
I Hate You, Mr. Regan

Aletha is suddenly betrothed to Regan, the CEO of Sky Group where she works by her mother in the middle of her engagement plan with Dion, the man who has been her lover for 5 years. No matter how hard Aletha and Dion try to stay together, Sarah still makes the marriage because only Regan can save her husband from the case that entangles her. In addition, Regan is also demanded by his parents to get married and have children, which is impossible for him to do with his actress girlfriend, Sheren Jasmine.

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151 Chs

Say Something!

"Reiner, what happened?" Mrs. Adlan screamed in shock and she ran by her son's bedside in fear.

While Mr. Adlan's expression looked complicated.

"Who did this to you?" Mr. Adlan asked with a voice full of anger.

Reiner is the youngest of his children, but he has to experience such a sad thing, Mr. Adlan does not accept.

Reiner was reluctant to speak, his whole body ached because Max's men beat him mercilessly. Luckily, Ryan, his eldest brother and his bodyguards came, so Max's men did not kill him.

Remembering all that, Reiner hissed furiously.

"Rei, what's your real problem with the gang leader?" Ryan was still persuading his brother to talk.

Because honestly he doesn't know the real problem. Ryan is in an important meeting when he is contacted by Freddy that Reiner was beat up by Max's men.

"Rei, say something! did Max's men cut your tongue too?" Ryan was really mad.