
I Fight Alien Invasion With Fantasy Class

Az is an avid enthusiast of the fantasy genre, losing himself in the pages of epic tales and the magical realms they conjure. However, his dreams of enchanted kingdoms and mythical creatures come crashing down when he is thrust into a harrowing and unforeseen reality—an alien invasion has shattered the world he once knew. As the world faces an impending extraterrestrial onslaught, the question of what's needed to fend off these cosmic invaders arises. The answer, it turns out, is far from conventional. Forget about AK-47 rifles, B-12 military airplanes, or nuclear bombs. In this fantasy world, survival hinges on the whimsical and the extraordinary—a dragon rider to dominate the skies, a mage wielding the forces of magic, and a healer to mend the wounded.

muzix_lover · Fantasi
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56 Chs

Chapter 11: What With That Happy Going Group?

Az and the rest found themselves resting in an abandoned building. It was a half-day walk away from the alien base Lee had mentioned.

They gathered in a circle, sitting together to discuss their recent achievements and the valuable skull points they had accumulated during their hit-and-run tactics the day before.

Az shared his stats:

Name: Az

Class: Fantasy

Title: Deception Counteragent

Level: 18

STR | Strength: 1,700

DEX | Dexterity: 1,700

MND | Mind: 1,200

INT | Intelligence: 1,200

ARC | Arcane: 12,200

Alien Skull Available: 11,000

Hex followed, revealing his progress:

Name: Hex

Class: Survivor


Level: 1 

STR | Strength: 200

DEX | Dexterity: 200

MND | Mind: 200 

INT | Intelligence: 200 

ARC | Arcane: 200

Alien Skull Available: 18,000

As they continued their deliberations, contemplating how to spend their accumulated skull points and preparing for the upcoming confrontation with the alien forces at the nearby base, Az couldn't help but notice Hex's relatively low level compared to his substantial number of skull points.

"Wow, you've got quite a stash of Skull Points there," Az remarked, intrigued by the Alien Skull owned by Hex. He turned to Hex and asked why he hadn't upgraded his stats despite having the necessary resources.

Hex explained, "I guess I accumulated most of them during the missions with Uno's group. I've managed to killed a significant number of aliens myself over those three days of the invasion," he elaborated.

"But even after you explained that we could upgrade our stats, I've been contemplating it for a while, and I couldn't confidently make the right decision." Hex revealed his hesitance in making choices regarding stat upgrades, underscoring that he had been waiting for Az's guidance to ensure he made the right decisions.

Az firmly expressed, "Hex, you need to start making your own decisions. It's important in this crucial time, and remember, you'll lose all your Skull Points if you die. Don't rely on others to make these choices for you." He turned to Lumi, seeking her agreement and support.

Lumi chimed in, "Don't forget, you can also upgrade your weapons," reminding them about an important aspect of their progress.

Az, raising an eyebrow, asked Lumi if this was another instance where she suddenly remembered something significant, akin to the Arcane book revelation.

However, Lumi responded with a sheepish grin, "Actually, I just forgot to mention it," which prompted an amusing mix of frustration and amusement on Az's face. "For three days, we've been in simulation together doing nothing, and you're just telling me now?" he exclaimed, to which Lumi responded with an adorable apology, her eyes widened with innocence, and she tilted her head slightly.

Ignoring Az and Lumi's playful banter, Hex eagerly displayed his stats as if he were a child showing off his favorite toys.

Hex had invested most of his skull points into upgrading his STR and DEX.

Name: Hex

Class: Survivor


Level: 19 

STR | Strength: 10,200

DEX | Dexterity: 8,200

MND | Mind: 200 

INT | Intelligence: 200 

ARC | Arcane: 200

Alien Skull Available: 0

Az watched as Hex allocated the majority of his skull points to his Strength and Dexterity, his expression gradually shifting to one of disappointment. He couldn't help but shake his head at Hex's decision.

Then, just as Hex's strength surpassed the 10,000-point threshold, an exciting notification appeared on his status tab, with words that intrigued Az and Lumi both:

Strength Books of Antifragile Art Unlocked.

This was a momentous discovery. Az and Lumi shared a look, contemplating the possibilities and the new strength that Hex had unlocked.

The notification indicated that this skill, similar to Az's Arcane Book, required a specific amount of skull points to unlock the skill contained in the books. It was a tantalizing prospect that could lead to exciting developments in their quest.

However, despite the discussions and planning, Lee remained in her own corner, her past actions casting a rift between her and the rest of the group.

Lumi, ever the caring soul, noticed Lee's solitude and decided to approach her corner for a friendly chat. Lee, however, appeared wary, and she cautioned Lumi not to come too close, fearing Az's reaction.

But Lumi, with her characteristic nonchalance, responded, "You seem different now." This remark piqued Lee's curiosity, and she countered, "How do you know? I might just kill you now."

With a playful grin, Lumi replied, "You didn't try to kill us last night, did you?" Lee was momentarily taken aback, both by Lumi's carefree demeanor and by the thought of how Az managed to keep up with her.

Just as Az was about to allocate his skull points, he noticed a sudden movement that caught his attention within the building. He swiftly closed his status tab and turned his focus to the others.

In a hushed but urgent tone, he said, "Get ready, everyone. It could be the aliens, and they might have found our hideout." The atmosphere in the abandoned building tensed as they prepared for a potential confrontation with the alien forces.

The tense atmosphere inside the abandoned building had everyone on edge, eyes locked onto the door, awaiting the sound of approaching footsteps.

As a footstep finally reached the entrance, Hex's adrenaline surged, his fist coiled, ready to unleash a powerful punch at the first sign of danger.

Az reacted swiftly, trying to halt Hex's impending attack, but the newfound speed and strength that Hex had acquired from his recent upgrades made it difficult for him to control his movements.

He couldn't suppress the force behind his punch, and the moment he struck the target, a shockwave reverberated throughout the room.

The dust kicked up by the impact eventually settled, revealing a shocking sight. Hex's punch had been intercepted by a colossal hand, a muscular figure, towering over eight feet in height, attached to it.

Az couldn't help but scold Hex for his reckless behavior, "Why are you such a brawny man? You can't just launch yourself without thinking!"

"Sorry, man, I can't control my newfound strength yet," Hex apologized for his impulsive actions.

"It's fine," a woman approached Az, "At least we're all in one piece, right?" It was the same person who expressed her relief about not being the first one through the door. 

"Come here, Elodie," she said, "You were right; looks like we've found another survivor." She was referring to Elodie, who had found Az's group.

The petite Elodie, a bit shy, urged, "Stop it, Beatrice." She wasn't entirely comfortable with all the attention.

Beatrice, unbothered by Elodie's bashfulness, responded with a playful tone, "Aww, you're so cute," as she hugged Elodie like a giant teddy bear, being quite spirited.

Interrupting their playful moment, Az directed the conversation toward a more serious tone, asking, "Who are you guys, and what do you mean by 'found us'?"

Beatrice released Elodie from her affectionate hug and began their introductions, starting with, "Can you believe that Elodie found me after I got teleported to Earth back from the simulation?"

Az, intrigued, asked, "Wait, are you also a simulator?"

Beatrice, wearing a thoughtful expression, responded, "Simulator? What's that? But I like the sound of it."

Az took a moment to explain that it was a term he used to refer to those who came from the simulation.

Beatrice nodded in understanding and continued, "Well then, I guess you could say that she and Arnold are 'simulators,' and Elodie here is a 'survivor'." She playfully added, "Lucky, aren't me?"

As Beatrice and the group introduced themselves, Az couldn't help but be taken aback by how easily she had found another "simulator." He didn't want to underestimate Beatrice and her companions, especially considering the unpredictable nature happening around him.

Beatrice then turned her attention to Lumi, "Eh, you seem familiar.." as she mentioned that Lumi's presence felt similar to the companion she had met in the simulation.

Az quickly intervened, attempting to divert the conversation away from Lumi. He introduced Lumi as one of the survivors he had encountered upon being teleported to Earth, explaining that she was still in shock from everything that had transpired.

Lee observed the exchange silently, suspecting that there was more to the story about Lumi, and she couldn't shake the feeling that Az was hiding the connection between him and Lumi.

Az, wanting to shift the focus away from Lumi, promptly changed the subject. "So, why are you guys here?" he inquired.

Beatrice explained that their objective was to raid the alien base near the bridge. Az couldn't help but be surprised by the coincidence that their goals aligned. "Funny," he mused, "our group also intends to raid the same base."

"Lucky!" Beatrice excitedly shouted as she saw an opportunity for collaboration and quickly suggested that they should join forces for the raid. "It would make things much easier if we worked together, don't you think?" she proposed.

While Az was generally cautious, he didn't notice anything particularly off about Beatrice's suggestion. However, he wanted to make the decision as a team, so he replied, "That sounds like a good idea, but I need to discuss it with my group first. We'll let you know."

Beatrice nodded in agreement, and they settled into a brief pause as Az decided to consult with his group.

Az, Lumi, Hex, and Lee gathered in a huddle to discuss the proposal of raiding the alien base alongside Beatrice, Arnold, and Elodie.

Az started the discussion, "So, what do you guys think about the idea of joining forces with Beatrice's group to raid the alien base near the bridge?"

Hex seemed to be excited at the prospect of working with other survivors. "I think it's a great idea! We can share resources and knowledge. Plus, we don't know what kind of defenses the alien base might have."

Lumi, still trying to befriend Lee and make her feel included, said, "It might be beneficial if we collaborate. More people can mean a better chance of success, right?"

Lee, who had been mostly silent, finally chimed in, "Do whatever you want."

Az addressed the group, "Fine, however, we need to be cautious. If at any point I feel something is off or if we encounter suspicious behavior, we'll reconsider the raid."

Lumi nodded in agreement, and Hex echoed, "I'm on board with that."

Lee remained skeptical, her arms wrapped around herself as she observed the group's discussion and preparations.

Az acknowledged their collective decision and turned to Beatrice, who was eagerly waiting for their response. "We're in, Beatrice. Let's make a plan and ensure everyone is on the same page."

The two groups began preparations for their daring raid on the alien base near the bridge.

Thank you for taking the time to read my work. Your engagement is greatly appreciated.

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