
I Get A Random New Occupation Every Week

Be an Uber driver, one Pagani Zonda rewarded. Be a university lecturer, 10 buildings rewarded. Be a landlord, 1billion dollars rewarded. Be… Lin Yi was fired by his company and his girlfriend cheated on him. After all that had happened, he suddenly awakened the professional experience system. He could keep receiving awards as long as he kept trying and experiencing new professions? There is no job that Lin Yi isn’t familiar with! If there is, that means that the reward isn’t enticing enough!

No Right · perkotaan
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1926 Chs

Chapter 111: Let Me Give You a Taste of Mango-Flavored Lipstick

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After thinking for a long time, the two of them could not think of any good ideas to help the situation.

"Let's not just stay here and be anxious. Let's go find Sister Su," Song Jia said.

"Let's go."

The two of them stood up together and went to Sugar's office.

In front of Sugar's desk were two empty bottles of his Mrs. Oral Liquid. At the same time, she was holding her cell phone and killing time in her mobile game.

With a 1-8-1 record, Sugar was at the bottom of the leaderboards.

"Can you knock on the door before you come in? You scared me to death," Sugar said.

Both of them knew about Suger's internet addiction, so they were not surprised.

"Sister Su, stop playing around. Lin Yi has been gone for a long time. Go and plead for him."

"I've thought it through just now," Sugar said