
I got transmigarated into my grandfather’s unfinished novel

Aryan’s grandfather has a strange quill. Anything which it writes can become a world of its own….. And then he ends up getting transmigarated in grandfather’s unfinished book *** The first world/book :- Set in 1980s Mumbai when the underworld, gang wars and mafia were at their most powerful and influential in the city (Disclaimer:-No Romance) **** Aryan is a freelancer who often goes on various explorations in dangerous places. He has many skills and is in search of his missing parents. He will do anything even kill to find out the truth about his parents.

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23 Chs

This is probably the last time I will be able to talk to you

"Hmmm seems like there is a succession war going on in the underworld these days"

Inspector Fadnavis was reading the chit given by Aryan to Valentino about the latest info of the underworld.He was rubbing his chin and folded one hand. Be reclined in his chair as he was lost in thought.

He thought

'It isn't suprising those old dogs have been sitting in the seat of power for too long anway. The youngesters much be quite frustrated'

Fadnavis took out his tambakoo and lighted it with his lighter put the tip in his mouth. He sucked the smoke from the tambakoo before blowing it all out in a puff at once.

He thought

'I wonder how those two Chaitaneya and Osho are doing right now…..'

Suddenly Valentine burst into the room shouting

"Sir the ' Shehenshah' of the underworld has released a new bounty publically!"

Fadnavis is as shocked

"What? Who is it!"

Valentine replied

"He has put a bounty on the head of Maharashtra Times newspaper Mr Jigar Mistry! For 6 crore rupees! The underworld is currently scrambling to send hitmen and assassin to kill him first!

There even reports of gang wars between gangs in order to secure his kill first!"

Fadnavis stood up and grabbed in his police coat and cap and putting it on

He said

"Send all functioning police units to

secure Mr Jigar safely right away! Let us go as well! I'll coordinate with my other colleagues as well!"

Valentine said

" Sir! That's not all, he even has a condition"

Fadnavis was suprised

"A condition?"

Valentine said

"He addressed the reported Dakshita Kulkarni telling her to surrender herself to him at her father's favourite place. The moments she surrenders herself the bounty will be called off! And no one would get paid even if they killed Mr Jigar Mistry then"

Fadnavis said

"That means gangs are also scrambling to capture Dakshita Kulkarni in order or prevent her from surrendering herself! So that the bounty will not be called off!"

Valentine said

"Yes sir! What do we do now?"

Fadnavis cussed

" What do we do? My ******** seems like everything is going to hell now!"

He shouted

"Let's go save Mr Jigar Mistry before it's too late!"

"Yes sir!"


'Oh my god' was Aryan's first thought when he heard the news from Osho

He immediately turned around to look at Dakshita who had slightly dazed look in her face before showing determination her eye us and standing up

Aryan also stood up and said

"You can't be seriously thinking surrendering yourself!"

Dakshita looked at him and said

"I have no choice in this matter. I can't just watch my god father get killed because of me"

There was tension between both of them and the atmosphere in the room dipped

Even the twins Ayush and Ayushi were quietly hiding behind their father. They had noticed the strange atmosphere.

Aryan was about argue with her again before hearing a strange noise coming from Dakshita pocket.

"Squawk sqwack shhhhhb"

Dakshita put her hands into her pocket and took out a walkie talkie.

Aryan was suprised and said

"You have a walkie talki?"

Dakshita said

"Yes, me and my god father kept one each so that we could always contact each other in times of emergency. Living a reporter isn't hazard free after all.

Aryan and Osho remained quite while Dakshita pressed the talk button and said

"Hello uncle is that you?"


"Hello uncle is that you?"

Jigar Mistry could hear the clear voice of his god daughter

Mr Jigar was currently standing outside the busy Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus or Victoria Terminus.

Traffic was rushing as people were returning back home from work.

People rushed in out of the station in huge numbers to board the local trains to get various destinations in Mumbai as well.

Mr Jigar said

"Yes it's me"

They both had a short conversation about Dakshita during her childhood and taking her to school and raising her in place of her father etc

Mr Jigar finally said

"This is probably the last call I will be able to have with you"

Dakshin questioned

"Huh what do you mean?"

My Jigar replied

"I have heard about the bounty on my head and how it would only be called off if you surrender. I don't want you surrender yourself to criminals that's why I have broadcasted my locating across the underworld. The assassins and hitmen should be heading here to kill me anytime now"

Dakshita replied hysterical

"Uncle what the ***** is wrong with you! Have you gone mad get out of their immediately!"

Mr Jigar chuckled

"Hahah maybe I have gone mad"

Dakshita said

"Stop laughing!"

Mr Jigar could see youngsters among the crowd with mean eyes and pistols pointing towards him. They were clearly gangsters sent to kill and they were rushing at him he knew his time was now up

Mr Jigar replied seriously

"Daki I love like you like my own daughter. And as a father figure I can't watch you suffer and die. This is my decisions goodbye my daughter"

Dakshita shouted

"You have no right to mad a decision like this!"

Mr Jigar said while smiling

"Don't come following me too fast now Daki"

Suddenly their were a flurry of voice, police sirens gangsters cussing and people yelling stop. Before it was all followed by

"Bang Bang Bang Bang!" The sound of gunshots reverberated in Mr Jigar's ears


"Beeeep Beeeeeeep Beeeeep"

The line with Mr Jigar was now cut and no one knew about the life and death of Mr Jigar Mistry.

Osho had already quietly huddled his children into an adjacent room and was looking at Dakshita.

Aryan wanted to say something but couldn't because he knew nothing he said would comfort her. After all she just lost a person who was a father to her.

Dakshita's hand fell limp and her eyes seemed lifeless.

She turned her back towards them and walked away toward any empty room.

She entered the room and simply said in a hoarse voice

"I need to be alone by myself for sometime"

She then shut the door and locked it from the inside

Inside the dining room of Osho's house there was only silence. Only the muffled sound of crying could he heard.