
I got transmigarated into my grandfather’s unfinished novel

Aryan’s grandfather has a strange quill. Anything which it writes can become a world of its own….. And then he ends up getting transmigarated in grandfather’s unfinished book *** The first world/book :- Set in 1980s Mumbai when the underworld, gang wars and mafia were at their most powerful and influential in the city (Disclaimer:-No Romance) **** Aryan is a freelancer who often goes on various explorations in dangerous places. He has many skills and is in search of his missing parents. He will do anything even kill to find out the truth about his parents.

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23 Chs

Fight breaks out

"Jai Shivaj! Jai Shivaji!"

Just then Aryan heard a noise coming his belt.

He look down and could see an old fashioned radio tied to his belt.

Aryan reached his hands out and got hold of the radio. He was going to ask the man what it was but the man answered for him

"Boss! Looks the gang is telling roll out and follow the plan set by the leader"

Aryan had just woken up in the body of another person and he was confused at suddenly being told about 'a plan'

He asked

"What plan?!"

The man eyes widened

"Boss! We going to conduct a invasion into the territory of the Mudiliar gang!"

The moment Aryan heard 'invasion' he wanted to take off and runaway however he tried to calm himself down by taking deep breathes and asked the man

"First of all what's your name?"

The man looked at him like he had gone senior bit replied anyway

"Apun name is Osho Aadekar!"

Aryan noded his head he looked at the newspaper Osho was holding said

"Okay can you pass me the newspaper in your hand?"

"Of course boss!"

Osho passed him the newspaper and Aryan opened the newspaper up. The newspaper name was 'Maharahstra Times' and it was mostly written in 'Marathi'. Aryan knew how to read a little bit of Marathi. The first thing he checked was the date on the newspaper

It read

'22 May 1980'

Aryan's eyes shook

He thought

'Have I traveled back in time!'

Now Aryan state was even more muddled

However he did n't have time to ponder anymore as soon loud gun shots began to ring in the background

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Ay ******** ma ******* sala"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There was complete chaos in the area now, gangsters armed with pistols and guns appeared and began to shooting at one another. And innocent bystanders began began to flee in all directions seeking shelter from rain of bullets.

Aryan grabbed hold of Osho by the collar and both layed flat on the ground.

The rain of bullets vized above Aryan and as he pressed Osho who wanted to stand back down onto the ground.

The fighting continued for awhile in the area before slowly moving along to another area.

Once the fighting subsided Aryan and Osho stood.

Aryan looked around and could see cars with broken glass and holes created by bullet in the cement walls on side of the street.

When he looked down he flinched.

There were a few people both gangsters and bystanders who had been shot and bleeding heavily.

Some were groaning with pain while some remain unmoving. It was unknown whether they were dead or alive.

Aryan was feeling very complicated now.

Osho who had now gotten up was hysterical

"Hey Boss! Why did n't you follow the plan? We won't be able to get any benefits for participation if don't contribute let's go while there's still time quicky!"

Aryan shouted

"Wait! First tell me what's radio frequency for gen hospital?"

Osho was confused at first but then when he looked around he could see many injured people lying on the ground. His eyes also became complicated!

Osho said

" Radio frequency 350 khz"

Aryan quickly changed to the frequency and connected to the hospital radio

Aryan said

"Please come here there was gunfight and ther are several people who are injured."

A person responded in the radio

"What in the world! Where are you now"

Aryan asked Osho and said

"We are near matunga station! please come quickly"

The person on the radio replied

"Okay, the emergency treatment team will come there immediately please stay where you are! And make sure the injured don't move!"

Aryan finished speaking and switched off the radio

Oshso urged him

"We have called the hospital already boss. Let'z go quicky now come on!"

Aryan nodded and followed Osho who began to walk ahead. He looked back at the injured people lying bleeding on the ground and felt guilty for leaving them.

However he had to find out more about the situation he was in. He called the hospital. He could only leave them in the care doctors rushing here in the ambulance now.

With a heavy mind he and Osho ran towards the sounds of gun firing in the distance.