
I got summoned to another world as the apostle of god

kenji, a psychology student, never believed in existence of god. For him, Gods were merely ideas created by high society in past to keep commoners under their thumb. On one fateful day, his entire class was summoned to kingdom of Grumania. It was a kingdom corrupted by wrongful teachings by upper class about the Gods, something he hated. But during the summoning, he got held back by the real Gods who want him to correct the wrongs of this new fantasy world and gave him unimaginable power to do so.

Ibhaniseyo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
44 Chs

Battle in the city square

Rosaline was better than I was for obvious reasons but I think I can win. I have access to multiple elements so I can do different kinds of reactions but suddenly I saw the message: "LEVEL 4 reached"

Wait- what?!

HP: 600

Attack: 76

Defense: 95

Stamina: 100

Magic mastery: 0

She is still about 6 times stronger than me so I have to be careful.

Rosaline walked up to me to hand me a sword.

"You might need this... the so-called apostle." She said before jumping back and taking a fighting stance.

I looked at the sword and sighed. It was just a normal sword but I had never used one before. As I held the sword tightly, a message popped.

"Learned skill: Convert any sword to offering blade."

What does that mean? I used the skill and the sword started glowing and changed in design. I checked the stats and it had changed too.

Sword: Offering Blade

Level: 1

Attack: 32

Sub-stat: Magic mastery: 26

Passive ability: The weapon has 40% chance to reset cooldown of magical abilities and this affect can take place once every 20 seconds.

Note: Levelling up the weapon occurs through weapon points the person get from levelling themselves up.

I had 15 weapon points right now so I decided to use all on this one weapon.

Level: 7

Attack: 99

Sub-stat: Magic mastery: 56

Passive ability stayed the same though.

It looks like these stats add onto my personal stats linearly so my attack stat is now 175. It makes fighting her easier.

She quickly charged at me and the gap in us was too obvious. She was more experienced on top of being higher level. I blocked her charge somehow and used my sword to launch electric particles on the field and then used water to create a charged field. It would do small but consistent damage to her. But it had another effect. It started stopping her attacks randomly for a split second.

"What is this?!" Rosaline was shocked... both literally and figuratively. "Elements do not react with each other like this..." Every time she would try to attack, it was stopped by the effect of electrically charged field which was also slowly chipping away her HP.

We both started exchanging blows from our swords but since she was better at sword fights, she had a slight upper hand despite the effect.

She used her ability berserk which increases her ability to land a critical hit on me and would make her more resistant to interruptions. My field of electricity no longer hand any affect on her so I shot fire bullets at her but instead of dodging, she tanked them. As she approached me, I created a ball of water in my hand and added as much fire magic to head it up. Steam must get the job done. I launched the water ball at her and caused a reaction.

"Learned skill: Steam reaction."

It caused more damage than normal water magic or fire magic would've done. I'm just using science I learned in school.

She then shot fire balls at me but I put up the shield and this time it didn't break on impact but after the fact. My shield can now handle at least one attack.

She looked even more annoyed now. She needed healing as the steam was also doing consistent damage to her.

I checked her stat and she was at half her HP.

"Take the loss at this point. You've done no damage so far." I said as I noticed I can do a slightly bigger attack.

"SHUT UP!" She shouted before charging at me again.

I wrapped my sword in a layer of water and heated up the blade. I wanted to keep doing the steam damage. We again started trading blows but my sword was better and kept doing small damage to her as the hot water droplets kept sprinkling on her.

<Skill unlocked: Ultimate attack: Water lotus.>

Ultimate attacks are used by saying their name or by chanting.

What is this? Should I use it? I jumped back and said 'water lotus' in my mind and suddenly multiple layers of water emerged from underneath me and did a massive steam damage to Rosaline making her faint finally. I quickly rushed to her and healed her.

I could hear whispers about how I can defeat such a strong warrior without taking any damage.

"Level 7 reached."

HP: 871

Attack: 201

Defense: 114

Stamina: 100

Magic mastery: 56

Weapon points: 15

Huh? 15 points? Does the number of points I get increase proportionally to my level? I used it on my weapon immediately.

Level: 10

Attack: 115

Magic mastery: 66

Passive ability: The weapon has 45% chance to reset cooldown of magical abilities and this affect can take place once every 19 seconds.

The passive changed... I think passive ability gets better per 10 levels. If the highest level is 100... I will have 100% chance to reset cooldown time and it can occur every... 11 seconds? or 10 seconds?

This is a good weapon. I wonder if this is the best weapon overall or if there is any better weapon.

Rosaline woke up after a few minutes and looked at me in a confused expression. She probably didn't think she would lose. Now she has to leave her position as holy knight. She walked up to me and sighed.

"I do have pride of a warrior so I can't go back on the terms I agreed to. We can form a pact." She said.

"A pact?" I didn't know what it meant.

"You don't know? Well it is a magical contract where you can't betray your team. I think it would be hard to trust me yet but the pact acts as a guarantee. If the contract terms are broken, the other team members receive the details of betrayal immediately."

"That's cool. Let's go somewhere else." I said and rushed away to avoid people tailing us.

"As you would've noticed, I wasn't lying about things." I quickly formed the pact and took off my mask. "I was recently summoned here. And so was the fine lady." I said before stretching a bit. Rosaline kneeled in front of me.

"I apologize for doubting you."

"Hey-hey! no worries! It is to be expected."

"Anyways, what skills do you have now?" Kristine asked and I showed her my status.

Level: 7

HP: 871

Attack: 217

Defense: 114

Stamina: 100

Magic mastery: 66

Skills: Fire magic, water magic, electro magic, geo magic, nature magic, ice magic, heal, attack boost, black shield, bow user, sword user, claymore user and hide stats, steam reaction, offering blade and water lotus."

"Offering blade?! You were using a holy blade?!"

"Y-yea... is it like... important?" I asked.

"It is legendary sword once wielded by God Jeyma. It could reverse time and was used to bring people back from dead or kill people by pushing them into future state."

"Yeah... no. It just resets my cooldown time so I can sometimes use water lotus in successions." I responded and showed her the status of the sword.

"Maybe it was just part of a legend and got exaggerated to such a degree... Quite common if you ask me." Kristine added in.

"That's pitiful. Wait! If you're the apostle then God Jeyma must've asked you of something, right? May I know what it is?"

"Just simple things... like changing the very foundation of religion." I responded sarcastically. "Also there are four gods not just Jeyma."

"I... see. What did he look like?"

"Oh was he good looking. Pretty thin but good looking. Total boyfriend material." I responded.

"I see! So he was a beautiful being. Perfect in every way, as expected from his greatness." Rosaline was totally devoted to Jeyma. "But who were the other three?"

"There was Kilmari, Viniga and Deoni. Deoni did most of the talking though. She seemed most annoyed out of the four."

"Deoni? We not only don't pray, but this kingdom outright rejects her existence. Same with Kilmari and Viniga." She said and looked down in utter fear. "Am I destined to go to hell now?!"

I chuckled.

"Don't worry. Gods don't think this way. You're not meant to accept them or anything. What Gods want is for you to do good. That's why they want me to take the focus off of them and put emphasis on karma and freedom. They gave you freedom to do so many things. They only expect you to do good and help others. Don't spend time praying, instead help others with this freedom you got. Be a good person."

"If... if you say so. As the apostle of the Gods, you know more than us lowly humans."

"And for this weapon..." I drew her sword out of the sheath and converted it to offering sword and gave it back to her.

"For me...? This weapon of legends."

"Actually this is not the best weapon. This is rated 4/5 on status. The weapon you were using was 1/5 on rarity."

"Rating on weapons? I've never heard of such a thing." Rosaline said as she sheathed her weapon.

"I see. But anyways, we will be going to academy so I wanted to ask the age range of students there." I asked and she thought about it.

"Roughly... 20 years old. Academy needs adults due to it contents. Can't expect a 10 year old to learn about alchemy." She answered.

"So it is like college?" Kristine asked and I shrugged it.

"College? What is that?" Rosaline asked.

"We have schools and colleges. Usually people in college are over the age of 18." I answered.

"So, you would be going to academy, I can join as your bodyguard. Nobility and royalty are expected to have bodyguards on them all the time." She said and I agreed to offer. I needed companions.

"So on a more serious note: Do not tell anyone that I'm the apostle and once I reach level 40, we need to defeat some monsters to level up further."

"What? We can go past level 40?! I know of only 7 people who reached that level but couldn't go past it."

"Yea, you need to defeat some special monsters. I have guidebook given by Gods." I showed her the book and how there were locations and weakness written on it. "The end goal is level 100 and now... I need just one more person to join the team."

"Make sure it's a man." Kristine pouted. " I don't want you surrounded by such strong women."

I chuckled and nodded.

"We'll see."

Next stop is the academy starting next week!