
I got reincarnated naked and can’t find a pair of pants!

After meeting her demise in an unfortunate accident, Min was excited to learn that she would have a chance to leave her dull life behind and reincarnate as an adventurer in a fantasy world. However, the goddess sent her to her new world exactly as she died, buck naked. Now, the empty-handed adventurer must scramble to find some clothes before she can properly start her quest. Will Min be able to build a new legend from scratch, or will the naked adventurer grow a different, more questionable reputation before she´s able to find some pants?

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61 Chs

Knights Vs Fairies

"…decree, you are to leave this forest or suffer the wrath of the Order of-They aren't even listening! Girls, we tried being nice. You know what to do."

A squad of five heavily armored knights was standing in a clearing. The fog was surprisingly light for the Misty Forest, letting them see the streaks of light buzzing in the treetops around them.

"I've been waiting for this," one of the knights said, griping her halberd with two hands and charging forward at one fluttering green light. The fairy flew upward, the knight's lance impaling a tree instead.

"Oooh, someone wants to play." the fairy said. She was a beautiful woman barely big enough to fit into the palm of a hand. Like all her sisters, she sported a pixie cut, butterfly wings, and a leaf wrapped around her body like a dress.

"I'll show you play." With her lance stuck in the tree, the knight unsheathed her sword and stabbed upward, barely missing the fairy.

"Get back into formation," the captain yelled.

"Why should I, Lady Greta? These are just fairies; I can take them all down with a flyswatter."

"Oh, take us down? With what? This blunt old thing?" The green fairy playfully sat on the edge of the sword, seemingly unbothered by its jagged edge.

"I'll have you know that my sword is sharper than a- Donkeys Ass!?" The knight recoiled. Her trusty blade turned orange, it was peeling out!

The fairy playfully stood up, crossing the span of the blade like she was walking a tightrope. "Really? It looks quite rusted to me. Kind of like your armor."

The knight looked down, but it took some effort. The metal joints of her armor struggled to move along her body. Her breastplate turned black and orange as if she had fished it out of the salty sea.

"W-what sort of magick is this?" The knight looked back at her sisters for support. To her horror, the rust had also spread to their equipment. It seemed like the curse was carried by the forest´s breeze.

"Oh, my," The fairy flew in front of her face. The knight's weapons and armor were peeling away each second and bunching up near her feet in a rusty orange pile. "Careful now. That metal looks so brittle that even the slightest wind would break it apart…"

A current of cold air blew across the meadow, pushing down rows of flowers and grass. It swept away the knights' armor, scattering bits of rusted metal like petals in the wind.

Five athletic women were standing around in naught but their underclothes and capes. The brave knight and the captain were down to their linen underwear, while the other three had camisoles and breeches to protect their modesty.

"Eeep!" one of the knights yelped.

"Pull yourself together, Adianti." The captain reprimanded her. "And Loundry, come back to formation!"

The brave knight quickly stepped back, standing next to her half-dressed sisters in a circle. The fairies chuckled impishly, darting all around them like colorful flies circling their meal.

"C-captain, what are we going to do? We can't fight these creatures without our weapons or armor!"

"We don't need weapons to pacify a gang of glowing butterflies." The captain, Lady Getra, grunted. She rushed forward, her athletic limbs flexing as she tried to punch the fairy closest to her, but the nimble creature dodged the blows with little effort.

"Tough words for a naked knight. Do you realize how dumb your squad looks?"

"I don't need clothes to grind you into dust. Besides, I´m not naked yet."

"Hmm, not yet, but what will happen after the moths get to you?"

"Pfft, I'm not afraid of a couple of moths."

"That's cause you haven't seen our moths. Let's show them, girls!" The fairy flew upward and whistled. All her sisters stopped meandering about and joined her, their high-pitched sounds ringing as one. The ground began to rumble.

"C-captain! Look, towards the east!" Flooding over the meadow like a tsunami, a swarm of moths enveloped the knights in a tide of grey wings.


"Urgh! Pffft. Don't –pfft- open your-pfft- mouths!"

"Ack! Too late!"

As suddenly as it arrived, the swarm left. Getra stood to her feet and yelled, "Everyone ok?"

"Y-yeah, somehow."

"Me too, the moths didn't do anything. They only attacked my –eeep!"

"C-captain, our undergarments! They are gone!"

Getra took a gander at her squad. Yep, toned asses, flat stomachs, and jiggling breasts all around. Huh, kind of her initiation into the Order. Two knights huddled together, shaking in their metaphorical boots, as their real ones were in the moths' stomachs. One crouched down to hide her voluptuous figure, and a fourth was spitting curses at the fairies.

As much as it pained her to admit, it was time to "Retreat! Everyone, fall back to the village."

"Retreat? You come to our home, kick down the door, try to stab us, and leave? What makes you think you have the right to leave?"

A thick fog rolled over the clearing; the knights lost sight of each other.

"Captain, where are you?" the brave Loundry asked, tired of spitting curses at the fairies. Grasping at her mighty… well, only the wooden hilt remained of her sword, she began to cautiously move across the fog.

"Over here!" yelled Getra, or someone who sounded like Getra.

Loundry took careful steps, her bare feet trampling the grass underneath. Goosebumps spread from her arms to her spine. It was a chilly day to be naked, but nothing a knight like her could not handle. It's not like it was snowing- "Aah!"

"Hehe, sorry not sorry!" A purple fairy playfully mocked the knight, after having conjured a pile of snow that almost buried the woman.

"Ach! C-c-cold, I'll g-get you!" Jumping out of the pile of snow, Loundry tried to uppercut the fairy, but she vanished into the mist. "Yeah, you better run! Aihe! Ow! Stop it!"

To Loundry's surprise, the snow did not remain in the ground. It magically balled itself into, well, into a multitude of snowballs. Their target? The naked knight. The enchanted snow pelted Loundry with near-elven accuracy, almost completely blanketing her in a thin layer of white.

Loundry tried to slap the snow away from her body, but as soon as it hit the ground, it reformed into more snowballs and launched itself right back at the shivering knight. "G-g-get off me!"

"Loundry, is that you?" Getra asked, getting tired of walking in circles in the damn fog. "Hold on, I'm coming- Argh! What the?!" The mighty knight looked all around her. Someone had pinched her steely behind. But who? She couldn't see any- "Ow! Reveal yourself!"

Getra spun around, all she could see was more of the damn fog! Whoever the assailant was, it was restless. It kept pinching her back, her apple-shaped breasts, behind, even twisting her nipples!

Against such a relentless onslaught, Getra was left with no recourse but to run away. She ran aimlessly into the fog until she crashed with three other women.

There was the shivering Loudry, covered in so much snow it seemed like she was wearing a snow bikini. She was joined by a duo of a lean, dark-skinned girl and a short blonde both jumping in place trying to avoid the enchanted branches that insisted on hitting upon their toned behinds.

"Loundry, there you are!"

"Captain, quick, we have to run away!"

"I can't! My feet won't move"

"Mine neither!"

"What the?" Getra realized that roots had grown around her feet, keeping them in place. "Hopefully, Jetha can find us soon with something to cut these roots."

"Captain! Help! A tree captured me!" Jetha yelled.

"Of course."

Jetha, a beautiful fair-skinned knight, was trapped. A branch had looped around her waist like a snake, lifting her to the top of a towering tree. She kicked her long, athletic legs and punched the wood. This only angered the tree. Two more mighty branches tried to squeeze her into a human ball. "Eek! Help!"

The branches coiled backward, and then sprung forward at full speed, releasing Leandra. The balled-up knight was sent flying towards… were those her sisters? Oh no.



"Yeah, that's what I call a strike!" A fairy celebrated, having knocked down all four of the knights with her shot.

"Well duh. What else would you call it. A hit?" another replied.

"Owwww. Is everyone okay?" Getra rubbed her head and pushed a leg out of her face. She half stood up.

"I've taken a fatal wound... to my pride."

"Mphf! Gt yr hss hf mh fhc!"

"What did Loundry say?"

"I think she is trying to say: get your ass out of my face. Oops, sorry, girl."

"That´s bett-ack!"

Enchanted vines reached down from the trees like ropes to bind the whole squad together. The knights squirmed and struggled, but it was no use. All they accomplished was rubbing onto the naked skin of their companions… making the situation a bit more awkward.

The group of fairies flew in front of them, shining in the fog like floating lanterns. "Learned your lesson yet?"

Getra bit her lip. "When the Order hears of this-"

"I don't think they learned their lesson, do you, girls? How about one last prank so that they remember this for a long time?"

The other knights were already shaking in anticipation. Getra just snarled. "You wouldn't."

"Let's show everyone what happens when they mess with us!"


The vines pulled their prisoners up, moving them from tree to tree towards the road that crossed the misty forest. There, they arranged the knights in a variety of different positions.

Greta was suspended on the trunk of a large tree next to the road, branches coiling around her ankles and wrists to secure her in position. Loundry was hogtied and left hanging above the path by sturdy vines, her breasts pointing downward toward the ground.

Jathie had a vine coiling around her lithe body, but not covering anything of importance. She was hanging upside down, bobbling with the breeze. The last two nights were also suspended in midair, vines pressing them both together in an awkward upside-down embrace.

This wasn't the end of the fairies curse.

To help guide the travelers across the forest and to show everyone their handiwork, the fairies cursed the knights' skin to shine like a beacon in the fog. The light emanated from their skins changing colors like a rainbow, and the women's sweat turned to sparkling glitter.

Many travelers and caravans passed the road and gawked at the Order's defeat, at the silly knights that thought they could best the forest itself. The poor women were trapped as their knightly dignity was openly mocked, it was a dark stain on-


"Hold on a minute-" Min interrupted. "That's a quite detailed story. How do you know so much about what happened? About what they said?"

"Well, you know how fast word can spread-"

"My sister was there," The boy interrupted, serving the two girls with a bowl of soup each. "Isn't that right?"

The huntress groaned. "Fine, yes I was. I saw the whole thing happen while I was hunting some rabbits."

"Why did you try to hide it?"



"Oh my," the huntress said, hiding in the foliage. "Maybe I should help them?"

"What do we have here?" a fairy asked, buzzing near her ear.


"If it isn't our favorite huntress. Hunting again without our permission?"

"Errr, no. Of course not!"

"Then what is that bow for?"

The huntress gulped. "Err, self-defense?"

"Why would you need a bow for self-defense when we already made the forest as safe as can be?"

"…Good point!" The huntress said, backing away. "Haven't thought about that. I'll go home and… Eeck!"

The swarm circled her. There was no escape. "I think she needs to know what it feels like to be hunted herself, don't you agree, girls?"



"And then? What happened?" Min asked.

"N-nothing." The huntress replied, biting her lip.

"We don't know exactly what happened. My sister refuses to say." The boy continued. "But she came back to town naked as the day she was born. Leaves clung all over her skin, her legs caked in mud, vines twisting around her naked body, and an owl was nesting on her ruffled hair."

"Oh wow, that sounds terrible."

"And, she was being chased by a fluffle of bunnies."

"Bunnies? Really?" Min raised an eyebrow.

"Yep, they chased her around the village, and it was on one of the rare non-foggy days too. That's why everyone calls her fluffy buns nowadays."

"In my defense, those bunnies were ferocious!"

"They didn't even bite, they just kicked!"


"Ok, enough. I think I know what the fairies are capable of now, and I think I just came up with a plan to get rid of them once and for all..."