
I Got Legendary Dragon Sword As My First Weapon

I, Tarun, had always harbored a fervent desire to become a legendary swordsman in a world teeming with dungeons and thrilling adventures. Regrettably, in the mundanity of my real-life existence, I never had the opportunity to test my skills against even the most common of thugs. It seemed as if my dreams were destined to remain unfulfilled. However, fate has a peculiar way of intervening. A cataclysmic event unfolded as a meteor descended from the heavens, causing a cataclysmic dungeon breakdown. Suddenly, my life was thrust into uncharted territory, and the tantalizing possibility of my dreams coming to fruition loomed on the horizon. The question now is whether this cosmic intervention will alter the course of my destiny. Will I finally have the chance to embark on the adventures I'd long yearned for, and will I emerge as the legendary swordsman I'd always aspired to be? The unfolding of this newfound reality promises to be a captivating tale of transformation and adventure, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Sai_suke · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


After Tarun carefully stowed his sword in its sheath and tucked it into his item pocket, he stepped into the inviting atmosphere of the café, eager to indulge in some delicious desserts. Little did he know, an officer discreetly followed him, quietly making his way through the café's interior until reaching the very table where Tarun had sit.

With a humble bow, the officer expressed gratitude, saying, "Thank you for your timely assistance. Your intervention prevented potential devastation, and we are truly grateful." Tarun, in response, retrieved something from his item pocket and handed it over to the officer.

Tarun elaborated, "It's a dimension ring, a reward from defeating the boss. While I'm glad I could assist, it's essential to acknowledge that my actions might not align precisely with the established rules. Please take charge of the remaining tasks; I've just fulfilled my duty as both a hunter and a fellow human being. There's no need to exaggerate the situation any further."

Upon hearing this, the officer responded, "Apologies for the immediate lack of reward, but rest assured, you'll receive your due later." As he concluded, a new figure clad in black and white attire entered the cafe.

With a resounding voice, he announced, "Who's the one who conquered the dungeon?" His attention, initially unaware of the cafe's ambiance, fell upon the officer conversing with Tarun, and the realization dawned upon him that Tarun was the one responsible for clearing the dungeon.

Approaching Tarun, he acknowledged, "You're the one who cleared the dungeon." Tarun casually replied, "Yep," and the other officer nodded in acceptance. Extending his hand, the newcomer expressed gratitude, saying, "Thank you."

Tarun shook hands with the person, assuring him, "It's okay." The individual introduced himself as Robert, saying, "Nice to meet you." Tarun stood up, saying, "I'm Tarun. Nice to meet you too." Robert continued, "You know, I have a store collecting etiquette items right where that dungeon emerged. I lost hope completely after witnessing the chaos caused by the dungeon outbreak."

"If those pesky monsters had gone on a rampage, my losses would've been off the charts! Your dungeon-clearing heroics really pulled me out of a tight spot. As a big 'thank you,' consider your cafe bill on the house. Go ahead, order up anything your taste buds desire, no holds barred!"

Tarun responded, "No need, really. I've made a decent fortune clearing a few dungeons recently." Robert insisted, "No, no, let me treat you. Consider it a kind request, please." Tarun found himself unable to turn down the earnest request.

Seating himself, he warmly invited both the officer and Robert to join him. Robert mentioned some urgent tasks, urging the cafe owner to expedite the bill. The officer, declining Tarun's offer, explained he had pressing matters and requested Tarun's credentials for the government discussions regarding rewards for dungeon clearance.

Having obtained Tarun's credit details, the officer departed the cafe. Just as Tarun was poised to indulge in a slice of pastry, his phone rang. Answering the call, Vikram's voice barked through the receiver, demanding, "Where are you? Hurry up! We only have an hour to get ready."

In response to Vikram's urgent plea, Tarun replied, "Alright, alright. I'm nearby and on my way." With a hint of disappointment on his face, he laid the fork on the plate and asked the waiter to pack the untouched pastry for him to take on the go.

The waiter swiftly accepted the request and efficiently packed the pastry. Meanwhile, the cafe owner processed the bill and handed it over to Robert. Puzzled as to why it took so long for a coffee and a few desserts, Robert was taken aback when he glanced at the bill, registering a moment of shock.

As the waiter handed over the packages, Tarun efficiently stowed them into his dimension pocket. Noticing the bill, Tarun offered, "If you're short on cash, no worries, I'll cover it." Robert insisted, "No, no. I promised to pay the bill, so let me handle it. Just enjoy your day."

Unable to refuse once more, Tarun and Elena exited the cafe. Tarun turned to Elena, saying, "I assume your guild leader called you too. We need to hurry." Stepping in front of Elena, he apologized, "Sorry for the rush, but we've got to move quickly."