
I Entered my novel..?

A author that wrote a novel died and transmigrated to the world of his novel as an extra that died before the first chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mc pov: I finished writing a chapter last chapter of the volume in my novel [The Swordman Of Tha Stars] and the next day i became a character in my novel that didn't make it to the first chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#no harem #smart mc #strong mc #system ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this is my first novel and english is not my native language so there will be spelling error if you spot any tell me and I will fix them.

frostydream · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

chapter 2. The trap

Two days passed since I came to this world and since then I used [remember] every time I could because I need the memories of this body to find a Soultion you may think that I wrote everything clearly but no my death was just used as a start of a case that later affected one of the heroines that was this body good friend. and yes heroines the fucking protaganist had an harem and I never had a girlfriend yes I'm a virgin.

well lets return to the topic I just wrote that she tried to find out about the reason of my death and the ones behind it found out tried to attack her the protaganist helped and they managed to bring to light their evil deeds and she fell in love with him after the death I was a good wingman but I never wrote how they killed me when and who.

but after I used [remember] a lot I have a suspect in mind one of the three SS ranks that we have in the guild Jayson Yokshik after my parents death he tried to scam me out of the shares that my parent gave me but I was smart so he didn't managed.

so after that I relized that I'm fucked I know that he wont kill me himself but he can hire an A rank or even S rank to kill me well but That doesn't mean I don't have any plan all I need to do is survive until the entrance exam to the academy because they protect their students with a headmaster at EX rank no one will hurt me. and I know just the way to survive until then I will enter a dungeon he could still send people to kill me but they will be limited to one ranks above the dungeon rank for exmpale In a B rank dungeon the limit of ramk that can enter is A+ but when they enter they will fall a minor rank now I will go back to the topic the dungeon I will enter is the lowest level one F rank dungeon F is the lowest because G rank dungeon can't exist there is to low of a mana in the monster of G rank that can't support a dungeon.

the dungeon I will enter has a little secret that the protaganist found later on. The dungeon name is

{The Goblin Little Garden } and like the name say the dungeon theme is a garden and the monster is a goblin the dungeon is in a forest just one train away.

The trains in this world are awsome they work on mana they are floating

and they are fast and clean not like in the real world where they are prety dirty.


I just got to the dungeon and have to say the dungeon is realy good looking

there is a lot of preety plants around here and the sky look nice and the goblins are fun to kill and It will be easy to spot any other person. even if renting the dungeon costed me 100,000 EIC(Earth International currency) a day so for about 2 month is 5,000,000-6,000,000 (Author note:and for your knowlege bread cost 3 EIC) well I will wait for a week and then I will take a look at the secret fruit in here. for now I will check how good my fighting is and will look out for the assassin.

a week passed and I decided to go and look for the fruit and even thouge I didn't write exactly where it is I wrote about how the area it was around looked like and after an hour of searching I found the fruit and to make sure it's the same one.



<the fruit of energy (D):

the fruit can raise 2 random F rank stats or one random E rank. with a side effect of inability to use mana for 5 hours


well I have to say this fruit look like the fruit that give superpower from that anime but well after eating it I could still swim.

time to eat the fruit "hmm yummy"

"hungry for apples?" "haaa fuck that hurt "

10 minutes passed.

"well lets look what change in my status screen 'status'."



Name: Michael W. Frostborn

Race: Elemntal Human (ice)

Age: 15 years old

Gender: male

Rank: F+


Agility:F+ -->E-

Viatlity:F- -->F





Dexterity: E


"haha I'm just one stat away from E- rank and after 3 hours I found them the people that Jayson sent to kill me. and it's trap time."


third pov


there are five people three females and two males four F rank and one E rank the first trap is a little gas bomb that make low Intelligence monsters to attacked based on smell and they steped on it and BOOM.

Their leader said "there is gas in the air cover your noses and use your antidote"

they are a bunch of fools think would do a simple thing like poison.

after something like an hour they started to get annoyned.

"where the hell is he and why there is so much monsters"

"one of us is already dead the other heavly wounded and the three of us are all with some wounds on us"

"stop whining like little kids we need to complete the mission and get a million " time for the second trick the BOSS monster.

"why is the BOSS monster is out of it's BOSS room?!!"

"calm down and go into battle formation c"

" [military sword art-slash]"

"[wind magic 1 circle-wind blast]"

"[basic archery art- critical hit]"

the BOSS Goblin Gardener used his club to hit the wounded one and killed him the other three kept attacking and the goblin gardener became wounded until they hit him in the eye and he entered [RAGE] state and became stronger and he focused on the archer.

"Help me he focused on me" said the archer

and before they could do something the Goblin Gardener hit him to his death.

"haaaaa " scream the archer as he was breathing his final breath.

the mage with a great fear began casting his best spell "leader please support me as I cast my spell"

the leader fought with the Goblin gardener as they wounded each other.

and the mage just finished casting his strongest spell "[Wind magic ultimate 1 circle-Greater wind blast]".

the spell hit the Goblin gardener and the swordwoman hit the goblin the final blow when she heard from behind a scream "Haaaa help"

and she saw the man she was supposed to kill slash the mage throth and say "you were thinking you can kill me ha that a good joke"

and she relized that everything that happend was because of him the nonstop attack of the monsters the BOSS out of his room and ahe felt fear for his ability.


mc pov


they fell for every trap like mice in a maze and well I did felt bad for killing them but the memories of this body helped a little It's not that he was a murderer but over the year there was a lot of assassianations attempts and his parents told him that if he woudn't kill them it will bite him in the ass later and grew to understand that so i used that fact as a loop hole for the killing.

but well just the E rank is left, to be sure that I can kill her I will use [inspect] on her.




Name: yelena moscovith

Race: human

Age: 45 years old


Rank: E+(E)








Dexterity: C


[Sword talent(C)]



< military sword art(D): A sword art created for military purpose and is easy to train and focus on speed [proficiency: ☆☆ lowest]>



{speed up(E): Allow the to bring up a minor rank to agility for 5 minutes. can't be used to bring up a major rank }


{ agility up (F): the skill help a little bit to train agility}


|study|: a normal human trait that help studying. 5% increase speed when studying


well that more then I expected the agility is D. even If she is wounded i don't think I can catch up to her speed

but oh well you know the old saying brain beats brawn.

so I talked "are you ready?"

she sayed "I was born ready kiddo"

"to lose. you said you were born ready to lose"


another fun chapter be ready in about 2 chapters the academy arc will start

and again if you found any mistake hust write