
"I'll have to marry you quickly then."

Mia walked through the front door and sure enough all her possessions sat idly by Aiden's. He'd spent all day organizing everything to how she would like it, he did know her well after all.

"So, what do you think?" he asked inquiringly, Mia was at a loss for words.

"I think you've done well, I won't punish you now." She said light heartedly. Aiden took off his jacket and placed it on the rack, he also took Mia's coat.

"I made dinner." He took her hand and walked her through to the kitchen, it was a huge spread of western style dishes, majority of its American cuisine since his mother was American. Mia felt her mouth water, she hadn't eaten anything on shift all day as her schedule was packed.

"I have to say you've really outdone yourself." Mia waltzed over and kissed his cheek catching him by surprise, he never expected that. Aiden blushed causing Mia to chuckle. They both sat down and started to eat. Aiden checked the stocks while Mia went over her patient reviews.

"How's the young man from the bridge doing?" he asked out of the blue.

"He's doing really well, he was just overwhelmed and needed some reassurance. I never thanked you for talking to him until I got there." Aiden was a little weary, she was being very affectionate today.

"Don't mention it. That's good to hear. Mia did something happen at work today?" he asked concerned. Mia could tell why he was so unsure, it was rare she was in this good of a mood.

"Not particularly, I had a good day today. There wasn't any incidents and I got a new patient with a rare disorder." Aiden began laughing at her.

"You're sick you know that, your happy because you have a new Guinea pig?" Mia felt like launching her plate at his head.

"He's not a guinea pig, his case is just intriguing. I like a challenge." She began eating some barbecue ribs and smiled as the meat melted in her mouth. How could he be such a good cook?

"Did you become a chef abroad or something?" she inquired.

"No, I didn't have any family, so I learned to cook for myself. Is it good?" Mia looked at him wit resentment. It wasn't just good, it was amazing.

"I could do better." She said slyly. Aiden rolled his eyes and returned to his stocks. Mia began orchestrating a care plan for Mika, now his family were out of the picture she hopes he would be open with her.

"How about you, anything interesting happen?" she asked out of politely but soon regretted it. They were talking like a married couple and he smirked at her question.

"Not really, just the same old." He replied briefly. They both finished, and Mia began washing up. Aiden watched her hum to herself as she worked, she was in a very good mood. This was a rare opportunity, so he decided to take advantage of it.

"Mia, how would you feel about having dinner with me tomorrow night?" Mia dropped her dishcloth awkwardly, she wasn't expecting that at all.

"Um, I don't get off work until seven. Would that be alright?" she said without looking at him. Her body had betrayed her yet again and her cheeks were blazing.

"That's fine I get off at six I'll wait for you." He said happily. Mia wondered why he was also in such a good mood. Fair enough she had moved in with him, he had won that battle. Yet, he wanted more from her. It was late so the both changed into their pajamas and settled on the couch to watch tv. Mia was still reviewing her patient records to check everyone's progress. Aiden nosily began reading them out of the corner of his eye.

"You're treating Mika Hu." He said excitedly. Mia almost jumped out her skin and hit him with the file.

"Your breaching confidentiality, I can't have you reading my files." She said annoyed.

"Then, don't tempt me with them." Mia rolled her eyes, he was impossible to contend with she didn't have the energy.

"Fine." Mia stood up to continue her work in the kitchen. Aiden grabbed her waist and pulled her back down.

"Stop overworking yourself you'll get sick again." Mia huffed and put down her file. They both began watching a discovery documentary on wolves, it was an animal they both loved since childhood. Mia slowly got over her huff and began watching in fascination as the pack began hunting a wild deer in the Canadian wilderness.

"Between the both of us who's the Alpha and who's the Omega?" Aiden asked playfully, Mia knew this was a trick question and stayed silent.

"Without the Omega there wouldn't be an Alpha and vice versa." Aiden began playing with her hair as they watched, Mia could feel the hair on the back of neck stand up. If he wasn't so unpredictable then she would find it soothing, but this was Aiden, if she showed even the slightest bit of pleasure, he'd go the extra mile.

"Were you in a good mood because Mika Hu was admitted?" he asked lightly but Mia could tell within seconds it was jealousy. Mia decided to get her own back.

"I mean he's handsome, talented and wealthy why wouldn't I be?" she said sarcastically. Aiden flicked her head, she really knew how to wind him up.

"Ow, come on I was only playing around. You don't have to be jealous, I'm living with you." She reminded him, and his eyes soon lit up. That's right, she was in his house sitting with him on the couch while they watched TV together. It couldn't be more prefect. Aiden re-positioned himself and lay his head on her lap, Mia didn't object and began running her fingers through his hair. Aiden was engulfed with pleasure as she lightly stroked his head, he didn't even need to ask her. He rolled over and looked at her. She could feel his eyes on her and looked down with a questionably look on her face.

"What are you gawking at?" she asked nervously.

"Nothing it just doesn't feel real that's all." He said quietly. Mia smiled reassuringly at him.

"Are you tired?"

"A little, if you keep doing that, I'll fall asleep." He said gesturing to her hand.

"Do you want me to stop?" he shook his head. He wished they could stay like this forever.

Mia nodded and continued stroking his head, she could also feel herself drifting off. His warmth made her sleepy, Aiden could feel the stroked getting weaker and decided they should go to bed. Mia was exhausted, her work had finally caught up with her. This side to Aiden was also rare, he was sweet and innocent like a child. Mia enjoyed spending time with him. Slowly, she dragged herself up to bed and collapsed. Aiden turned everything off and joined her. This time she wasn't opposed when he curled up behind her with his hand around her waist, she was too tired to shrug him off. Aiden kissed her head lightly before they both drifted off to sleep.

-------------------James finance industries--------------------------

"Lang Hai, how would you feel about having a drink with me for your trouble, it was never my intention to get your friend put behind bars. I could give you a little information on her too, it could help with the next job." Lang Hai seemed unsure but the minute he heard free drinks his tune soon changed.

"Fine, meet me at royal cuisine at seven tomorrow, come alone. That girls a tricky one to get hold of I'll need some help." Sam lips puckered up into a grin, Mia would be at his mercy soon enough.

"Sounds good." He hung up and returned to his usual Wednesday night entertainment. His female assistant Yang was standing shirtless lay on his desk.

"Now, where were we?" he said playfully biting her neck as he unbuckled his pants. Yang was a victim under delicate circumstances, without her job she couldn't afford her son's school tuition fees, so she had to endure this often. She'd learned quickly to detach from it all, but it didn't make her feel any less shameful. Sam finished and handed her an extra £50 for her service. He lit up a cigarette and waved her out of the door. Whenever he thought of Mia, he got excited which is why he used Yang to satisfy his urges until he had her. Fate sadly wasn't always a positive thing and he would be seeing Mia sooner than he expected.

---------------------------Aiden's bedroom----------------

"Mia…" Aiden stood over Mia who was wrapped up in the covers sleeping soundly like a child.

"Mia!" Mia moaned and rolled over.

"Five more minutes." She said sleepily. Aiden huffed at her, she was going to be late for work.

"You have three seconds to get up I'm warning you." Mia ignored him, so he resorted to desperate measures. Dragging the covers off her he grabbed her legs and pulled her out of bed. Mia was in a daze, one minute she was sleeping soundly and the next she was on the floor looking up at a very proud Aiden. Her hair had fell over her face and she was sprawled out like a murder victim. It was comical.

"I hate you." She said rolled onto her side. Aiden lifted her up and put his hands on her shoulders, she was still half asleep.

"Don't lie you love me. I warned you." He said pinching her cheek. Mia yawned at hit his chest before stumbling to the bathroom to get changed. Mia could handle tired, but this wasn't tired, she was exhausted, and her body felt a hundred pounds. She was so out of it she failed to close the door and began undressing as Aiden stood awkwardly wondering if this was intentional as revenge. Like dangling a carrot in front of a rabbit. She whipped of her shirt revealing her black lace bra underneath, Mia didn't have a small bust, but it wasn't exactly big either. Aiden decided to be a gentleman and tell her.

"Mia are you trying to punish me?" he said frustrated. Mia moaned not understanding what he meant, as she slowly came to her senses her eyes widened in terror. Turning around Aiden was standing also in shock. It wasn't intentional at all. Mia picked up her pajama shirt and launched it at his face before slamming the door. How could she be so careless! She hit her head annoyed at herself. Aiden could hear her flustering as she got changed and couldn't help but smile. It meant she was either exhausted or comfortable with him. He didn't mind either, he liked what he saw. Mia looked at her red face in the mirror and mentally scolded herself, she would never live that down as long as she lived.

Mia took the walk of shame down the stairs avoiding eye contact with him at all cost. She passed by him sipping coffee as he read the paper, awkwardly she passed by him and poured herself a cut. His silence was worrying, if he wasn't teasing her then he was scheming something, every move was vital.

"Are you a B-cup or a C-cup?" he asked seriously. Mia almost choked on her coffee, she like it better when he was silent.

"That's for me to know an you to never find out." She said childishly. Aiden spun around with a worried expression on his face.

"Never say never." He said playfully before turning back round. Mia thought about his expression, he wanted her meaning she had the upper hand. Strategically, she passed by him and sat opposed her fingers interlocked.

"I think I'll become abstinent. You'll have to saver that image." Aiden looked at her serious expression, she wasn't playing around. Abstinence meant no sexual contact before marriage.

"I take it back. "he said desperately.

"Ah ah ah, no take-backs." She said playfully.

"Then I'll have to marry you quickly then." Aiden went on the defense, he refused to let her win. Mia also questioned if she'd done the right thing, if he was this persistent about her moving in. Aiden would be like a titan until she agreed.

"It takes two to sign a marriage contract, would you force my hand?" she was underestimating his will.

"In a heartbeat." Mia soon regretting starting the war and clammed up, she learned quickly not to test him. Aiden smirked, he'd won yet again. They both finished up and got into the car not saying anything else.

"What are we?" Mia asked bravely averting her eyes. Aiden knew what she meant but decided to tease her some more savoring his victory.

"I thought you were smart, human of course." Mia hit his leg.

"Hey, you're already becoming a domestic menace and were not even married yet." He joked, being with her had put him in a very good mood.

"I'm serious, are we—" Mia was too embarrassed to ask, she felt like they were back in school. Aiden chuckled at her.

"Mia, we were together the minute I came back. Even if it was one sided, you'll always be my girl." He said it genuinely and Mia was shocked at his kind voice. Her heart was pounding out her chest, he never used to be this open about being infatuated with her. In high school he was shy to show affection, he'd matured a lot.

"That being said was the abstinence comment serious, I don't think I can cope with that." The moment soon faded, he wasn't letting it go.

"We'll see." She teased back, it would take a lot more effort to get anything from her.