
I Got Reincarnated In Other World With Nothing

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6 Chs


This story starts from the man named Rei, he's rich he has luxury apartments,cars and expensive jewelries.One day when he goes to the bank to withdraw some money so many man appeared there with guns they're trying to rob the bank but there's a police in the bank too the police shot one of the criminals and the criminals tries to shoot the police but they accidentally shot Rei.

Suddenly after Rei got shot he woke up and he sees a girl staring at him he ask where is he and where's the thieves the girl says I don't see any thieves i just see you in the jungle thats why i bring you here Rei talk to his mind Jungle??What i am doing there Rei peeks to the window and ask himself again What is this place??Did i got reincarnated in other world?What is this thing im seeing? It looks like game settings The girl ask him if he's ok Rei answers yea im alright the girl ask his name Rei said My name? Einz thats my name,you whats your name? the girl said My name is Mika nice to meet you

Einz: im gonna leave here now thanks you for bringing me here

Mika: are you sure your in good condition now?

Einz: yea thanks and bye

Mika: Bye

To be Continued