
Take me back.

Thinking back to past endeavours can sometimes stir up old thoughts and feelings. It's a common phrase that unfinished business will always come back and bite you, but people disregard this statement until it's standing at their doorstep. Kira Haruki…If only that name meant something to her. Was he an old classmate…maybe she attended university with him? Still, if he was so worried, she still held a grudge against him then shouldn't Mia be too? As she leaned back in the leather seat watching the same trees pass by, she tried her best to remember but to no avail. This was something important Mia could feel it in her gut. Was she rude for forgetting or maybe he was blowing the whole situation out of proportion?

"You're pretty quiet, are you alright?" Aiden startled her as his warm hand overlapped her own. There it was again, that painful expression she thought to herself. It was hard to determine which situation was more detestable. Being cornered by Yakuza or sitting in silence with a pitiful Yu in the back seat. Thankfully, when Mia was found they informed her Taira had got back safely and asked them to thank her for distracting them while she got away. There was one thing she seemed to be good at. Throwing herself in the shark tank while the fish swam away.

"Aren't you tired of chasing after me?" she asked lazily as if bypassing the severity of the situation. Aiden didn't really have an answer for that, Mia was complicated. If he said no, she would probably click her tongue and not believe him but if he said yes then it would hurt her feelings and she would rely on him even less.

"Aren't you tired of getting into bother?" Mia glanced at him warily, something about his tone was gritty and unpleasant. At this time the situation was starting to sink in along with the very vivid image of, yet another knife used on her skin. Had she become a magnet for crime or was this all just unfortunate coincidences.

"Maybe I am. You should just lock me up then nobody could hurt me." Yu and Aiden both felt slightly unnerved hearing her half joking tone, Mia had her guard up pretty high right now. They could tell because she was treating them like a standard person or perhaps even an enemy. Yu leaned against the window looking at Mia's eyes scan the outside scenery adoringly. Yu always knew she was strong willed and very good at hiding her emotions, but Mia didn't seem to be hiding them anymore. More like not feeling anything altogether. Strangely, she wanted Mia to at least scold her, hit her or even give her a harsh glare. Not look away from her completely.

"You said you knew Lang Hai through your parents, right?" Aiden veered the car slightly taken aback by this sudden break of silence; the way she was speaking made him feel interrogated. Yu was a little confused, although she had been around when the incidents between them and Lang Hai occurred, she wasn't away of how volatile the situation became. Therefore, her face was blank trying to read the mood which was extremely heavy.

"Yeah. Why are you asking about him?" Mia smirked slightly; he seemed a bit too flustered for someone he supposedly didn't associate with. While in the dark alley surrounded by blood hungry men Lang Hai said something very interesting to her. Something strong enough to install fear into the men around her.

"Lang Hai was one of the men who cornered me. It was pretty odd actually, the minute he mentioned my association with you they backed down. It got me thinking that maybe your more involved with them than I initially realized." Aiden was wide eyed staring at the road ahead as if daring himself to look in her direction as his face tingled at her glare.

"Are you accusing me of something now? Mia, I know your paranoid right now but please don't push your emotions onto me." Mia almost burst into laughter seeing his once worried face shift to anger, he was a good actor, but Mia knew him too well. When Aiden was trying to cover something up, he would get angry as if warning her not to stray further into his dimension. Flipping someone's emotions was an easy task for him, Mia recognised it as a defence mechanism. She saw it in patients all the time.

"Your right I was pushing, my bad. But…is that why you can't look at me." Aiden ignored her and continued driving, Yu was too scared to interfere. Was this really how they both quarrelled because it was terrifying. Mia waiting for him to say something else but as predicted he had clamped up. The less you babbled when trying to contain something the less information you let leak.

"When we get home, we're all going to have a serious conversation because right now I'm pissed. I'm upset, intrigued and exhausted all at the same time if that makes sense. Please prepare yourselves." Aiden and Yu both shuddered, Mia sounded like an assassin and both their names were on her list. You can't run and you can't hide. When Mia had a bone to pick with you, it's much easier to listen or she will never give it up.

Pulling into the driveway was like walking into a war zone, the silence was deafening and definitely the calm before the storm. Cautiously they both entered the house and removed their shoes. Aiden didn't like this version of Mia at all, fair enough she was a complicated person but this personality was rubbing him the wrong way. Yu also understood she was fragile right now and maybe this was her way of coping but something about her monotone voice scared her.

"I'll make some tea so go sit down." Mia disappeared into the kitchen and suddenly breathing was possible again. Aiden looked at Yu sympathetically, this was the side to her best friend she'd never seen, her teary eyes clearly visible he guided her to the couch. Both of them were so nervous they couldn't sit still. Aiden hadn't felt this cornered in a long time, why did Lang Hai have to open his big mouth now she was suspicious of him. The reason he was so afraid was because her intuition was correct, but she was too fragile to obtain the truth right now meaning he was going to have to lie and lie well. Mia was like a human body language and facial expression expert, nothing slipped past her.

Mia walked in with a tray of tea and set it down firmly, the clanking of metal rattled them both. How could she have switched from overwhelming emotion to robotic function, it had baffled them. Gently she sipped her tea before crossing her legs and facing them both head on.

"First of all, I'm not angry at you Yu I'm just a little disappointed you didn't ask me first before telling Aiden about my father. You know I don't open up to others very often especially when it comes to my past, so I was a little hurt." Mia tried to sound calm and collected in order to resolve this professionally even though deep down she was furious.

"Mia I'm so sorry it wasn't my place to say anything. Can you forgive me?" Yu was on the brink of tears, so Mia plastered on a fake smile and nodded. You breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed. Aiden was slightly annoyed seeing straight through Mia. However, it was his turn and he was in for a treat.

"You are the reason I'm sitting here in this moment…right now." Mia sounded both happy and furious at the same time, Yu wasn't catching on to her point so sat there silently watching Aiden's face drop further and further to the ground.

"I'm going to ask you once and only once and if you lie to me then we are done." Aiden clenched his fists in frustration, yet again he was on the brink of losing her. This game was getting too tiring for him, but he swore he would never let her go ever again. If that meant admitting the truth, then so be it.

"Are you involved with Lang Hai?" Yu face lit up, there was no way Aiden could be involved with Yakuza surely. Mia sat there with her arms on either knee, she was sitting formally waiting for the truth she so desperately needed. Aiden took a while to open his mouth so afraid by the consequences of his decision.

"Yes." He said quietly, Mia nodded trying to contain her anger. How could he do something so reckless; he had a strong future ahead of him. Why would he become involved with him after everything he'd done?

"In what way?" she said bluntly, the fire in her eyes wasn't hidden at all she wanted him to feel every emotion writhing around inside of her right now. If Yu hadn't of been there, she would have hit him indefinitely. Aiden felt like running away, she would only become more furious if she found out the reason behind his involvement.

"Mia, it's not a good time for you to hear this.", Mia kept her eyes locked glaring at him coldly as if asking him not to start with his nonsense again. She wanted the truth and she wanted it now. Aiden could feel her growing aggravation wrap around him like a blanket of nails.

"Please tell me. "Yu could see Mia was practically begging at this point, it seemed like she wasn't only mad but worried at the same time. These were dangerous people with morals completely outside of standard society and now her most important person was smack in the middle of it. Aiden felt his anxiety shoot up as his mind settled on the best path to take.

"I wanted to make sure you were safe…so I bribed him." His lack of information was sending her over the edge. Yet again he had done something unnecessary for her sake. Mia shrugged her shoulders as if asking him harshly to elaborate before she blew up.

"Okay since your having trouble talking how about I throw a few suggestions your way and you nod if I'm correct?" Aiden felt like he was being interrogated by a schoolteacher, now she was surprisingly sarcastic. They both couldn't keep up with her. Aiden was beyond nervous; Mia was really smart after all it wouldn't shock him if she hadn't of already worked it out.

"Let me guess…since it wasn't his men who attacked me it means you paid him more than Sam. You outbid him so Lang Hai wouldn't help him anymore…" Aiden couldn't believe how perfectly she'd hit the nail on the head. Mia sometimes scared him when she deducted situations like this. Her seeming lack of emotions and quick wit would put anyone to shame.

"Before you ask me or lecture me, I don't regret it. If it had been Lang Hai's men who had attacked you that night you wouldn't have survived Mia!" He said defensively, the mood intensified. Yu gulped watching Mia's face twist in anger, looks like they had different ideals.

"I don't care about that, what I care about is my boyfriend involving himself with very dangerous people who could target him at any second. Your everything they ever wanted Aiden!" Mia stood up and began pacing gripping her long raven hair in frustration. Aiden wasn't understanding but this seemed to be the price of emotion, you overrule any danger if it meant protecting those closest to you. Yu even began assessing the situation carefully, Mia had every right to be nervous.

"What do you mean?", Her face installed an unknown fear he had, like he'd sold his soul to the devil.

"Think about it Aiden, you the superior of one of the most wealthiest widespread companies in the world. They set the bait and you took it greedily! They could blackmail you for more money, attempt to expose your transactions and if you refuse guess who gets kidnapped?" Mia finger pointed up despairingly to herself, he had been played at his own game and now he was a little fish in a tank of sharks. Once you involved yourself in Yazuka you can forget any freedom you once had.

"I know how to take care of myself Mia, you don't have to worry about me." Yu winced nervously, there were certain things you didn't say to Mia James and that was one of them.

"Are you being serious right now? I'm not doubting that, you have to listen to me. This is a one-way street, the way Lang Hai looked at me in that alley scared me Aiden, it was like I was a rare jewel or something he wanted for himself. People shuddered at your name and your telling me I don't have to worry?" Aiden could see her eyes fill with tears, it was true she was genuinely scared.

"Aiden, I love you okay, I really do but you messed up. If I'd known you were going to pat them off—"

"What? You would have left me again? Ran away because your too afraid of losing me!" Aiden's sheepish attitude vanished, and he was well and truly pissed. Mia was slightly startled as he began calling her out on the past.

"Don't you think I'm afraid too Mia. I almost lost you! If I hadn't of done what I did then you wouldn't be here right now. You can scold me until your blue in the face, but I will never stop protecting you no matter what the consequences. Just this once have faith I know what I'm doing." Mia didn't know what to say and even Yu couldn't take her side. Aiden had tears trickling down his face, it was the first time she'd seen him cry since that night he almost lost her. Aiden sat down exhausted trying to shy his tearful face away.

"I-I'm sorry…I know how hard your trying and I'm grateful. Heh, you just made me realize that we truly are two of the same people." Mia walked over and wrapped her arms around his head, Aiden was taken off guard and she held him tight. Yu smiled at their bond, it was strong yet shaky.

"Let's protect eachother okay?" Aiden hugged her back and nodded enthusiastically. Mia was stunned seeing the young fragile guy she'd fallen in love with all of those years ago. That hard shell had a soft centre and truthfully it helped her identify his as human. Aiden kept an amazing business adequate but sometimes her forgot to enjoy himself and show his emotions. Finally, she could comfort him like he had done for her countless times.

"Um…sorry to interrupt the romance but I'm just about ready to drop." Yu slumped back into the chair exhausted feeling the air settle. Mia chuckled.

"Go ahead, you must be tired." Yu smirked childishly.

"Yeah because my best friend gave me the run around, honestly Aiden I don't know ho you do it." Aiden finally peaked from Mia arms and smiled.

"You get used to it." Yu waved at them before walking upstairs to bed, it was around 1am but Mia and Aiden were both wide awake. Mia got them some more tea and they settled together on the couch, Mia leaned against his shoulder as they looked up at the night sky.

"You never told me you were so afraid…" Mia said sympathetically out of the blue, initially he thought maybe he could redeem his pride and turn cold but now he had chinks on that solid armour of his.

"I never wanted you to know. Of course, I'm afraid of losing you, you've gone away so many times. I worry in case you don't come back." Mia nuzzled closer to him reassuringly, she never wanted to leave this man he was her rock.

"I don't want to leave either, I never did. I know I ask this a lot but maybe this time you'll be more truthful. Why me Aiden?" Aiden played with her hair nostalgically. There were a thousand reasons.

"When we met on that first day and you tried to punch me it was the first time someone had defied me. I was always under the delusion as long as my family was rich, I was untouchable yet there you were swinging at me with all of your might. I thought this chick is pretty feisty, I want to know more about her.", Aiden.

"So, I began stalking you every chance I could get." Mia flicked his head playfully, he was straightforward that was for sure.

"The more I watched you, the sooner I realised you were different to other people. Independent, reliable, caring, confrontational and rude all in one sitting. You completely knocked me off my pedestal but if climbing back up meant I couldn't see you anymore then I would just get rid of it. Do you remember the day I formally asked you out?" Mia burst into laughter remembering her harsh words to him, even after that it just interested him more. Aiden was secretly awkward, and Mia was so cold she could freeze a boy's heart in seconds.

--------------------------------------8 years ago------------------------------------------

"Mia do you have the notes from chemistry?" Mia rolled her eyes; she was always the saviour. Back in the day Mia was a very hardworking student top of her class even though she was an exchange student, it would rub a lot of people the wrong way especially the girls. Yet, nothing phased her.

"Here you go, would it kill you to pay attention in class?" Yu enacted her heart being pulled out childishly, she was goofy as a teenager, but it was pretty amusing to Mia. They were complete opposite people but blended in well. Mia walked past Aiden's school everyday and she'd become quite the spectacle. Guys would rush out of class to get a peak at her, they called her the diamond in the rough before the name Joni stuck like glue. This was after she'd practically humiliated one of the wealthiest members of the school a few weeks before. Mia knew generally how to deal with them however there was one more persistent than the others.

"Oh, looks like the King had his eyes set on her again."

Mia ignored them and continued reading the health special for that week and yet again the mental health crisis was at large. As she was engrossed in her book, she bumped into something hard. As she looked up and their blue and green eyes met, Mia let out an annoyed sigh.

"Move, your blocking the path idiot." The guys all chuckled but Aiden kept a straight glare. Mia rolled her eyes and tried to walk round him, but he blocked her way yet again. Mia knew Judo like the back of her hand and was prepared to flip him if absolutely necessary.

"I want to talk to you." Mia couldn't believe how conceited he was. Mia calmly put her book in her bag and glared. Aiden couldn't help but smugly smile, she was really unique. Black curly hair and big blue eyes along with a scary attitude.

"Listen I don't have time to talk to protected rich boys who have nothing better to do than lure high school girls in for unsatisfied sex. Move." Simultaneously the boys began giggling and wolf whistling at the feisty attitude spurring nothing but the truth. Aiden's pedestal was knocked from under him and for the first time he actually felt intimidated.

"Follow me." Aiden gripped her hand firmly and dragged her off blushing from ear to ear. Mia put up a fight, but he was surprisingly strong.

"Let go! What's your problem!" Mia was dragged into a nearby park where she finally managed to get her grip back. Immediately she turned to walk away but Mr. Li was a persistent guy.

"I like you!" He called out as she stubbornly walked away. Mia felt her feet freeze to the spot, either he was a good actor or that was a genuine confession.

"Is this a penalty game or something or are you being serious?" Mia spun around to see his face redder than a tomato, she was dumbfounded. Why would a guy like him even look her way?

"Oh, so your serious…" her hard shell crumbled slightly, this guy had some courage. However, she wasn't easily won over.

"You don't even know my name yet your telling me you like me? Are you sane?" Aiden was clearly nervous, but he managed to bring himself around.

"My name is Aiden Li, um…I'm perfectly sane. I would like to get to know you better." Mia wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry seeing his puppy dog eyes practically begging for her attention. Aiden Li huh? Out of all the girls that passed by his he had chosen her.

"I'm sorry I'm a scholarship student meaning my grades are really important to me. I don't have time to pursue relationships right now but thankyou for telling me how you feel." Mia bowed respectfully fearing to see the disappointment on his face.

"Then what about friends for now?" Mia sighed; he really didn't give up easily at all. It was like talking to a brick wall. Mia was growing tried of rejecting him and although her body and soul told her to walk away the way he looked at her was intriguing.

"Fine, we can be friends. My parents are probably wondering where I am, so I have to go. It was nice talking to you Aiden.", Mia began walking away when he called out one last time, it was what most likely sealed their fate.

"I didn't get your name!" Mia spun around coned her hands around her mouth and called in annoyance back.

"Mia! Mia James! See ya."