
I follow you

Balance, a very simple word, right ? This is something we cannot live without and the same goes for them. Claire born with light magic and Felix born with black magic, polar opposite of each other but still their fates are entangled with each other. Their tragedy, their happiness and their sorrow is one of the thing that's just barely keeping them sane, so what is going to happen in this journey is still a mystery for them.

Ashish_Sanjiv_6562 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

First Day First Class

(After the ceremony, all the students were sent to their dorms and just like any other dorm room the first night they were roaming around and they just had to keep one rule in mind that the black magic user's shouldn't meet with the light magic user's. However not everyone was out. Felix was cooped inside his room)

For the whole night I was wondering if things can't get any more worse than this, my anger towards the headmaster vanished all of a sudden when I heard a knock on my door. I was a little hesitant but I gathered myself and opened the door and saw two guards who had magic resistant armor on them, with a crowd watching them one of the guard said "Reaper, headmaster has called you" it kind of bothered me so I said "My name is Felix" the guard giggled and said "Your name or title means nothing in this school, you are called by your badge ID and plus it's not like anyone is bothered to learn the name of a black magic user, so shut your mouth and come with us" this was pissing me off, but I kept on telling myself that if I lift a finger right now I will get in more trouble so I decided to just move along with them. I was literally pushed by the guards to move forward and they also put magic cuffs filled with strong holy mana made by the grand mage herself on me and said "Even though you are a student we cannot risk it, just be obedient" I felt like I have committed a crime, I hated it, every second of it and we just kept walking until we reach the main school campus were the light magic users, the nobles and teachers live. In front of all, I was walking with cuffs on my hand, I looked at them and all I felt from them was resentment, pity and also fear, for some reason I liked that, so just to add a little bit of my touch I smiled back but it backfired and one of the nobles yelled and said "Hey, don't you dare look up" the guards stopped and said "Prince Arthur, this student was called by the headmaster so we were going there, please don't cause trouble" he came closer to the guard and said "How dare a mere guard told me what to do,huh? Besides it wasn't me who started it he was smiling like a creep" the guard asked me to apologize to him but instead I said "We are getting late the headmaster is waiting" that noble brat didn't like it but then Knight Ray came and asked them to disperse and not bother me and asked me to go ahead.

(At headmaster's office)

When we entered the office I saw Princess Claire, her parents and mine, the guard closed the door and then the headmaster said "Release the boy" my cuffs were taken off and then he said "Reaper, I already told them about you and your black magic, if it were up to me I would have kicked you out right after you turned the holy water, unholy, but the grand mage and Knight Ray both said that it is better to keep you here you should be thankful for that" I smiled and said "Yeah thanks a lot" my father said "Headmaster is it safe for the other students to be near him if you want we can take him back" this shocked me as my father wasn't worried or looked sad at all for his own son's situation rather he would worry about the rest, so I said "Why ? I am your own son, can't you show a little emotions towards me" he turned and said "A son who practices black magic doesn't have the right to call me his father" I wasn't able to believe what he said and then princess Claire's father said "See headmaster even his own father doesn't want him please it's better if we just .." before he could finish it headmaster stopped him and said "Reaper do you know the reason behind their reaction, if it were just black magic maybe it wouldn't be that extreme but the marking on your hand had turned things" he grabbed my hand were the marking was and said "Kid, your allotted badge says you are a reaper, a person who not only has the power to give death to other but also the power to grant them a sin" I was confused and said "What do you mean death and sin ?" he pulled me towards princess Claire and said "Do you know why she is here? It's because she is your opposite, if you have the power of death she has the power of life, if you can give sins, she can take them away, just like Light and Black magic" he threw me back and said "Now you know the reason, why even your own parents don't want you" then I asked "Then help me undo it" he and the Limian king laughed and then the king said "It is not something that can be undone you are practically born with it" I was crushed I looked at my parents disappointment and then the head master asked the Princess Claire to stay away from me and asked the guard to send me back.

(Morning in class)

I was sitting at the first bench because I wasn't allowed to sit at the back, because the nobles and the light magic user's had occupied it and among them princess Claire was also present but the problem was forget about the light magic users even the black magic users didn't want to sit with me. The awkwardness and self doubt kicked in hard, while I was trying to block away on these thoughts our teacher came and it was none other than the great mage Pearl. She came forward and said "Students as you know this is the mages class, the knights are being taken care of by Knight Ray, which means they are improving their sword skill at this very moment but that doesn't mean you all can rest we must also do our best in perfecting our skills" at first I thought that she will teach us some magic but I was wrong, she said "You will be handling weapons" this confused all of us, she smiled and said "Let me explain a bit more, you know that every Knight here has magical armor right? That's because if they ever came in contact with a mage type enemy they can have an upper hand, the marking in your hand provides you with an armor or weapon, suitable to your skills and just like that mages chooses their weapons so that they can have an upper hand against knight" well the explanation cleared everything up for us and later the grand mage announced after we all have weapons we will go out and meet up with the knight squad. This made the light users happy but the same can't be said for the black magic users though but we somehow got our grip and decided to focus on getting ourselves a weapon. Then the grand mage started calling students one by one. Some of them got armored shields, some got bow and arrow and some got long swords but then the grand mage called "Princess Alice please come forward" and it was the same girl who asked me to keep my mouth shut. She went and did the hand signs that the grand mage asked her to do and then stretched out her hand and then suddenly a Halberd appeared in her hand and the grand mage said "Impressive kid, that's a good weapon" she smiled and sat down, then Princess Claire was called and the same procedure was followed but the weapons she summoned was a bright silver spear, the grand mage was silent for a while and said "That's the same weapon that our goddess of light used to wield" chaos was spread but the mage asked them to settle down and then the noble who insulted me when I was heading towards the headmaster's office came and was given a shield and by the look of his face he was kind of disappointed and so the rest of the class got their weapon and then I was called. I went forward did the same thing but it was taking time, at first I thought that I wasn't eligible for having a weapon and the whispering among the class, I was just about to go back to my seat when my marking suddenly began to glow and a weapon enveloped in black and red aura came forward and it was scythe, I held that, they once again started talking about me when Princess Claire came towards me with her spear on her right hand and I was holding the scythe and we were just looking at each other, it was like life and death were just staring at each other and the class went silent. The grand mage came forward and said "A scythe,huh" it looked like she knew about it too, so I asked and she said "Well if we follow the old stories then it is said that the goddess of light had the silver spear while the devil of darkness had a scythe in his hand when they fought the great battle against each other" then that jerk prince Arthur said "See this basically proves that he is the devil of darkness and it's Claire's duty to kill him" and the crowd started agreeing with her, things were moving so fast but then the grand mage used her magic to silence them and said "Your weapon are just a physical form of your skill, that doesn't define who you are, you got a shield even the devil darkness had subordinates that used the shield maybe that was one of them" this silenced him and then the grand mage said "As said we are going to see the knight squad so everybody move out" we were just about to leave when the grand mage stopped princess Claire and me. When everybody left she said "I think we need to talk." and I didn't like the sound of it.