
I got summoned to another world as the apostle of god

kenji, a psychology student, never believed in existence of god. For him, Gods were merely ideas created by high society in past to keep commoners under their thumb. On one fateful day, his entire class was summoned to kingdom of Grumania. It was a kingdom corrupted by wrongful teachings by upper class about the Gods, something he hated. But during the summoning, he got held back by the real Gods who want him to correct the wrongs of this new fantasy world and gave him unimaginable power to do so.

Ibhaniseyo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
44 Chs

My first date

It had been a week since we started dating but we hadn't gone on a date yet. Our entire week was spent on learning about this world's etiquettes and culture. It was a lot to take in but the gist was that the world was similar to pre-printing press era of our world. There were no printing press so books were something only rich people could afford. A lot other concepts like child marriages, polyamory and such were commonplace. It did feel awkward but it is what it is.

You have to accept it whether you like it or not. Children were used as bargaining chip in political matters and in the commoner class, girls were seen as unnecessary mouth to feed. Equality wasn't exactly the kind of thing you can expect. This had to change obviously but something of this caliber would take decades to come to fruition.

Others still didn't know that Kristine had asked me out so we were planning on making it public once we had gone on a few dates. We wanted to make sure that we wanted to date and I don't think it's a bad idea to test the waters first. We had decided to go out to city square and marketplace.

I wonder what she would wear or look like. I think anything she wears would look good since she is such a natural.

I was standing outside the castle gate waiting for her when she showed up. She was wearing uniform from the academy. She looked... classy? I don't know but what I do know is she was totally my type. Three piece suit on a woman with shoulder length black hair? Heaven on Earth. I had to consciously make effort to not stare at her.

"Are you into me or this suit?" She asked in a joking manner.

"You." I responded.

"At least act a bit flirty!" She playfully smacked my back but I didn't want to sound too cliché or weird.

"I don't know about that. But anyways, I know it is a bit too weird to ask on first date but since we do know each other to a degree already, why are you so worried about others leaving you and moving on? Aren't you guys just friends?"

"You don't know? Varun and James are my cousins, not friends. I'm just worried because there are no phones which means going no contact basically. It kind of sucks because they're my only family here." She answered.

"No wonder you guys were always together. I thought you were dating or something."

"Ew no!" She chuckled.

"I think at least you should know of this. Promise me you won't tell anyone."

"Tell me what?"

"Come." I took her hand and rushed to an alleyway.

I checked the parameters and then opened my status screen.

"You have ma- WAIT! You're THE apostle?! How?! Why did you hide your status back there. You could've shut up Liam."

"I'm still level 1 so I'm worried things might go south if I announced my title. That's why I'm asking for your help." I then explained in details about how I met Gods and what their goal was with humanity and me.

"So you have a book that tells you where these so called boss monsters are and you have to defeat them to level up past level 40 cap?"

"Yes! And I want to form a party of four. Mostly because I'm not good with words and also because others may have more knowledge. I want you to join."

"Sure if it means getting to spend more time together and getting stronger." She smiled and caressed my cheek. "Funny how you who avoids center position is forced into being the center of the world. Gods sure have their way."

"I know it is ironic but it's not like I can't be at the center of the things. I can do just about same public speaking as you but it doesn't mean I have to do it."

"Lets continue on our date! I want to go buy some clothes and try out local food." She took my hand and took me to marketplace. It was our first time outside and I could see all different kinds of races. Elves, dwarves, half dragons, beast-humans and humans. It was like a fantasy world you would see in RPG games or anime. While I was admiring the scenery in front of me, Kristine took my hand. I knew she was a bold one out of us two so I didn't feel like it was weird. I tightly held her soft hand and kept walking.

"Want to try that?" She pointed at a street food stall that was selling what seemed like grilled meat of some kind. I'm not too sure if this is chicken or pork... or neither. But to my surprise it was actually not that bad. It could use some spices but considering this was just street food, I shouldn't hold high expectation.

"Did you like it?" I asked and she nodded.

"Kenji, I didn't know you could so casually eat unknown meat."

"Huh? I don't mind. As long as it doesn't kill me or put me in hospital, I can eat just about anything." I responded.

"Y'know I barely know about you so I'll ask some questions now." She said and I nodded. "What's the rudest you've been to someone?"

"Um. I'm not necessarily rude but recently my sister asked me to join a conference video call. I thought it would just be me, her and our older sister but then I saw her friend too on the conference call. I accidently said 'oh no, she is here too?' and then immediately hung up."

"I can somewhat expect such behavior from you. You keep it to yourself, right?"

"I hate it when people try to force their way into my personal life. My sister's friend thinks she is my friend too. She tries too hard at times... it makes me uncomfortable."

"Any particular reason for that?"

"I want things to happen but the more people know about my plans the less they are likely to succeed. I never tell anyone what I plan to do so I end up succeeding. My biggest victory is gaining 20 kilograms in last one year. I didn't tell anyone that I had started bulking or working out. I kept it all to myself."

"So there is a possibility that you might keep me in dark too?"

"Can't promise you on that. I would prefer telling you things but if not telling you gets it done then so be it. Such questions cannot be answered correctly in simple yes or no." I responded.

"NERD ALERT." She laughed a bit before clenching onto my arm. I could feel her breasts but I think I should get used to it. It is not exactly weird but it is hard to ignore.

"Another question: What is your philosophy on romantic relationship?"

"I take them seriously. If I don't think marriage is a potential future, I tend to reject proposals. You're my first girlfriend because of the very reason. Casual dating... or maybe situation-ship end up hurting at least one party in the end. Why bother then? If I'm dating someone then I might as well be serious about it." I answered honestly.

"Eh. Nerd alert!" She smiled. "I like how honest you can be. You're really straightforward with things. I like it."

"I see." I deviated my eyes from her to try to focus on the street. Her breasts were definitely taking most of my attention but I also didn't want to bump into anyone. "Have you considered the possibility of us going back home?" I asked,

"Didn't they say such magic doesn't exist?"

"No. They said they don't know of such magic. Just because they don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

"Well you're the apostle. Maybe you know of things we don't." She responded but then we heard a commotion. We quickly rushed to the location and saw five men sitting on ground with a small glass bottle in their hand.

There was a group of commoners crowding the location just looking at the five men and doing nothing about it.

"These men denounced our God Jeyma and so they will be executed in their name!" One of the knights announced.

"Wait-" I jumped in with a mask on and used wind magic to blow away their bottles. I knew moments such as this would arise so I had prepared the mask in advance. It was a blue colored Oni mask. Before the knights could arrest me, I used the shield to protect myself and those five men.

"You!" A female voice ran up to me with a sword in her hand and thrusted it right into the shield breaking it into tiny shards. I quickly created another shield but her kept breaking them.

I don't think I have enough HP to use my ability how it is supposed to be used. I then created a pillar of iron in between me and the knight which did manage to stop her but only for a second.

"WAIT!" One of the knights called out. "He can use two different elements. He is definitely not normal."

She then noticed it too. I lifted my hand in the air and created a fire ball making it my third element. "I am the apostle of the Gods. I shall not let you kill these people in name of the God I represent. Ask for forgiveness or die!" Then I created a massive water ball on my other hand. No way could I defeat her but if I convince her enough, she might stop out of sheer fear.

She raised her hands gesturing the knights to put their swords away before kneeling to me.

"A man using four out of five elements is completely unheard of but there are stories of such an apostle coming down to give us judgement." She definitely ate it up.

"The judgement day is not yet close but dare I say, none of you are looked down on by the Gods in favor. Tell me your name, knight."

"I'm Rosaline. Holy knight of kingdom of Grumania." She answered.

I wasn't so bad myself, huh? Reading all those irritating dramas helped.

"Submit to me instead of that sham of a temple if you want to gain salvation." I said thinking of what more to make up.

"I have no problem accepting you as apostle of gods but... you have to defeat me in a battle first." She responded before standing up. I checked her status and she was level 11?!

HP: 2,345

Attack: 431

Defense 243

Skills: Fire magic, berserk and cooking

She is almost 10 times are strong as me. There is no way I can win fair and square.

"Fine! I will accept your challenge. Once you lose, I want you to become my subordinate and leave the temple. And if you win, have my head."

There is a way! I know I can win.