
I got reincarnated as the villain and i plan to be the protagonist

A man got reincarnated and became the villain, is it too late to become the protagonist?

West_walker · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs


The knight was in front of me, having all kinds of weapons on him, a spear, mace and flail on both belts, a long sword and greatsword.

A bow and arm crossbow, and possibly a few hidden daggers. My men are hiding inside holding bows aimed at him ready to assist at any time in a slightly safer area.

I asked him "before we initiate combat may i have the honor of your story? Of who you are."

It is after all a knight's valor before a duel, or so i thought, instead he rushed towards me holding his spear and long sword.

Throwing the spear at me barely dodging it as it grazed my cheek. Breaking the wall of the prison behind me.

Then attempted to do an upward slash at me as i parried it with my blade creating a spark setting my oiled sword on fire.

As we attempted to overpower each other he asked me "tell me warrior, why are you trying to stop me from destroying this heretic kingdom?"

I slid my blade away towards the point of his sword, as he was caught offguard as i dodge the blade then i hit him with the pommel of my weapon.

The attack knocked him back as i continue my attack by attempting to cut his arm of but was unsuccessful as he punched the fuller of my sword.

It knocked me back, as he attempted to cut my head of with a swing, i recovered quickly and blocked it.

And then i told him "what the fuck are you on about? Heretic?" Then he proceeded to pull back his sword making me topple a bit then proceeded to low sweep my legs.

As fell to the ground he toppled over me and attempted to pierce through my heart. But i was saved by my archers firing at him.

He deflected the arrows but it gave me enough time to roll away. As i tried to stand up he was aiming an arrow at my head in which i dodged.

But by doing so, one of my men got hit, i was on the defensive and he knew it. He put the bow on his back and threw a couple daggers at me as he pulled then out of nowhere.

As i parried one away and grabbed the other while it was flying towards me. He then jumped high into the sky and was attempting to smash the ground along with me using a greatsword.

I threw a dagger at his leggings which only grazed him due to his heavy armor. Then i started to build up a momentum by creating upward spin attacks.

When he was close to the ground i jumped in the air and smashed my sword into the fuller of his greatsword.

Knocking both of us away smashing into buildings. I felt dizzy from doing those spin attacks.

He was standing by using his sword as support then he said "what you learn from those scholars... those books... the history you learned was a lie!"

Then his back kneeling on the wall, he grabbed his sword and pointed at me and continued.

"My name is neros nightingale, i was the knight of the 1st so called magic emperor, as i watched as a rebellion attacked and killed him..."

Then suddenly his eyes turn red, and he said out in anguish "on that battlefield before my death, i have killed over a hundred mages..."

He has dropped his greatsword, and on his hand glew a fiery red sigil. As a crimson blood sword slowly appearing in his hand.

Having a black flame of death, he looked into my eyes and said "you will join them too..."