
Chapter 214 two battles, Lin Xuan’s Super Poison 2

Simon, Jack, and Ying felt something and looked into the distance.

Wan youxi and Lu Pingjiang came together.

That powerful sword light was Lu Pingjiang’s full-strength sword.

Lu Pinghai and Lu Pingjiang had very similar attacking methods, but their personalities were very different.

One of them was serious and responsible.

As for the other, he would never sit down if he could lie down. He would never suggest anything if he could agree. He would never think if he could stare into space.

However, at such a critical moment, Lu Pingjiang was definitely a reliable chief.

The life of the construction department’s personnel was always the most important thing in their hearts.

Seeing that it was them, Simon said indifferently, “You’re here? If you’re here, you’re just sending yourself to your death.”

In his opinion, the high envoy could definitely suppress the white-clothed woman.