
I Got Transported to Another World and Can't Die

Ford Reski's life is all but normal when he gets transported to another world. In this new world, Ford Reski learns of a power that he possesses. Time resets everytime he dies. He uses this power to his advantage, but is it really what it's played out to be? Is he an all-knowing God in this world? Or is he just a weak and powerless human? Like he was on earth.

_Ocean_Lucas_ · Fantasi
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43 Chs

Chapter 26: The Beautiful Capital of Rowan...

The carriage stopped at the gate of the Capital, as the crew was stopped. A guard then spoke up-

Guard: "Stop! What brings you here?"

Ford would be the one to speak up, as he was Arias' knight.

"Good morning sir. My name is Ford Reski, and I am the knight of Arias, the princess of Crowlan"

Guard: "Crowlan?"

The guard was surprised to hear that this crew came all the way from Crowlan, as that country was 2 weeks away.

Just as the guard was about to kick them out, he was stopped by a man in a modern black suit, which shocked Ford.

The strange man didn't seem like he was from Ford's world, but it could be possible. During his 2 years in this world, he hasn't met a single other person who was Isekai'd like him.

Could this be a moment when he finally does?


??: "Let em' in!"

Guard: "You sure, sir?"

??: "Yes!"

Guard: "Well, alright. Come on in, guys."

The gates opened, to reveal a huge, bright, and beautiful city.

When Ford was still in his world, he always liked the idea of medieval culture. He watched movies on it, read books on it, etc.

Now that he was in a medieval world, it was like a dream come true for him. He has died multiple times thanks to [The Death Reset], but that hasn't stopped Ford from retaining his sanity and happiness.

??: "Step out of the carriage and follow me, everyone."

The strange man spoke up and everyone responded by following him around the city.

Beautiful green trees, tall buildings, clean cobblestone roads, and a huge castle which is where the crew would head after the tour.

??: "Well everyone, this starts the tour. If you look behind you, outside the gate is where all the agriculture and farmland lies. Keep following me and you come across the Knight's Barracks"

The crew followed the strange man to the Knight's Barracks.

A wide brown and white building, with exceptionally clean windows, as if they're cleaned daily.

Redis: "Well everyone, allow me to introduce myself now. My name is Redis Hakul. I am the vice leader of this city. I am proud to welcome you all here in Hakul city, or The Capital of Rowan! Let's finish the tour, shall we?"

The crew kept following Redis, where they would learn where all the shops, neighborhoods, and schools are.

Then the tour was finished. After the tour, they would head to the Castle, which is also where Redis lives. Upon entering the castle, the crew was greeted by a long hallway with remarkably tall ceilings and a giant chandelier right in the middle.

At the end of the hallway was a white throne, which is where the main leader would sit. The vice leader's throne was upstairs.

At the end of the hallway on the throne was a man with long messy white hair and kings garments.

Reed: "Good morning, Crew. I am the leader of Hakul City. My name is Reed Ober. The meeting will take place in a couple hours, so make yourselves comfortable in the mean time."

Upon hearing that, the crew went their separate ways. Arias and Cecilia would continue to explore. Vulgart found a quiet place to sit and wait, and Ladis leaned against a wall.

Ford, however, would head upstairs to meet Redis.


Ford entered Redis' throne room, where he would be waiting for Ford.

Redis: "please sit down. I believe I know why you are here."

Ford sat down on a red chair next to Redis, where they would have their conversation.


"So... I know this might sound confusing, but the clothes you have on are... strange... Where are you from exactly?"

Redis: "Judging by your attire, I'd assume you're not from here, either."

"What do you mean?"

Redis: "What I mean is.... You were also summoned to this world... Am I right?"

Ford's face went blank.

"You... Know..."

Redis: "Yes, I do know. That is because I was also summoned here, about 20 years ago..."

"Then... How did you come to be vice leader of this city...?"

Redis: "It's a long story... So I'll explain the shorter version... About a day after being summoned here, I was imprisoned by Justice. It was Reed Ober who saved me. Since then, I have always been by his side, helping him in battles and so on. Then he made me vice leader.."


Redis: "Yes... I have never told anyone but you this."

"So you're telling me... You're already vice leader... And I'm still a knight?!"

Redis: "haha, please. Knight is also a high status.."


A few hours later, the meeting was about to start, so Ford and Redis headed downstairs.

Upon heading down, Ford came face to face with many unfamiliar faces.

Then, the meeting started.
