
I Fell in Love with My Master's Son

(Notice: All names, places, instances, characters, events are entirely work of fiction.) I am Mei Bai Ai, daughter of the legendary healer and warrior, Bai Ai. From a young age, I was trained in the art of medicine and combat—two skills that flow like twin rivers through my blood. My father entrusted me with a mission of utmost importance: to find a cure for an illness that has taken root in my mother. An illness even he cannot cure. As he has been banished from the imperial court for trying unconventional methods of healing, the weight of that mission has guided every step I’ve taken, every choice I’ve made. And it is what brought me here, to the country of Wu, where I now live under a false name of Lei as a mere servant. In the grand household of Master Hao Wu, the world only knows me as Lei Lai, a humble girl tasked with the daily chores that fill a servant’s life. Yet beneath this facade, I remain ever vigilant in my search for rare medicines and herbs, my father’s legacy whispering in my ear. I travel far and wide, from the bustling markets to the secluded mountains, always with the hope of finding the elusive cure that might save my mother’s life. My mission was supposed to be simple: stay hidden, serve my purpose, and keep my secrets locked away. But life, as it often does, had other plans for me. Somewhere along the way, I fell in love. Not just with the breathtaking landscapes of Wu or the wisdom found in the earth’s bounties, but with Yize Wu—the son of my master. If anyone were to learn of my true identity or discover my feelings for Yize, I would lose everything—the safety of this household, the resources I need to find the cure, and perhaps even my chance to remain close to him. But for now, I must continue this delicate balancing act, hiding behind the guise of a servant while I walk the line between duty and desire, between healing and heartbreak. One day, I will have to choose. But until that moment comes, I will continue to serve, to search, and to love in silence.

mir_draco · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Chapter 10: Return


Mei Bai Ai - Our protagonist. Alias Lei Feng. Trainee of the Buddha Palm technique.

Lu Bai Ai - Legendary master of the Buddha Palm technique. Banished for teaching the technique to her daughter secretly.

Rei Bai Ai - Mei's mother. Sick with an unknown disease but now cured.

Yize Wu - Her love interest. The son of Master Hao Wu.

Haoyu Wu - Yize's brother. Angry and insecure due to family issues.

Master Hao Wu - Yize's father. Administrator or leader of the City of Wu.

Mistress Wei Wu - Yize's mother. Motherly and kind.


Wong - Eldest brother of the infiltration team.

Fei - Second brother of the infiltration team.

Li - Youngest sister of the infiltration team.



Orcs under the mountain - Peaceful orcs that live in caves underneath the mountain.


City of Wu - southern city on the continent of Wu. 

Han - Northern territory inside the continent of Wu.

Chu - Desert country with giant birds and people with very strict customs.

Bei - A prosperous country below Wu. Currently experiencing famine.


"Father!" I awoke after having rested for a while as I hurriedly got out of bed and searched for Yize.

Yize was lying on the floor sleeping. Who slowly stood up after hearing my shout.

"What happened?" Yize asks.

"We need to speak with the Chu elders right now! We need to save father!" I said to him hysterically.

Tears fall down my eyes again as I remember him sitting in the lotus position in front of the temple, getting battered by an evil aura.

Yize held me close and stroked my hair. "There there. When you calm down, we will go together outside and meet with the elders."

I rubbed my eyes and took some deep breaths.

"Let us go." I held Yize's hand and lead him outside in determination.


The Chu Elders were shocked to see us up and about after a few moment's of rest.

"Greetings Elders. I am Mei, daughter of Doctor Lu Bai Ai. There was a famine and a plaque in the City of Bei so we went there to help them. We almost destroyed cause of the plaque, deadly ticks that eat everything they see. "

"After clearing the surrounding area of Bei except the south where the infestation is high, we found a Dark Temple releasing a very powerful evil and dark energy, preventing Father from killing the ticks."

"We approached the temple, an evil voice filled with hatred and malice echoed in our heads telling us that we will all die. Father then blocked the temples' entrance with a barrier spell but I don't know how long he can keep it up as his life shortens the longer he uses that spell."

"I see. The Carrion Emperor has returned. He was a great person in life, thousands of years ago. The one who started the unification wars.

 He tried unifying the countries as one, as he was tired of the years of fighting and the unending civil wars during that time. He almost succeeded too, until the royal family: the prince, princess and his wife were taken hostage by his jealous brother while he was away on a campaign. 

The brother whom he loved and trusted the most, betrayed him. When he returned to the Imperial palace. His brother asked him to abdicate the throne. He pleaded with his brother to not do this, as it would destroy their family if his brother tries taking over the throne. His brother threatened to kill his family if he does not comply. He abdicated the throne and him and his family where thrown into the dungeon for years.

When his brother finally died years later due to an assassin attack, he was the only one left alive in his prison cell. His whole family died. The previous king became crazy, laughing and crying at the same time, walking barefoot in the street. 

He disappeared for a while and when he returned, he was a different man. Gone was the chivalrous, honorable and mighty king. In place, was a master of the Dark arts and a dark warrior.

He became a vigilante who hunted down people who committed evil. Thieves, slavers, despots and tyrants. Some people praised him for the things he do, some hated him for what he has become. He was reported to use the dark arts to kill. Those who practice the dark arts are shunned and exiled as it uses the power of the Evil One.

One day, he returned to the Imperial Palace and asked the new king to abdicate the throne, so he can continue his quest for peace. The new king scoffed at him, mocking his for defeat and for the deaths of his family.

The previous king now Dark Sorcerer warned the new king that he would return and make his life a living hell. The new king laughed at him, quoted saying, "Of you and what army?"

He would rue the words that came of his lips that day.

(To be continued)