

Lilly ignored the gazes she was receiving from the people and walked towards the Mayor's mansion.

On the other hand, William felt a little conscious of the hateful looks of the people. Although he had gotten used to them, it still felt awful being under them.

Especially today, for some reason, he could sense even more hateful gazes on him. He slowed down his walking speed and tried to hide behind Lilly's back.

As he walked behind Lilly, he felt calm. It was as if Lilly's small figure was blocking all those gazes. He felt secure behind her.

Now, he understood just what having a master meant. He was now safe under someone powerful. Nobody could do anything aside from sending those hateful stares at him.

For once, he felt like he could actually stand straight under these stares, but when he tried to do so, his courage gave up as he came back to walk behind Lilly.