
I Enslaved My System

Your average Author who wrote web novels, yes, the one you curse every day, dies in his slumber. But that wasn't the end for him. He reincarnates in another world where people have different abilities, from teleportation to transformation. But sadly, he doesn't get his Golden finger. It was not until he was 18 that he clicked on the ad for an erotica game. He gets the Lustful Rising, a system that can make him stronger by helping him conquer beauties. [Host, would you like to assimilate with the Lustful Rising?] "No." [...] "..." [But why?] [Host, I'm begging you, please assimilate with me.] "Still no." ...... > This is a novel with a very normal and sweet sibling relationship. In a non-messed up, slice of life setting. A pure book to heal your soul full of cursed content. Of course, you'll find actions and good plot too. Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 200=1 bonus chapter After that, every 50 Golden tickets is a bonus chapter!! 1 CASTLE =3 CHAPTERS Bonus release will drop the following week! My discord https://discord.com/invite/FQ9bGYV2vM

lucifer_2805 · Fantasi
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154 Chs


Jean saw Lex's expression and smiled. She said, "Don't make that face. You can always come here, and I'll make sure to feed you belly full."

Lex's eyes lit up as he gave Jean a thumbs up and said, "Thanks a lot, Jean. Also, the Poha was delicious."

"Hehe, that's pretty much visible on your face." Jean chuckled and said.

After collecting back the plates, Jean began distributing the tea to everyone. As she gave one cup to Elle, she explained, "It's called chai and is very famous in the region where I learned Poha from. So try it."

Lex smiled in bliss as he took a sip of chai; he was an Indian in his previous life, so obviously, he was a chai lover. Getting that here in this new world was bliss for someone like him.

Others also praised chai as they all enjoyed it.

Suddenly, Grandpa Max remembered something and said, "By the way, Lex, be prepared for tomorrow."

"Huh!? Is there something special tomorrow?" Lex asked as he took another sip of chai.

"Oh! It's nothing much, just that Ruby is coming tomorrow." Grandpa Max said, amused.

"Pftt!" Lex spit out the chai he was drinking as he coughed. Jean was the only one standing, so she hurriedly approached Lex and rubbed his back. She said, "Drink slowly, it's hot."

"Thanks, Jean," Lex said as he wiped his mouth with the tissue paper Jean gave him. He glared at Grandpa Max, who was just looking at him in amusement.

"You really picked up the perfect timing, huh," Lex said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Grandpa Max shrugged and denied the false accusations against him.

"Tsk!" Lex clicked his tongue and said, "Why is MM coming? Shouldn't she be busy on the borders?"

Elle tilted her head in confusion and asked, "Who's MM?"

"My big sis Ruby. MM is the name Lex had given her, and don't ask for the full form. Nobody knows it aside from Lex himself." Denver explained from the sides.

"MM..." Elle took a sip and thought about it, trying to decode it.

[You really chose a perfect name.]

'Oh! Yeah, completely forgot you had read my memories.' Lex thought. 'Hehe, I know it's a perfect name for her. You have to be very stupid to actually not guess the full form after seeing her.'

[Pretty sure it's because they aren't degenerates and perverts like you.]

'Oh my! Why am I getting compliments all of a sudden?' Lex thought.

[*sigh* Never mind, I shouldn't have spoken.]

'Don't worry, you'll improve as you spend more time with me.' Lex said.

[I'm more worried about my mental health at this point.]

'Do you even have mental health?' Lex asked but got no answers in return.

Grandpa Max laughed out loud and said, "Haha, I told her that you're in the capital, obviously. Now she's coming tomorrow because she wants to see how much you have improved."

"Damn you! Old man. You'll pay for this." Lex hissed at Grandpa Max.

Grandpa Max just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't curse me, brat. You're the one who indulges her, so take responsibility."

"Don't make it sound sus, old man." Lex rubbed the bridge of the nose in annoyance and said. "Seriously, you should behave like others of your age."

Grandpa Max snorted and continued drinking his chai.

Elle drank the last bit of her chai and stood up. She said, "It's getting late, so can you drop me off at my office now?"

Lex nodded and also stood up. He had already wasted his chai anyway. 

"I'll bring the bike," Denver said as he ran off to his mansion.

"Alright then, bye Jean, Grandpa Marvin, and old geezer." Lex smiled and said.

Jean and Marvin smiled at him while Grandpa Max said, "Drive carefully, Brat. I wouldn't care if you were alone and broke some of your bones, but Elle is going with you, so be careful."

"Same to you, old man. Remember your age when you do your work." Lex said as he began walking towards the exit.

"I'll be going then. Bye, Opa, Jean, Grandpa Max." Elle also bid farewell and followed Lex to the exit.

On the other hand, Lex began to think of how he should spend his day, 'Hmm, I should practice my Pyromancy. But I can't really practice it in the open since I don't want people to know of my ability.'

[You want to be low-key?]

'Yeah, the network and connections of the Obsidian Council are huge. I'm pretty sure they'll get the news that I have Pyromancy the moment I show it to anyone.' Lex replied.

[You're right about that. Besides, it would be a pain in the ass for you to explain about this new ability.]

'Nah, I have the perfect excuse for that. Well, some of it depends on you, but I'm sure it'll work well.' Lex replied.

[Huh? What are you planning?]

'Hehe, it's a secret.' 

"You look lost; what are you thinking?"

Lex turned and looked at Elle, who had asked the question. He slowed down and let her join him, then answered, "Nothing much; I'm just thinking about where I should go to practice my ability."

"You can go to the Shenhe Training Centre," Elle replied. "It's one of the biggest training centres in the capital, and if you want, I can book a room for you."

"Hmm, now that I remember it, I actually have a card for it," Lex said. "I got it many years ago that I almost forgot about it."

"Let me call Lisa so she can fetch it for me," Lex said as he took out his phone and called Lisa.

It didn't even take two rings before he heard a melodious voice from the other side.

"Heyo! Boss! What do you want?"

"Can you bring me the card from Shenhe Training Centre? It's probably kept in the drawer of the table my laptop is on." Lex said.

"Got it! Where do you want me to bring it?"

"Just come to Shenhe Training Centre, I'll take it from you there," Lex said.

"Gotcha! I'll see you there, bye!"