
I got transmigarated into my grandfather’s unfinished novel

Aryan’s grandfather has a strange quill. Anything which it writes can become a world of its own….. And then he ends up getting transmigarated in grandfather’s unfinished book *** The first world/book :- Set in 1980s Mumbai when the underworld, gang wars and mafia were at their most powerful and influential in the city (Disclaimer:-No Romance) **** Aryan is a freelancer who often goes on various explorations in dangerous places. He has many skills and is in search of his missing parents. He will do anything even kill to find out the truth about his parents.

Revinsane · Fantasi
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23 Chs


"Don't let them get Jigar he is our bounty!"

Gangsters were suddenly firing at each other in the middle of the crowded street. Confusing and panic spread amongst the citizens as they all began to run in fear. There was almost a full stampede

Jigar who was the main target was pushed around by the crowd and had become disoriented. He accidently cut the call with his god daughter.

Suddenly a van pulled up behind Jigar. Someone opened its door and grabbers hoped of the dazed Jigar

Jigar was pulled into the van into the darkness.

The gangsters noticed it and screamed

"Someone is taking him away get him quick!"

Many gangsters who were on their bikes quickly zoomed after the car. Whereas the other gangster quickly gathered into their cars.

The van drove through the the long and wide roads. The Gothic gargoyles stationed on each side of the colonial era buildings seemed to follow the van with their gazes.

The towering domes of the building cast long shadows down the road. The orange lights illumanating the streets cast light into the dark corners of the streets, as if searching for something hiding between its walls.

The bike and the van chased each other playing a game of lion and elephant across the broad roads of Fort area.

Whenever a biker came too close the van would threateningly come near and try to crash it them. Scaring the biker away.


"Bang! Bang!"

One of the gangsters managed to come very close a fired at one of the wheel of the van.

"Punct!" One of the wheels of the van was punctured by the bullet.

Suddenly the van skidded and turned on its side. Unfortunately for the gangster who fired the bullet he directly crushed under the van.

The van skidded and crashed into a wall. Smoke started coming off it.

The van's back door was kicked open and two men one thin and one fat in a completely black clothing came put pulling a still dazed Jigar along with them. They ran towards the narrow galley walk. paths of Girgaon and disappeared into it. As soon a they disappeared the Van exploded in a fire ball


There was raging fire however the gangsters were least cornced as they directly drove into the walkpaths Girgaon withe their bikes.

The organe lights illuminated the darkness as shadows played with each other on the walls of the old houses lining the streets of Girgaon.

"Bang! Bang!"

There was a fire of gun, it seemed as if the gangsters had noticed them.

The men in black returned fire as well

"Bang! Bang!Bang!"

It seemed as if one the bullets hit the mark as ten gangsters chasing them lost their balance on the bikes and crashed into a ditch.

Other gangsters had heard the sounds and seemed to be making their way toward their location with their bikes.

One of gangsters said loudly

"Let's put aside our differences now! And work together to catch them! We can discuss the division of the bounty money later!"

No one protested and there was a tactic understanding between the gangsters from various different gangs.

All of them knew the Girgaon very well and quickly navigated the narrow gulleys in order to surround their prey.

One of the gangsters even came in front of the the group of three men.

He drove his bike straight towards them at a fast speed

"You ****! Aren't getting away from me now!"

However the fat man simply fired a bullet up hitting a net holding a group of pots causing them all to fall straight on the head of the gangsters.

The gangster crashed his bike and was knocked out however that didn't stop the rest of them as they chased them further deeper.

They were surrounded and being guided deeper an deeper into a dead end.

Soon the three men entered the centre of Girgaon. Which the gangster's knew was a dead end.

They happily drove into dead end expecting to see three people pressed against the wall cowering in fear.

However they found nobody

They searched and search to no avail. It was as if those three men disappeared into a thin air

One the frustrated gangster cursed

"Those damn rats *****!"


The three men were currently walking through a secret passage way which they had opened near the dead end.

There was man leading them through the passage way. He had the smell of sea and fish permeating off of him. He name was Tanaji Khabirpanth.

The fat man thanked Tanaji

"Thank you so much for the help

Tanaji said

"No problem sahib, our Koli fishing community owes a lot to you. This is nothing"

Soon they were came out of the secret passage and entered a simple house by the docks.

Jigar remained quite the entire time.

When they were inside the men in black removed the cloth covering their face.

It was revealed to Valentine and Fadnavis.

Fadnavis extended his hand to Jigar who was currently a bit sober

He said

"Mr Jigar Mistry sorry what happens earlie, you must be quite confused. My name is Inspector Fadnavis Kolekar. Me and my apprentice Valentine came here to save you from the hands of gangsters"

Jigar was silent before he extended his hand and grabbed the hand of Fadnavis

He said

"Thank you Inspector"

Fadnavis relplied

"It's a pleasure sir"

However Mr Jigar had a thought in his mind at that time

'I came here prepared to die, then got kidnapped and then suddenly the police saved me. I don't understand what the hell is going on'