
I Fell In Love with a Nerd

I thought having a normal life was simple with no more complications, but I didn't expect that this so-called 'normal' would turn my world upside-down. In the world to which I belong, simple and normal do not exist. Everyone was dreaming about this kind of life, but for me, it was exhausting. Exhausted in the sense that even though I was tired, I needed to smile and wave. This decision took me a lot of time and courage to make. "Are you sure about this, darling? This will make your life normal, but you will also experience different kinds of treatment depending on how people treat you. Maybe a few of them will treat you with kindness, but not all of them will want your persistence. So think about this." Mom stated that she was right. I never went to a normal school or a physical school; most of the time I was home-schooled. Taking online classes, or the teachers went to our house. But this is what I've wanted ever since. I'd like to have friends with whom I can have fun. I want to meet them and feel nothing different if that different treatment is what they are scared about. I've been experiencing it all the time. "Yes, Mom." And this decision makes me think about what I've done. I have a little regret, maybe, but I have such fun meeting them. Jacob Pierce is the most annoying person I've met so far. He was the grandson of the owner of the Aeris Academy, and at the same time, he was the team captain and center of the basketball team. Some of his fans called him the 'happy virus." When he smiles at you, you get melty and don't notice you're smiling. He was an honest, cheerful, and cute person before. He had changed and become a cold person; his smile was never shown for almost three years, and no one knew what had happened to it. Jacob's eye is big and round, and his double eyelids are wide and deep; they are parallel double eyelids. They look vivid, which deepens the sense of innocence and brightness. His perfect proportion of lips makes him look sexy. Like it was made to call for kisses. With a thin upper lip and thick lower lip, he makes me bite my lips and crave his kiss. Sabrina Ayers was my total pain in the ass. She is the queen bee and the cheer leading captain. The only daughter of the Ayeers group of companies, she was Jacob's childhood best friend. She's on guard when it comes to Jacob. A lot of guys dream of dating her; she's become more popular since she started her acting and modeling careers. With her smaller and rounder eyes when she was looking at you, they may look natural and innocent. Even though she was the most bullied and mean girl in school, they still admired her. Lastly, I'm Ashlynn Shaw, the nerd who has a little secret. They say my life at school will not be perfect. After all, having them in my life at school made me suffer, but a little twist came along. The simple and normal life I wanted was still just a trial. When my secret was revealed the school changed. Should I quit schooling? Or should I stay? Will I lose my friends? Will having a normal life be the right life for me? Or should I just follow what the other said and be careful with the decision I make? It's worth knowing how my simple life journey was with them.

MeetMy_Sunshine · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 4:


"Are you insane? Put me down, or I'll jump." She looked serious saying those words. But still, I won't until she realizes why I'm carrying her.

"Are you serious about being my boyfriend? Gosh, you're freaking insane, Jacob. I won't even agree even if you carry me all day."

"Then let me carry you all day," I said in a hard tone, "all day. Yeah, and now we are here in the room. Even when she tried to go to her seat, I was holding her tight. She was sitting on my lap. Lance, Raphael, Kai, and Nyx got back from the cafe. I nodded to Kai and his on the way to my seat holding a cuff. I see her shaking her head.

"No way, no Kai, please."

"You better not move, something might awake babe." Her cheeks turn red after the rehearsal I say. Kai cuff her to me, so I smiled at her and let her sit in her chair. But I'm sorry for her; even before the teacher starts the lesson, she needs to look into me and focus on me.

"Ms. Spark, what do you think of our school? This is not a park, Ms. Spark."

"Ma'am, this is not what you think." She was about to get up, but her hands were cuffing her to me, so I got up together with her. Ms. Parvati said.

"What is the meaning of this, Mr. Pierce?"

"Can't you see I'm cuffing myself to my girlfriend? You're still young, yet you're blind." My classmates suddenly said, "Woah!"

"What kind of behavior is that, Mr. Pierce? You two remain standing up. Don't you ever dare talk back with your teacher!"

I was looking straight at the board. When I see Kai's paper.

"Dude, just kiss the nerd again," I smirk at him.

"Hey, nerd." She ignored me.

"Nerd," I whisper in her ears.

"What do you want?"

"I want a kiss from my girl."

"Get lost; can't you see we got punished because of your stupid idea? And you want more of it. No thanks, I don't need to get punished more with you. They might think I'm such a flirt because of you." I didn't listen to her; instead, I pulled her closer to mine.

"Then later, I will steal a kiss from you." She pushed my face away with her hands.

"No way, can you move away? Ms. Parvati might see us and think I'm flirting with you again."

"Then think: whatever she wants, I won't let her take me away from you."

I see her roll her eyes. I kiss her cheeks, smile, and behave beside her.

After the class, Ms. Parvati was still looking into us. She's getting ready and putting everything in her bag. I hugged her from behind. Sabrina rolled her eyes, seeing how sweet I was to this nerd. I just want her to see what she lost when she decided to cheat on me while we were still together.

"Oh, come on, Jacob, can you just let go of my friend? Don't try to list her among all the girls you guys make cry." Nyx tried to remove my hand from Ashlynn, but I tied my hand tightly around her waist.

"Can you please stop this show, Jacob? I'm interested in you," Cold replied to me.

"You never know; I won't let go of you so you can go home without me. We still need to practice right now for the program on Friday."

"Just let me go. I won't make any such stupid move just like you are doing. Can't you see they are looking into us? What kind of stupidity you had in your mind? You had a brain, but you don't know what his function is."

"I'm not stupid,"

"Then stop acting like that. You make yourself a fool just to prove your throne. If you want to do it, just act on your age. You're such a childish thinker. I fall into your trap just by making me your girlfriend, even if you make me your wife. I won't fall in love with a jerk like you. I don't need a rock just to hurt my head. My life was a mess already, so back off your plan."

She left the room. Tsk, how confident she was that she wouldn't fall for me. Not a single girl in this school has fallen in love with me. Even though Nyx has fallen for me before, I know she will swallow all her words in the end. I will make sure of that. I see the boys shaking their heads while waving at me.

"No way, I won't be lost in such a girl like her." A loud bang of a slap from Nyx is what I receive.

"You know what. Just took this advice from me. Don't disturb Ashlynn. You might fall for her instead of her falling for you. I know you, big guy, I know when you fall out of nowhere you change just for a girl. And seeing you now. I know it won't take long before you fall for her. Be good to her before it gets too late. You never know, someone like her from afar might steal her from you."

Should I take her advice and be nice to nerds? I grab my backpack and put my hands in my pocket before I walk away and look for that girl.

I saw Kinch on the side of a building. Talking to someone on his phone.

"Yes, baby sister. Don't get mad. You know he might be kind of a jerk, but he's a good guy. Yeah, don't worry, I'll keep my eye on you from now on. Did you hear the news? Chen will be back here. He might join your class too."

Who's Chen? And who is his sister? I know his sister was sent away to the U.S. But Kai said she went back here, right?

I saw Nerd walking on my way while talking on her phone, and I hung up the call. I look into Kinch, who's still talking on his phone.

"Let's go; where did you go?" she said, keeping cool in her way to say it.

"I look after you; you just left me in the room."

"How can I not leave you? You're such a big dumb baby. Acting like you and I were a couple even though we weren't if you want to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, then sorry, I'm the girl you can use for that kind of stuff. I went to school to study, not to flirt with such a guy like you."

"For once, do you have anything in your mouth so good to say about me?"

I saw Nerd walking on my way while talking on her phone, and I hung up the call. I look into Kinch, who's still talking on his phone.

"Let's go; where did you go?" she said, keeping cool in her way to say it.

"I look after you; you just left me in the room."

"How can I not leave you? You're such a big dumb baby. Acting like you and I were a couple even though we weren't if you want to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, then sorry, I'm the girl you can use for that kind of stuff. I went to school to study, not to flirt with such a guy like you."

"For once, do you have anything in your mouth so good to say about me?"

"Nothing until you stop being jerks and fooling around. Can't you see it's irritating? I don't even know why you picked me to be the target of what kind of dare or prank you had with your friends." I held her chin to look at me.

"You're the only girl who can slap me hard in the face with those words you're letting out of your mouth."

"Just because this is my attitude, do you think it will work for me all this routine you're doing? Such a dumb ass you had. Did I step on your ego for you to do this?"

"What if I change? What will you do?"

"Nothing; should I make a move for you?" She smirked at me and winked.

"Should I kiss you now to know my answer to your question?"

"A jerk is always a jerk; you won't change."

"You should be careful with all the words you're saying to me now, babe; you might fall in love with me."

"No freaking way, why would I fall for a jerk like you, who you are to love you by me?"

"You never know; do you want to test if you fall for me?"

"What kind of stupid suggestion did you have in your mind?"

"Be my girlfriend for three months, and if you don't fall, then I will leave you alone."

"Who is a stable mind who will accept your offer?"

"Don't say anything unrelated to the topic; just tell me your answer. Or I'll keep that as an answer that you are scared you might fall for me."