
Chapter 22 The World Outside Home Is Big

Neigher didn't expect that the dragon mother didn't take him back or kill him directly.

The sky was about to dawn.

Neigher staggered in the forest. Feeling his sprained arm, he thought he was too reckless just now.

He felt that he was almost killed by the dragon mother just now. He should have gone back with the dragon mother before he planned to run away again. In his previous life, he would never be so impatient. "Am I affected too much by the red dragon's body? Now I behaved just like a rebellious teenager."

But the result was good. Somehow, the dragon mother's tone suddenly softened and she let him go. Besides, it was impossible to regret now.

But why didn't the dragon mother take him back? Didn't she need to conquer humans with fighting power? This question kept haunting Neigher, but he had no clue.

At this moment, a voice rang out in the forest not far away.


The person who called for help used the common human language.

Neigher was taken aback. Now, it was dawn. Under the first ray of sunshine, Neigher saw the person in front of him.

It was a human male covered in blood.

"Help!" The man shouted.

Neigher thought it was a good chance. He could save that man and have a guide in the human world.

However, when he was about to go through the bushes to save that person, he felt something wrong.

Looking carefully at the broken arm of the man, he thought that there shouldn't be so much blood. Neigher had seen badly injured men. He shouldn't have shouted so loudly.

With a closer look, the blood on the man's face was also a little weird. It's more like wiping blood on the face.

Neigher calmed himself down and hid in the bushes again.

Ordinary people might think it was nothing. Many coincidences could explain the current situation. Moreover, the human body of this world might be different from that of his previous life world.

But in Neighbors previous life, he was used to thinking of others in a bad way. He had experienced betrayal from his closest family. So he didn't want to take the risk.

Neigher was always on guard against strangers. In his previous life, he had seen a lot of such tricks as asking for help and hurting others.

"Help! Help me!" The human continued to shout hysterically.

Without hesitation, Neigher decided to take a detour.

However, at this moment, he felt a trace of gaze. He turned around slowly and saw a pair of eyes in the bushes. The red dragon's eyesight hadn't been reduced much even if he had become a human. He immediately looked away. The other side seemed not to notice this.

He didn't know the connection between the person hiding there and the person outside. But the probability of this being a fraud increased.

"Damn it! They must have seen me and set a trap here! This was not a main road of traffic. Who would choose to call for help here?"

But it was really strange. Why did they set a trap for a five or six-year-old child? What do they want from me?

He couldn't figure it out for a while. But it gave him a chance.

Now this human body was too weak to run fast. Besides, this place was too close to the human city. So it was a must to change back to the red dragon.

At this moment, he remembered the description he got in his dream.

"Blessing: Permanent dragon majesty for intelligent creatures. The red dragon's strength can not only attract simple-minded beasts but also attract intelligent creatures who desire strength. Such as humans, elf, and dwarf. Even the most brutal red dragon still had countless families. Wish you can attract those creatures who desire strength."

In this way, he used his consciousness to feel the blessing of dragon majesty in his body. Not long after, he felt a kind of strength pouring into his body, just like the first time he faced the violent giant, Nathan.

When he noticed the human who was shouting for help and the figure lurking in the grass again, he suddenly felt that their strength was so small. As long as he used a little intimidating and tempting strength, these weak lives would surrender to him.

Unconsciously, he found that he had walked out of the hidden grass.

"Help!" The man asked for help.

Neigher felt that the ambush behind him was also moving.

He should have dodged. But his instinct told him not to be so troublesome. Then he slowly turned around and looked at the attacker. He ordered him in dragon language.

"I order you to surrender in the name of Klais!"

At that moment, his eyes turned from black to golden. They were the lava-like eyes of the red dragon.

A strong deterrent force came out of his tiny body. Since he had faced the dragon mother's dragon majesty once, he was more proficient in the skill of deterrence.

The visitor was not a human, but an elf with long ears and dark green skin. The inherited memory told him that it was a wood elf, a descendant of the elf. It liked to inhabit the forest.

Holding the net pocket in its hand, the wood elf was slowly approaching. When it heard Neigher's words, it was stunned, and then knelt with a flop. It looked at Neigher in surprise and horror.

Then Neigher looked at the man who had been pretending to be injured. Now he also looked at Neigher in awe. He slowly knelt with his face on the ground. His body became slender and his skin turned green.

The bait was not a human, but an elf, the same as the attacker. His dragon majesty made it show its true colors.

"Great dragon..." The bait began to speak elf language. Neigher's inherited memories automatically translated them. In front of dragon majesty, it couldn't even speak clearly in elf language.