
I Dumped the Male Lead Before the Apocalypse

The system found Tang Tang and brought her to an apocalyptic novel where she became the male lead’s cannon fodder ex-girlfriend. Before the apocalypse happened, this ex-girlfriend who, after he was betrayed and kicked out by his clan, cruelly humiliated him before their breakup. After the apocalypse, this ex-girlfriend couldn’t awaken her ability and was finally torn to pieces by the zombies. Tang Tang worked hard with acting as his ex-girlfriend, after hearing the whole fate of this character from the system. She humiliated the male lead and brutally split up with him. Even if she feels guilty, she believes she shouldn’t get in his way of getting stronger once the apocalypse begins, it was for his own good. She has completed all her tasks now, so she happily asked the system: Can we prepare the time machine to go home now? The system, however, spluttered: …That, it’s that… Tang Tang panicked: What is ‘that’? The system: Report, host! I received the information that, that your original body is gone. Gone, gone…. Tang Tang looked at the close by male lead and cried: Dalao! Wait for me!!! www.mtlnovel.com Don't blame me if there a problem because I did not translate it. :tags Alternate World, Apocalypse, Beautiful Female Lead, Caring Protagonist, Couple Growth, Devoted Love Interests, Early Romance, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Magical Space, Modern Day, Power Couple, Special Abilities, System Administrator, Transmigration, Weak to Strong, Zombies,

mjean1234 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs


Tang Tang is afraid of water.

I especially don't like the feeling of not getting on the ground or being practical. Once I stepped into the river accidentally and couldn't sleep well for two days.

But that day she made a fuss again, the two lying on the sofa, Tang Tang suddenly wanted to watch Jiang Zhu swim.

At that time, it was their first year together. In summer, it was very hot, the air-conditioned room was very comfortable, and there were cold drinks to eat.

Although Jiang Zhu always looked expressionless, his tone was faint, and he looked like he wasn't too interested in anything, but he didn't even hesitate to look forward to Tang Tang's eyes, and he directly agreed. Down.

His figure is really good.

Tang Tang also put on a swimsuit, stood by the pool, and looked at Jiang Zhumeng, who was preparing for it.

This is a private swimming pool in the villa. The big venue is only two of them. Tang Tang's gaze is too blatant, and finally attracted Jiang Zhu's side view.

I don't know if she was stunned, but she found Jiang Zhu blushed a little.

She bit her lip, so cute!

The sturdy posture, slender figure, and the curvature of the water waves are also particularly beautiful. Tang Tang was lying on the edge of the pool, holding his cheeks, and was fascinated.

When Jiang Zhuyou came back, he saw Tang Tang lying on the edge of the pool, and suddenly reached out to her.

Tang Tang hadn't responded for a moment, blinked, and looked at the hand: "What are you doing?"

"We are together." Jiang Zhu said.

Tang Tang buzzed in his head.

Not because of the stimulus that comes from close contact, but—

"No, I can't swim ..." She stretched her neck and looked into the pool.

Even Jiang stood there one by one, with only one head exposed, wouldn't it be a dead head if she was replaced by her?

That was another disaster.

Tang Tang flinched.

"I teach you."

Jiang came up from the pool, step by step to Tang Tang's side, and then stood still. Tang Tanglai was lying on the ground, looking up at him with a pitiful expression.

No, she doesn't want to learn! Please let go!

"I think it's fine if you swim, okay or not?" Tang Tang started to play coquettishly, Jiang Zhu was so kind, it was absolutely impossible to force her!

He didn't really force her, but crouched down and raised her hand to touch her hair.

Suddenly asked: "Are you afraid of water?"

"Hmm! Hum!" Tang Tang nodded again and again, "especially afraid!"

"What if you accidentally fall into the water afterwards, and I'm not around you?" Jiang Zhu asked suddenly, frowning, as if worried about the matter.

Tang Tang's heart throbbed because of his words, and then hell, he agreed ...

After the preparation activities were completed, Tang Tang's heart could not calm down, but the throbbing at this time had been annihilated, leaving only deep regret and fear of what was coming.

With Jiang Zhu's help, she probed her feet down, oh, this water is really **** cool.

It only took three seconds to launch, but she struggled by the pool for half an hour ...

Tang Tang was finally bothered by himself. His eyes closed and he walked tremblingly.

The feeling of being soaked in water was not comfortable at all, especially when she stood at the bottom of the pool, Tang Tang found that her entire face was in the water, holding her breath in pain.

Her love for life prompted her to keep picking on Jiang Zhu's body.

Then the next second, she was supported by her arms and rescued her head from under the water.

"Huh-suffocating me." Tang Tang wiped his face again and breathed in again.

"Take your time, don't worry."

However, after learning all summer, Tang Tang just managed to get into the water without shaking ...

Too talentless!

I don't know where it is here. It feels a little more lively than the school side. Tang Tang gradually heard footsteps not far away, as if there were quite a lot of people, I thought.

She got up from the ground and shook the water on her body.

In just half a minute of effort, the footsteps were getting closer and closer. Tang Tang turned around and found the group behind him-"people"?

Tang Tang was shocked.

The reason why she was shocked was because she thought that she was a "person" but not a person.

The number is probably less than thirty. If it 's not their faces and bodies, there are more or less bites, scratches and scratches, and the eyes are empty and empty. From the soundness of their walking and running, listen It looks exactly like people!

In Tang Tang's impression, the footsteps of the zombies remained stiff and loud.

But now she is not allowed to be in a daze, because she was horrified to find that the direction in which the more than thirty zombies came was actually herself!

She suspected that the perfume smell on her body was gone, and quickly added herself.

However, the situation has not improved.

The zombies paused for a moment, carefully sniffed their noses, and after two seconds, raised their feet again and ran towards Tang Tang.

! ! !

Tang Tang was really panicked this time.

I didn't have time to think about why the perfume suddenly stopped working. I quickly hid in the big ball and ran away.

As a result, she ran in front, and the zombies in the back accelerated, and even faster than her? ! Tang Tang held his breath in his chest and almost died.

That is why ah! Has the zombie evolved, and the nose can selectively smell things? ?

But the dog system said that this setting does not exist!

Tang Tang took a look back and found that she was only three meters away from the zombie at the front. And this distance is constantly shrinking.

Tang Tang: ...

Am I being donated by the system! !

The zombie ran faster than her. Basically, it was impossible to get rid of it. Tang Tang ran while observing the situation nearby, and found that there was an abandoned, half-built building in the mist not far ...

There is definitely no way to go there, the cover is not covered, in case it collapses.

Tang Tang watched as the distance narrowed to within two meters, and took a breath, thinking, or should he return to the water? Anyway, she has a big ball and can float on it. The zombies can't even coordinate to swim?

I just do n't know if her power can keep the big ball going. In case she did n't stick to the end, she fell into the water ...

Tang Tang had not yet made up his mind, and suddenly heard another footsteps across from him, directly in front of him.

Her eyebrows jumped and she had a bad feeling.

Looking up, it turned out that there were a bunch of zombies across the corner. This time, it is really surrounded, wait!

Tang Tang narrowed his eyes and found that the group of zombies running across the front was chasing two people. Yes, yes, two people!

Suddenly saw Tang Ren, Tang Tang was very surprised.

The two people on the opposite side also saw her in their busy schedule.

One of them desperately waved at her, shouting: "Bumped, turn! Turn quickly!"

Tang Tang thought of it as well. The zombies behind him could not be solved. If the two piles of zombies were combined, it would be fine. He made an urgent turn and jumped towards the big river beside him.

The two on the other side were stunned, and hurriedly shouted again: "It's not that you jump into the river, the water is deep !! Come up quickly!"

Then the next second, I saw a big ball floating up.

Two people: ...

Tang Tang found that the two were chased by zombies. Although they looked embarrassed, they didn't panic in fact, as if they were accustomed to this situation.

As she thought, the zombies couldn't swim. They followed her scent and came into the water. They thrashed twice and sank.

The two didn't seem to think of this method. They glanced at each other and jumped into the river.

Eventually the three of them joined forces and returned to the river bank.

"My name is Chang Ding and it is my brother. His name is Chang Sheng. What is your name?"

The two were twins, and Chang Sheng was a few centimeters shorter than Chang Ding. At the moment, the two looked at her with a broad smile on Mai's face.

"My name is Tang Tang."

After knowing each other, Tang Tang asked questions about the zombie nose.

"Don't you know? The zombies have evolved, and now they have crystal nuclei in their brains. Do you know the crystal nuclei? It is the one in the movie, and the powers can improve the power after eating." Explanation.

Tang Tang certainly does not know, how long is it in the end time, how come there are crystal nuclei?

"When did evolution happen?" Tang Tang asked.

"In recent days, a part of the original zombies have suddenly evolved, and their combat effectiveness has improved significantly. We had originally thought of ways to avoid zombies, but now they are useless." The two were helpless and spread their hands.

The last few days?

Tang Tang listened and frowned. She hadn't had this when she was at school?

She asked quietly: "I don't remember how long the last days have been since the electronic equipment was useless. Do you still remember?"

"It's been almost two months, alas!"


Tang Tang was shocked, two months? No, isn't it only about half a month?

She quickly settled her mind. Maybe the time of the end of the world in each place is different. Thinking about it, she suddenly listened to Chang Sheng.

"It's summer, why are you still wearing a coat?"

Chang Sheng just asked casually, but Tang Tang was cold. How could it be summer, obviously spring?

"Afraid of being caught by zombies, add a layer of protection and comfort yourself."

Tang Tang grinned reluctantly, and at the same time confused, he felt a bit thoughtful. She thought of staying in a black space for a while, could it be that there was a long time outside?

Is this far from school ...

Later Tang Tang asked a lot of questions, and learned from the brothers and sisters that this is also a suburb, but there are no schools nearby, but they originally came here to travel, but they did not expect to encounter such a thing. The delay stayed here for more than two months.

There weren't many people here. The awakened part of the person ran away overnight, leaving only those without awakening, and zombies.

The two of them had ran away overnight, but when they went out, they found more zombies outside. After thinking about it, they pulled back.

"Right, Tang Tang, are you alone? It will be very difficult to speak alone in the last days. Would you like to walk with us? Our two abilities attack one defense each, and it feels pretty good."

Chang Sheng seemed to like to communicate with people. He scratched his head and embarrassedly said, "That is, we don't have a fixed resting place and may have to run around."

Tang Tang glanced at them.

Chang Sheng was afraid of her misunderstanding, and quickly said: "It doesn't matter if you don't agree to us, just look at how thin you are. I'm afraid you will be chased by zombies like today. After all, there is only this river nearby, and it's not easy to jump elsewhere. ... I seem to be getting crooked. "

Tang Tang was amused by his appearance, and it was really difficult to be alone in the last days.

But she still rejected the kindness of the brothers.

After all, the first time she met, as they said, she was so thin, if the brothers and the two were not as friendly as they seemed, then she was really dangerous.

Tang Tang said goodbye to the two and walked to the other side along the river bank.

The two looked at the back of the girl who had gone away, and Chang Sheng scratched his head. "Brother, did I scare her?"

"Yes, you are too enthusiastic and look like a deceiver liar." Chang Ding said politely.

"What should I do? She alone will not be in danger?" Chang Sheng was anxious.

Chang Ding shook his head, "It is possible to be chased by zombies, but it should not be in great danger. She also has abilities. Since she can live to the present, she is certainly not a weak person."

Chang Sheng nodded, and Tang Tang had completely disappeared into the mist.

Tang Tang walked along the river bank here for a long time, but did not come to an end. She didn't dare to leave the river bank. She always felt that water is her biggest life-saving thing now.

I don't know what happened to Jiang Zhu's side.

The few people in the warehouse must not be afraid, it is estimated that they have been completely cleaned up.

But now more than a month has passed, and Tang Tang thought of this, and he panicked.

Gradually, it was dark.

I don't know if Tang Tang is lucky. Since the two groups of zombies appeared before, they have never encountered zombies.

The mist here is very heavy at night. Tang Tang leans on the pure white phosphorescence on the big ball, and can only barely see things within half a meter. She is afraid of walking and accidentally stepping on the empty water and finally stopping. Down.

In this case, it is impossible to put away the big ball.

Tang Tang sighed and sat down by the river, closing his eyes to check the power in his body.

Unexpectedly, she found that the different energy in her body was still sufficient, as if it had not been consumed at all.

It was also a consolation, she thought, shrinking her hands into her pockets, and then summoning a small bag of instant noodles from the hidden space.

At night is a time for rest. Even though Tang Tang didn't even want to sleep at this time, in order to maintain his spirit, he still hid in the big ball, squinting his eyes and closing his eyes to relax.

She didn't fall asleep, and in the middle of the night, she suddenly heard footsteps not far away.

Tang Tang opened his eyes instantly, came, and came again.

She waited closely and prepared to jump into the water in the next second. As a result, a burst of human voice was heard.

"Help! Help!"

Those voices are very mixed, with childish children's voices and rough male voices. Women's frightened screams are also mixed in. It sounds like a group of people are being chased.

Tang Tang is a little embarrassed.

When she first came to this place, she didn't know anything about it, and she had only one big ball to defend herself. Except for her big sword, her attack power was basically equal to no.

Those people don't know who they are, so do you want to help me in the past ...

In the hesitant time, those people have already ran over, and of course there are zombies that followed.

The group of people with sharp eyes saw the faint white phosphorescence here, and they were immediately surprised, "Save us! Save us!"

Tang Tang was stiff and suddenly touched.

The voices of those people desperately shouted with a crying voice, as if they were afraid of being abandoned, and they almost shouted. Tang Tang could feel the despair in it, just like when he realized that he really couldn't go back. .

But she threw her head and sprinkled her blood, which was still a bit impossible. She could only shout with her throat: "Swimming, jump into the river! Zombies can't swim!"

The people seemed to hesitate when they heard the sound, but soon a person ran near and jumped with a thump.

Tang Tang found that someone really listened to her and was relieved.

Immediately after the second and the third person jumped, only a dirty girl stood on the bank of the river.

"I, I can't swim." After she finished speaking, she burst into tears.

The zombies behind him have already run over.

Tang Tang looked at her, terribly anxious.

Even if she brought the girl into the big ball, the big ball would not protect her. This was tested when she was with Jiang before. The defensive ability of this big ball only had an effect on her.

At this time a man's voice came from the water: "It's okay, I'm swimming well, come down quickly, I'm holding you!"

After his words were spoken, several people responded, and they were persuading the girl to quickly hide in the water.

Tang Tang's heart was warm.

When the girl was held together by the people in the water, Tang Tang also hurriedly jumped into the water, and the zombies of course jumped along with humanity.

Tang Tang stared closely at the zombies that had entered the water. Although it was known during the day that these zombies would not swim, the people in the water now jumped in after listening to her. Inevitably, she was very nervous.

What if the zombies can swim?

Fortunately, this is another group of zombies who cannot swim.

Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief, and heard the sudden cheers of those around him.

"We are all right!"

"Woo, I almost thought I was going to die!"

After confirming that there were no zombies on the shore, the crowd helped each other and climbed to the shore again. Tang Tang returned to shore a third time.

"thank you!"

As soon as she went ashore, she heard a burst of thanks in unison.

Tang Tang suddenly felt embarrassed, she said a word, clearly did nothing, "No thanks, no thanks."

She waved her hands again and again.

There was no light at this time, and everyone was sitting on the bank of the river under the phosphorescence of the big ball.

Through their self-introduction, Tang Tang learned that they had a total of seven people. After the end of the world, they only awakened a less powerful ability. When the zombies had not evolved before, they still managed to protect themselves. Later, the zombies evolved, and their abilities could not be taken.

In the end, in order to live, he could only hide in an underground warehouse, but he didn't expect to be smelled by the nearby zombies today. Most of the night, he could only run out.

Fortunately, I ran into Tang Tang, otherwise it would be miserable.

When Tang Tang heard it, it was time to praise her again, and quickly turned to the topic.

"So what are you going to do next, are you going to find a new venue?"

The boy who shouted in the water before shook his head, "I don't know, I feel that there is no safe place here."

Tang Tang nodded secretly, indeed, in addition to the water, other places are really not safe.

"What about you?" Suddenly someone asked Tang Tang, "Are you going somewhere else?"

Tang Tang was staring at those people's eager eyes, and felt a little uncomfortable. Wouldn't these people treat her as a very powerful person?

Tang Tang was a little bit foolish, "I dare not go anywhere else, just walk by the river."

At dawn, some of these seven people couldn't bear it and fell asleep.

Tang Tang didn't sleep at all and sat on the other side with his knees. Her precautions are actually a bit heavy, especially when others seem to trust her, especially in the last days, and when they meet for the first time.

She can say that the zombies can't swim, but let her believe these people completely, she can't do it in a short time.

But she was embarrassed to show her suspicion so obviously, and the final result was stalemate.

The result of the stalemate was that at noon they met two brothers with the same surname.

But this was not accidental, it was specifically found by the brothers of the last name.

They had been walking along the river bank before seeing Tang Tang, guessing that she might not go far, and she ran into it.

Just to surprise the two, is there anyone else beside her?

Chang Sheng ran over and squatted directly in front of Tang Tang, "I guess you must not go far, as expected. But who are they?"

Tang Tang followed Chang Sheng's eyes and looked towards those people. "It was the person chased by the zombies last night."

She then told what happened last night, and the two brothers nodded and said they understood the situation.

They hadn't had no escape points before, but they were found by zombies more often, and they felt that hiding and hiding was not only heart-wrenching but also useless, so they no longer looked for places.

"Did you have anything to do with me?" Tang Tang looked at the two brothers and asked.

"Hmm," Chang Sheng nodded, then reached out and took out a pile of stones from his pocket, and handed it to Tang Tang.

"Look, this is the nucleus of the zombies who chased us yesterday, we took it out last night and took it out."

Tang Tang heard the words and looked down.

I found that it was a pile of gray, irregular, small stones.

This is the first time Tang Tang has seen it.

A little surprised.

The crystal core looks like this?

"Come on, so much for you." Chang Sheng held the crystal nuclei in his hand to Tang Tang again, but was blocked by the big ball.

"Give me? What do you do for me?"

"Replenish the powers for you. You can supplement the powers by eating the crystal core of the zombie, and you can upgrade your own powers." Chang Sheng said very seriously.

But Tang Tang was a little puzzled. "This crystal nucleus looks like a stone. Can you eat it directly?"

"Yes, I will show you!" Chang Sheng said, picking up one of the crystal nuclei and stuffing it into his mouth. He didn't expect to chew for a while and really swallowed it.

Tang Tang looked, but still had no appetite.

"I can understand supplemental abilities, but how do you know that the crystal nucleus can increase the level of abilities, have you tried it?" Tang Tang began to change the subject again.

Chang Sheng shook his head, "No, this is my guess."

Tang Tang: ...

It's not good to brush up the good intentions of the two brothers. Although Tang Tang was not interested in the crystal nucleus at all, he still put all of Chang Sheng's hand in his pocket.

Then she stood up and said seriously that she was going to survive independently.

The expressions of seven people are retained, but Tang Tang is still unhappy to believe these people, and can only shake his head firmly, emphasizing that he wants to survive alone.

This is her choice. Of course, others can not force it, and in the end can only bless her safety.

Tang Tang went out for a while, and could hear the farewell of those behind him, reflecting on whether he was too suspicious ...