
I Got Caught Lying To A Domineering CEO

After running away from home, Guan Ju accidentally picked up a drunk domineering CEO on the streets. She needed a place to stay for the night while he needed to vent his frustrations. It was a night of passion and they were unusually compatible, so they decided to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and got married. After their marriage, Guan Ju was considerate, sensible, and flirty. She never asked the domineering CEO about his work, and just stayed at home and be his decoration. The domineering CEO surprisingly doted on her, showering her with expensive gifts every day. But Luo Han always liked to pretend to be miserable in front of his wife. “I’m just a worker who helps his boss manage the company.” One day, Guan Ju was flipping through the financial news when she saw the domineering CEO’s photo. Luo Han returned home to a dark Guan Ju with the interview article placed beside her. “Care to explain?” Luo Han felt guilty. “He might be my twin brother who was cast out on the streets.” Then, Luo Han was schemed by bad guys, and his wife came to his rescue, displaying maximum combat ability. She could even remove bombs with her bare hands! Everyone was wailing, but Luo Han hugged his wife and explained on her behalf, “My wife is weak, so none of you can bully her!” Back at home, the domineering CEO pressed his wife down onto the bed and asked in a low voice, “How should I hold you accountable for lying to me?”

Cold Charm · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

The Duty Of A Good Wife

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After Mo Ran left, Guan Ju tilted her head and looked at Luo Han. "Han, I seem to have become the biggest beneficiary of this project."

"I was going to give it to you too." Luo Han tapped her nose and smiled lightly. "I just didn't expect you to have such a good relationship with Mo Ran. All it took were a few words to convince him to collaborate with us."

She was more powerful than he had imagined.

Luo Han had thought that she was a little girl who needed to be protected, but now he realized that she could become his most reliable partner.

On this road of life, he was truly lucky to have such a wife who could move in step with him.

The other shareholders also chimed in. Zhang Hai even poured a glass of wine and stood up to toast Guan Ju.

"Mrs. Luo is really capable. We underestimated you before. Please don't take it to heart."

"I won't take it to heart," Guan Ju replied calmly.

She would not waste her energy on someone who was not worth it.

Seeing that she really did not harbor a grudge, Zhang Hai wiped the sweat off his forehead and smiled as he complimented her.

The other shareholders also praised her, describing her as a fairy that was rarely seen in the world.

Guan Ju was a little embarrassed to be praised as such by everyone.

"I'm not as good as you guys are saying."

It was just a coincidence that she saved Mo Ran, and that he remembered her kindness.

As soon as she finished speaking, a cold voice spoke from the side, breaking up the lively atmosphere.

"After going through all this trouble I can finally work with Big Brother Mo Ran. However, the one who is paying for the project is Auntie. You're receiving 60% of the share of the profits without even investing a penny, unlike Auntie. On what basis is that fair?"

The one who spoke up was Bai Wen. She straightened her neck and looked like she was doing Li Lian a favor, as she glared at Guan Ju.

Guan Ju did not say anything. She just raised her hand. After clenching her fingers, her knuckles seemed to turn white. She gestured at Bai Wen, and the latter immediately shut her mouth in fear.

Bai Wen understood what she meant.

If she dared to say another word, she would directly beat her up!

Luo Han looked at Li Lian coldly, his eyes unable to hide the disappointment in them.

"Mom, your investment is all in the company's accounts. In other words, you didn't use your own money to invest in the project, right?"

He did not hesitate at all and got straight to the point.

Li Lian's face seemed to be a little heated, but when she met Luo Han's gaze, she still nodded.

"I didn't use my own money."

"That means, the money for the project is still from the company," Luo Han emphasized once again and looked at Li Lian.

"I asked mom to be in charge of the project, but I never said that I would give you the dividends. You kept referring to yourself as an investor in the company, and I didn't refute it because I was giving you face. But, in case I didn't make myself clear, Mom, would you be at ease with letting Ju'er share the profits?"

He enunciated each word slowly and clearly, his expression could pierce one to the core. That sharp gaze of his seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

Li Lian gritted her teeth and forced out a smile, trying to smooth things over for her own sake. "This project is indeed one where Ju'er should receive the dividends. After all, it's a project that you and Mo Ran are collaborating on. Since she has put in the effort, she should also receive the dividends."

After saying that, Li Lian's expression darkened and she changed the topic.

"But Han, Mom has to remind you. Just now, she said that her occupation is your wife. Since that's the case, she should do her duty as your wife."

Luo Han stood steadily and stared at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Our Luo family doesn't need a working daughter-in-law." Li Lian snorted lightly and straightened her back,

"Regardless of whether she gets someone to collaborate with you or otherwise, it's all frivolous and meaningless. It would be a joke if word got out. It's still her duty to serve you well at home and take care of your body."

Hearing this, Luo Han's expression turned cold.