
I Get A Random New Occupation Every Week

Be an Uber driver, one Pagani Zonda rewarded. Be a university lecturer, 10 buildings rewarded. Be a landlord, 1billion dollars rewarded. Be… Lin Yi was fired by his company and his girlfriend cheated on him. After all that had happened, he suddenly awakened the professional experience system. He could keep receiving awards as long as he kept trying and experiencing new professions? There is no job that Lin Yi isn’t familiar with! If there is, that means that the reward isn’t enticing enough!

No Right · perkotaan
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1917 Chs

Close the Curtains

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Why did you put the coffee back?" Standing upstairs, Ji Qingyan asked.

"When I saw your stockings and coffee together, I instantly didn't want to drink it."

"You haven't been to other women's homes before, have you?" Ji Qingyan ridiculed.

"How did you know?"

"Women's stockings are all kept in the refrigerator. This way, they are more durable," Ji Qingyan said.

"Besides, those stockings are unopened, they're all new. What are you afraid of? Your thoughts are running wild."

"Forget it, I'll have a glass of water."

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't drink the coffee in the fridge, Qingyan could not help but laugh.

It looked quite cute.

"Sure, make whatever you want. I'll be taking a shower later, it might take some time. My laptop is on the dining table, so feel free to use it."


Soon, the sound of running water could be heard from upstairs.