
Chapter 169 Find Xi Zhan

These people were all from He family, so they dared not to move when they received the call from He Er.

I knew it was no use begging them, so I took out my phone and called my assistant, who had everything taken care of quickly.

He Er was really not taking me seriously. She really thought I had no power abroad. But because of her intervention, I was delayed, and it was an hour later by the time I arrived in Norway.

Fortunately, Finland was particularly close to Norway, otherwise I would be dying from worrying about Xi Zhan. When I arrived in Norway, I tried to find Xi Zhan according to the location sent by Yuan You, only to find that no one was there.

Worried, I called Yuan Yu.

Yuan Yu couldn’t figure out a way for the time being, so he told me: "Don't panic first. Give me some time to check. You stay right there and don't run around, or you can wait for brother to come to you."

How would Xi Zhan come to find me?