
I Fell in Love with My Master's Son

(Notice: All names, places, instances, characters, events are entirely work of fiction.) I am Mei Bai Ai, daughter of the legendary healer and warrior, Bai Ai. From a young age, I was trained in the art of medicine and combat—two skills that flow like twin rivers through my blood. My father entrusted me with a mission of utmost importance: to find a cure for an illness that has taken root in my mother. An illness even he cannot cure. As he has been banished from the imperial court for trying unconventional methods of healing, the weight of that mission has guided every step I’ve taken, every choice I’ve made. And it is what brought me here, to the country of Wu, where I now live under a false name of Lei as a mere servant. In the grand household of Master Hao Wu, the world only knows me as Lei Lai, a humble girl tasked with the daily chores that fill a servant’s life. Yet beneath this facade, I remain ever vigilant in my search for rare medicines and herbs, my father’s legacy whispering in my ear. I travel far and wide, from the bustling markets to the secluded mountains, always with the hope of finding the elusive cure that might save my mother’s life. My mission was supposed to be simple: stay hidden, serve my purpose, and keep my secrets locked away. But life, as it often does, had other plans for me. Somewhere along the way, I fell in love. Not just with the breathtaking landscapes of Wu or the wisdom found in the earth’s bounties, but with Yize Wu—the son of my master. If anyone were to learn of my true identity or discover my feelings for Yize, I would lose everything—the safety of this household, the resources I need to find the cure, and perhaps even my chance to remain close to him. But for now, I must continue this delicate balancing act, hiding behind the guise of a servant while I walk the line between duty and desire, between healing and heartbreak. One day, I will have to choose. But until that moment comes, I will continue to serve, to search, and to love in silence.

mir_draco · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Chapter 16: Cunning plans, Secret ways


Mei Bai Ai - Our protagonist. Alias Lei Feng. Trainee of the Buddha Palm technique.

Lu Bai Ai - Legendary master of the Buddha Palm technique. Banished for teaching the technique to her daughter secretly.

Rei Bai Ai - Mei's mother. Sick with an unknown disease but now cured.

Yize Wu - Her love interest. The son of Master Hao Wu.

Haoyu Wu - Yize's brother. Angry and insecure due to family issues.

Master Hao Wu - Yize's father. Administrator or leader of the City of Wu.

Mistress Wei Wu - Yize's mother. Motherly and kind.


Emperor Xian Fei - Name of the Carrion King in real life.

Lyn Chi and Xian Chi. - Two 16 year old orphans under the Carrion King.

Wong - Eldest brother of the infiltration team.

Fei - Second brother of the infiltration team.

Li - Youngest sister of the infiltration team.


The Carrion Emperor watched the battle from afar.

Interesting. Still now they resist. They have developed the secret body transformation arts that is secret and forbidden while he was away. Too bad that not a single one of them joined him. He would be pleased to destroy them in the future. 

Ahh, I know what to do...

"Lyn Chi, Xian Chi, capture one of these Bei fighters so we may learn of their ways. Make sure to get the stronger ones. Pretend to be refugees, befriend one of them then bring them to me." 

"Yes sir!"

Lyn Chi and Xian Chi. Just 2 twin orphans that lost their parents in the recent wars. 

They have been bullied in the orphanage by other orphans for showing potentials in the martial arts and in the philosophical arts, calling them as freaks.

When they asked help from the teachers and orphanage staff, all they said was to ignore them or work harder to prove others wrong.

Feeling abandoned, in their desperation, they called out to me. Turns out that these 16 year old kids have great potential to be masters in the future, They learns quickly and have the capability in handling my awesome power.

After giving them some of my power and teaching them his ways, they became his top human supporters. They have pledged their lives to him.

My people still resist my divine rule after all these years. Don't they know that I do this for them? He only wants what's best for his people!

Sure, he may have messed up a little in the past but he has seen the errors of his ways, he will no longer create fighting pits for entertainment.

Instead, h would just turn make then work in the mines and fields instead where they would be productive. Some evil people do not change even if you try. With those people you force them to do good and be productive members of society.

He has broken the bodies of the Chu masters and are now slowly channeling their chi to him. They would not be able to muster any energy to fight against him or escape within his territory.

He may look just a level 6 Master, but a level 6 master with unlimited power is a force to be reckoned with. 

He can't level up now because he is undead no matter how much he tries. He would need to find a suitable martial arts body to transfer his soul with.

"Lyn Chi and Xian Chi., tell the men to gather all the young men and young women loyal to me and train their in my ways. If anyone shows great potential, bring them to me!"

"Yes sir!"

"Return later and give your report. Dismissed!"

They have left the temple.

No one knows that the harsh mashes of the south is full of his followers gathering strength.

The tick plaque is not his doing, but he has infused them with his manahe has just sent them to Bei to test their readiness. In just 5 days they have lost people. Didn't their read the book of Qi that this happens once in a while and to prepare for this? Peace has made them weak. It's time to introduce hardship to them to make them strong. Then he would offer them his mercy when they have had enough.

People, when desperate, will abandon even the Gods to save themselves. He had seen it before, he will see it again. Let's see how long they resist when they run out of food and shelter. He still has some of his followers in in the town of Wu. He will be sending them back to Bei as regular citizens and if they falter. They would tell the people to ally with me. 

I will spread my influence all over the world and turn those loyal to me to undead. For now, I must transfer my soul to a willing host so I can level again and be stronger. When I am stronger, I can spread my soul to other people so in the event that this body get's destroyed people I would still exist.

I am the Carrion Emperor. Justice incarnate. My will is heavens will. I will not be denied.

(To be continued)