
20. Setting up a stall for fortune-telling.

"Then I'd like to thank Uncle Lu. I'm willing to help with anything within my capabilities. You don't need to keep calling me 'benefactor'; my name is Bai Zitong. You can call me Xiao Bai or Zi Tong. You didn't change it after our last conversation and kept calling me 'benefactor,' which sounds awkward to me."

"No problem. May I ask what you are going to do in Weining City, Xiao Bai?"

What to do...

That question really stumped me,

100,000 yuan could last me two years, but...

I couldn't just do nothing and lie around for two years.

Since the ancestors ordered me to accumulate good deeds, then...

"I'm here to set up a stall and tell fortunes."

As soon as these words came out, Master and Ninth Master Chang both burst into laughter, and if Lu Mingwei could have heard it, he probably would have been startled too.

One laughed with a "jee jee jee," the other with a "gah gah gah."

Even I was startled by their laughter.