
I Dumped the Male Lead Before the Apocalypse

The system found Tang Tang and brought her to an apocalyptic novel where she became the male lead’s cannon fodder ex-girlfriend. Before the apocalypse happened, this ex-girlfriend who, after he was betrayed and kicked out by his clan, cruelly humiliated him before their breakup. After the apocalypse, this ex-girlfriend couldn’t awaken her ability and was finally torn to pieces by the zombies. Tang Tang worked hard with acting as his ex-girlfriend, after hearing the whole fate of this character from the system. She humiliated the male lead and brutally split up with him. Even if she feels guilty, she believes she shouldn’t get in his way of getting stronger once the apocalypse begins, it was for his own good. She has completed all her tasks now, so she happily asked the system: Can we prepare the time machine to go home now? The system, however, spluttered: …That, it’s that… Tang Tang panicked: What is ‘that’? The system: Report, host! I received the information that, that your original body is gone. Gone, gone…. Tang Tang looked at the close by male lead and cried: Dalao! Wait for me!!! www.mtlnovel.com Don't blame me if there a problem because I did not translate it. :tags Alternate World, Apocalypse, Beautiful Female Lead, Caring Protagonist, Couple Growth, Devoted Love Interests, Early Romance, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Magical Space, Modern Day, Power Couple, Special Abilities, System Administrator, Transmigration, Weak to Strong, Zombies,

mjean1234 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs


People have different personalities and are kind and beautiful. Even in the sinister end of the heart, they can open their hearts to believe in others and then warm others. Such as the hostess.

Of course, there are also vicious minds that harm the lives of others for personal gain, such as ...

Tang Tang drew a knife in his hand and nailed it down again. "Don't shake, just hurry."

She also had to find a place to hide and eat. She was going to starve to death!

"They are all a group of lunatics, addicted to fight outside, and finally hit our minds on us ..."

The people outside knew that many of them ran in from the beginning, and they looked down on those who ran in here without even daring to fight, so they came to have fun.

Of course, it is to bully these people inside.

They specifically picked out the powerful people here and forced these people to compete with them, but they always won.

The runners don't really care who loses or who wins. If it's just a win or a loss, they are very ruthless. Although they don't have to kill each other, it is common to fight the disabled.

In the last days, he was beaten up, and what was waiting for those people was almost foreseeable.

The people inside were afraid of them, so at that time, many people learned to play weak, so that they can temporarily avoid the invitational battle. This method was adopted by the six people, and it was not caught.

Later, when people outside were not interested in fighting, they stopped asking for trouble, and walked down all the food before leaving.

The people inside had lost even a little bit of food, and after thinking of various ways, someone finally learned to grow vegetables. This is one of the reasons for keeping them alive for so long.

"What happened to that stone wall?" Tang Tang thought of this and asked.

"The stone wall didn't know who did it, and one day it suddenly appeared." The man shook his head, also puzzled about the matter, but a little thankful, "but since the stone wall was there, it was like Both sides adhered to this rule, and no one stepped into each other's territory. "

Tang Tang nodded, then the stone wall is really good.

"Now, can you let me go now?" The man answered the question and didn't hear Tang Tang speak again, but the knife could still nail him!

Tang Tang raised an eyebrow, a little innocent: "Of course not, what if you beat me if you stand up? I can't beat you again?"

The man quickly said: "No, no! I will never do anything with you! As long as you let me go, I will definitely leave here immediately, and I will never stay for more than a minute!"

Tang Tang looked at him with a frown, and sighed: "I have heard what you discussed in the dangerous building near the stone wall. Your credit is zero in me."

The man's face suddenly changed.

Tang Tang pressed the knife handle, "Don't struggle, my knife is not very good."

How could Tang Tang let him go. Although she doesn't have much impression of this person's appearance, she still has a deep memory of her voice. He was the one who said at the time that if these vegetable nurses didn't give them, they wouldn't let those vegetable nurses continue to live.

And this person is probably not simple. The girl was so heavy at the time. He even woke up quickly after getting dizzy. Hem, for her own safety, this knife can never be removed!

After Tang Tang thought about this, he was depressed again.

She just thought about hiding and eating as soon as she finished asking questions! Now the plan has been destroyed by him.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from above, and Tang Tang looked up slightly, and found that it was Chang Sheng who protruded his head again.

He seemed very happy, and shook his hand vigorously at her, "we're almost done on this side, it will be fine soon!"

His voice had just fallen, and a heavy object fell to the ground again.

The sound of "bang--" just happened not far away beside Tang Tang.

Tang Tang had a bad hunch. Turning his head, he saw a figure lying on the ground in the dust. The man seemed to have been seriously injured on the top, and at this moment he fell from the second floor again, struggling for a long time, and he couldn't get up from the ground.

Tang Tang didn't care so much, only knew that the three men sent her a danger again!

Suddenly, I uttered a lying trough in my heart. The knife stuck on the man under my feet wanted to temporarily give it to the newcomer.

As a result, another figure fell.

Tang Tang was immediately vigilant and looked back and found that the figure was still standing when it fell down!

She suddenly panicked, just when she began to think in which direction to run best, a familiar voice came from that figure.

"Well, Tang Tang, the above is completely resolved!"

After the dust cleared, Tang Tang discovered that the standing figure who had just fallen down turned out to be Chang Sheng.

Huh, scared her ...

But soon, she reacted again, right? Why did she relax when she found out that it was Changsheng? She is not familiar with him ...

Tang Tang suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

Is it possible that she has gradually trusted the two brothers? I'm afraid it's not just these two brothers. Maybe she now believes in girls a little bit.

With such a thought, Tang Tang's cold sweat will come out.

In the last days, the most taboo is this sudden trust. Especially this kind of quiet, when she found out, it was about to form!

Tang Tang couldn't help but start a conspiracy theory. Why did these three people approach her?

"What do you think?" Chang Sheng's voice interrupted her guess. "The popularity here is estimated to attract some zombies soon. We have to deal with these people quickly and then leave here."

"How to deal with it?" Tang Tang asked, looking at it, and found that Chang Sheng had somehow obtained a long rope, and now a round was wrapped around the man under his feet.

"Tie them up, and then we can go." Chang Sheng finished the man, came over to Tang Tang, and tied the man under her feet.

"No! Don't tie me up! Let me go quickly, I promise I won't do it anymore, let me go !!"

"I don't want it! Don't tie me! Let me go, I know it's wrong! Let me go!"

The two of them would tie them up as soon as they heard it, and when there were zombies coming soon, they immediately began to struggle frantically.

Chang Sheng ignored the words and pointed to the thick and strong pillar in front of the house to Tang Tang.

"There are plants from the upstairs. Once they have tied the top, they can tie the six of them together with sticks and fix them on the big pillar in front of the door."

Tang Tang nodded.

"So did you leave the six of them for zombies?"

"Well," Chang Sheng nodded, but soon he said again, "You won't bear it? These people are not good people."

Tang Tang: ...

She has nothing to bear, and if she can't bear it, she won't hesitate to draw the knife.

Tang Tang shook his head, "They make their own way."

Soon, the people upstairs threw a few more heavy objects one after another, which happened to be four others.

At the same time, the others on the second floor also walked down one after another. Tang Tang had nothing to do at this time, stood aside and looked at everyone.

In addition to the brothers and girls of the last surname, the original team here has five people. But since I saw them for the first time, these people didn't release their abilities, so Tang Tang didn't seem to have much impression even if he watched it again.

One of the five stood up, and he was not too tall. At this moment, he walked up to the six, and at the next moment, all the branches were released from his hands.

Soon the six people were tied together. Then they were tied to the big post again.

After finishing such a series of things, Tang Tang also made an impression on him.

"Okay, let's go." Chang Sheng put a piece of cloth in the mouth of each of the six people, patted the ash on his hand, and suggested that.

At this time, one of the five-member team came out, a taller boy who looked less eloquent. He thought about the wording before speaking: "That, just go, they won't run away?"

This worry is necessary, Tang Tang also has this worry.

"Then let's not go far, wait for a while nearby?" Someone suggested.


The zombie really arrived on the battlefield very quickly, but the nine people had already silently shifted the battlefield at this moment, and they were now standing scattered behind various shelters that could be shielded.

Since the six people had their mouths plugged in, they did not scream. The zombies solved these six people, and soon smelled the humanity of the other nine.

At this time, according to the just discussed, nine people looked at each other from the air and immediately ran out of their legs.

When the zombies smelled, they found that the smell was far away, and they quickly ran to catch up.

Tang Tang has been running faster and faster recently, and I don't know if it's the reason for his escape.

"Wow wow--"

A large amount of water turned up, and the sound of beating each other sounded. Tang Tang ran and looked back. He found that the zombies chasing them behind him were suddenly blocked by a large wave of water.

She turned her head and found that Chang Ding was the one who released the water power.

So, is he a water power?

Tang Tang thought that the brothers with the last surname originally said that they were two, one of which was offensive ability and one of defensive ability, but they didn't know how they defined attack and defense.

The zombie's footsteps were blocked, and nine people ran desperately again, and soon got rid of them, reaching a relatively safe place.

"Should it be safe here?" Of the five people who seemed to be not good at running, they bent at the moment and gasped particularly hard.

"There is no place that is absolutely safe, it is always right to be careful." Chang Ding spoke.

"Then what should we do next? Now there must be many people thinking about the idea of ​​making our dishes, in case they come across, alas!"

"Do everyone else know what you look like?"

"Know, they robbed us a lot before."

"Then there is no way. I can only take one step at a time and try to save my life. I can't grow the vegetables when I have no food."

"It doesn't matter how the vegetables are grown, but if they are robbed, what will we eat?"


Several people gradually discussed.

Tang Tang was holding a little hungry belly, and suddenly it was not quite clear. What is the situation now? Why did she change from one person to one of four people silently, and now nine people are running together?

And the topic they talked about gave her the illusion that everyone is now a person on a boat.

So, when was she bound to the team? ?

Tang Tang stunned his face, still thinking about when to find a chance to run away, the big ball was poked again.

No need to guess, it must be a girl.

"What's wrong?" Tang Tang asked her.

The girl did not speak.

Tang Tang didn't understand the girl's meaning and looked at her more. It turned out that the eyes that had been indifferent all the time, but now they were a little bit radiant. Of course, it is a somewhat terrifying look.

It was like seeing the excitement of the enemy.

What to say, Tang Tang was scared.

She couldn't help but wonder, wouldn't the girl's hatred be herself? Otherwise why so many people here do not poke, but they have to poke themselves!

Tang Tang thought of the girl's previous behavior, and then couldn't help but diverge her thoughts. All kinds of terrible things might think about herself, and finally scared her legs.

At this time, the girl spoke.

"I have revenge."

Her voice was so small that only Tang Tang could barely hear it. The rest of them are still discussing where to go to save their lives, and they haven't noticed the voice here.

"What?" Tang Tang didn't hear clearly, and whispered back.

"I have revenge." The girl repeated.

Tang Tang then looked at the girl and saw that the girl suddenly wiped her eyes. When she took her hand away, Tang Tang noticed that her eyes were red.

Is this, crying?

Tang Tang guessed.

But I feel that now there are many people, I am afraid it is not suitable to ask too much. She thought that since the girl poked her alone, I'm afraid she didn't want to let others know about it.

Of course, everything is just Tang Tang's conjecture.

After the little movements on this side, the proposal discussed on the other side soon came out.

"Then let's go find the team last night. When we find them, we can form a big team." Chang Ding concluded.

Tang Tang is :?

"Big team?" She asked, still unable to hold back.

Why did you suddenly have a big team? Tang Tang looked at the others, and for the first time, he began to trust each other so much?

"Hmm, we decided to hold the group!" Chang Sheng's expression was serious. "In the last days, it's really good to have more people! So, we decided to believe each other."

Tang Tang listened with emotion.

Yes, she understands this truth. Not long ago, she persuaded Jiang to accept the twenty or so people!

Speaking of Jiang Zhu, I don't know how they are now. Have you left the school and went somewhere else?

Sure, it's been a month and a half, and the food in the warehouse is almost gone.

I do n't know if they thought of a way to solve the problem of eating, did they also start to grow vegetables ...

Tang Tang couldn't help it when he thought about it.


The girl's voice came from the side, finally taking her thoughts back.

Tang Tang found that the girl was looking at her, and estimated that these two words were for her.

"A lot more people, we are going to leave here." The girl continued.

Everyone looked at the girl at this time, and seemed to be scared by her phrase "to leave here".

"Is it a bit to leave here ... We all know the situation outside ..." They thought of the person outside the stone wall and flinched.

"She's right, we really have to leave here." Chang Sheng agreed at this time, "We can't live here all the time, and no one knows whether those people outside will be thinking about the dishes of soil-based abilities. , In case we tasted the sweetness last night, and then break in as before, we will all have to finish. "

"So the best way is to take the initiative and take the initiative."

Tang Tang also agreed with the idea of ​​going out. As for why there was such an urge, she could not tell for a while.

She thought, probably because of Jiang Zhu, and had something to say. But what did you want to say, but now there is no clue.

So Tang Tang also said: "I also agree to go out."

Those five people look at me, I look at you, the last one is sighing and shaking his head.

Tang Tang thought they refused.

But I did not expect that the boy of the plant department's ability said: "OK, then let's go out too! Just fight with them!"

Others did not object to his words.

So, in the conversation, Tang Tang was finally bound to a team.

she was:...

She still has questions. Now that the team is established, it must be understood. The first thing to know is why the two brothers with the last surname come to her.

"Are you asking this?" Chang Sheng smiled broadly. "Actually, we didn't think so much at that time. We just found you looking very simple and worried that you wouldn't be able to live in the last days, so I went to you."

Since the last days, the brothers of the surname Chang have always been a small team of two people. They also don't believe in others, they just trust each other. Later I met Tang Tang by the river and found that the girl was unexpectedly simple, so she gradually had the idea of ​​expanding the two-person team.

Later, there was another girl beside her, and it happened that the people outside were standing by the stone wall last night. They worried that the outside people were addicted to the food. When the stone wall was destroyed, they were attacked by those people again. Only then did I decide to leave here.

The first step is to choose a teammate, a reliable teammate.

Tang Tang's simplicity was very attractive to them at this time, but they also found out that her suspicion was very heavy. Although she seemed to have been advancing and retreating with them all the time, she never wanted to go alone.

She does not trust them, which is understandable.

So, although she really wanted to be her teammate, she still created an opportunity for her to choose to stay or leave.

When dealing with the six people, Tang Tang was alone downstairs. If she wanted to leave, she could leave immediately. But in fact, Chang Sheng, they have been observing her all the time and found that not only did she not leave, but she also helped control the people and suddenly became happy.

After listening to what Chang Sheng said, Tang Tang instantly felt that he had been deeply calculated.

"Why do you think I am simple?" She was curious about this.

"Because you jumped into the river and didn't even collect the crystal nuclei of the zombies, you turned and left." Chang Ding said at the time, "No one has done this, you are the first one."

Tang Tang: ...

No, this is not pure.

This seems to them to be stupid!

But Tang Tang still had concerns, she asked again: "How do I believe you?"

Worried about them misunderstanding her behavior of directly helping people to see people, she explained: "I was holding him at the time, just want to know some problems, not to help you."

Chang Sheng looked around carefully, then slowly slowed down, and finally waved at Tang Tang, "At present, I only tell you that you are alone, you can't tell others first."

Tang Tang glanced at it, thinking what a big secret was suddenly followed carefully, looked around, and gathered together.

"Yes, I don't tell others."

Chang Sheng nodded, then slowly summoned a small ball in his hand, "Look, this is my ability."

Tang Tang was surprised, "So small? So you want more people?"

Chang Sheng felt that Tang Tang had misunderstood and shook his head helplessly, "No, I just shrunk it. What I want to say is, do you remember that stone wall? That's what I erected."

Tang Tang was surprised: "You got the stone wall?"

"Well, the people inside were bullied so badly by the people outside. I was afraid that one day my brother and I would suffer as well, so this stone wall was erected all night. Do n't look at it, just a few stones, In fact, it can resist many attacks. So people outside are in trouble, so they stopped. "

Tang Tang suddenly realized that when he had just heard the one of the six, he didn't know that there was one of them.

"Do you know why my brother and I want more people and then form a team together?" Tang Tang didn't ask any more, but Chang Sheng continued to speak.

Tang Tang tried to answer: "There are many teammates, so safety is guaranteed?"

Chang Sheng nodded, and then his voice was much lower, "Remember the vegetable leaf I just gave you? Actually, I'm an earth power."

He said this, Tang Tang suddenly sorted out everything.

The soil abilities of Changsheng and the water abilities of Changding just happen to be an effective match for growing vegetables. So the first time I saw two people, only two of them, because they do not need to rely on others to ensure the source of food. The reason why the two chose to run to avoid zombies is probably because their abilities cannot be exposed casually.

There are also stones cast into stone walls. The reason why they use stone **** instead of directly using soil is afraid they might expose his soil abilities.

The reason why they chose to form a team is probably because they know that once their soil abilities are exposed, they will be immediately remembered by others. And with a team, others who have no soil abilities, that is, they are not sure about the source of food, will definitely do their best to protect him.

Tang Tang didn't know if he was what they thought he would do his best to protect them.

But it has to be said that the brothers with the surname Chang are really good tactics.

"Are you angry?" Chang Sheng couldn't help asking when she didn't speak.

"No," Tang Tang shook his head, "coincidentally, I also want to go out very much, looking forward to cooperation."

"it is good!"

The team of nine on this side was finalized at the beginning. Although Jiang's plan to find Tang Tang on the other side was not smooth, there was still some gratifying progress.

The space power man was once again lifted into the air from the ground.

Jiang Zhu looked at him coldly, his eyes sullenly poisonous.

"I found it!" Suddenly there was a surprise voice, which made Jiang, who had not had a good complexion these days, stunned.

He suddenly ignited hope and turned suddenly: "Where?"

Yan Chen scratched his head: "No, Tang Tang hasn't found it yet."

Jiang Zhu's face was visible to the naked eye, and he went dark again. Yan Chen felt that this sentence was very bad, and he quickly followed it.

"Although Tang Tang didn't find it, we found a way for you to contact Tang Tang!"

Jiang Zhu again raised hope: "What is it?"

"It's a power connection."