blood, Zhao'er no longer simply mimicked your actions but seemed to have her own thoughts. Now she sat on the bed, tilting her cute head to watch you.

Turning around, you noticed that the T-shirt Zhao'er was wearing had slipped down on one side, revealing a hint of pure white, a mix of innocence, beauty, and sexiness, like a peony blooming on the untainted peak of a snow mountain.

You sat behind her, combing her hair like you were tending to a daughter.

In the past, it would have been hard for you to imagine spending the whole day in one place, watching TV and talking sporadically with someone.

There was no computer, no internet, and you had turned off your phone, not contacting anyone.

For seven days, you ate and slept with Zhao'er, and she had become accustomed to snuggling in your arms when sleeping, occasionally rubbing against your chest playfully.

You looked at her, and she looked at you, as if everything in the world was frozen in that moment.

Meanwhile, when you were bored, you let Zhao'er watch TV at home while you practiced and explored the sudden flashes of strange abilities nearby.

So far, the flashes had occurred several times, but you still didn't understand the correct way to use this ability or its origin.

Sometimes, when you touched certain objects, related images would flash in your mind.

You thought it over and eventually realized that the flashes were mostly related to signs of life.

For example, touching a pomegranate would flash an image of a farmer accidentally falling from a pomegranate tree while picking fruit; or if you put your left hand on a power pole, you would see an image of a dog being hit by a car; or on a wall in an alley, you would see an image of some middle school students bullying a primary school student.

Moreover, if you overused it, your eyes would become very tired.

After seven days and dozens of attempts, you gradually mastered the method of controlling this ability. Although you couldn't say you could use it freely, there was no longer much of a problem, but you still didn't know the purpose of this ability.

However, you believed this ability should be attributed to Zhao'er's appearance, that she changed you, and therefore you were even more convinced that Zhao'er's arrival was fate, that the old master wanted to end your bachelor life and lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Seven days had passed, and from the evening, you always felt restless, as if you were being watched even when going out to buy groceries, but after looking around, you couldn't find the source.

After dinner with Zhao'er, while you were watching TV, you suddenly heard a loud "bang!" The front door was kicked open, and a group of people rushed in. You had just looked up, about to speak, when a tall man kicked you from the bed to the side.


You shouted angrily, quickly getting up, only to have a gun pointed at your forehead!

"Don't move!"

You then realized that the people who had burst into your home were a group of police officers!

"What are you doing?"

You yelled at the police officer pointing a gun at your forehead.

The male police officer was about as tall as you, somewhat handsome, in layman's terms, a pretty boy.

The male police officer hadn't noticed at first, but when he glanced at Zhao'er, who was sitting motionless, he immediately jumped up and kicked you again!

You were caught off guard by his attack just now, but it wasn't going to be that simple this time!

Seeing the male police officer kick at you, you quickly stepped aside with your left leg, dodged his body, and pushed him away!

"You're breaking into a private home, I'm going to sue you!"

You scolded the male police officer, and the three male police officers behind him drew their guns at the same time, all pointing their guns at you!

"Don't move!"

"Stay put!"

"Move again, and I'll shoot!"

"I... Officer, you burst into my house late at night, kicking people without a word and even pointing guns at them, do you believe I'll report you to the police station?"

Honestly, although your family wasn't wealthy or had powerful relatives, your mother had a wide network of contacts, and you shouldn't have to suffer such indignity.

"Go ahead, report us!"

The male police officer you pushed away got up and was about to kick you again when a loud female voice shouted from behind, "Enough!"