
I Dumped the Male Lead Before the Apocalypse

The system found Tang Tang and brought her to an apocalyptic novel where she became the male lead’s cannon fodder ex-girlfriend. Before the apocalypse happened, this ex-girlfriend who, after he was betrayed and kicked out by his clan, cruelly humiliated him before their breakup. After the apocalypse, this ex-girlfriend couldn’t awaken her ability and was finally torn to pieces by the zombies. Tang Tang worked hard with acting as his ex-girlfriend, after hearing the whole fate of this character from the system. She humiliated the male lead and brutally split up with him. Even if she feels guilty, she believes she shouldn’t get in his way of getting stronger once the apocalypse begins, it was for his own good. She has completed all her tasks now, so she happily asked the system: Can we prepare the time machine to go home now? The system, however, spluttered: …That, it’s that… Tang Tang panicked: What is ‘that’? The system: Report, host! I received the information that, that your original body is gone. Gone, gone…. Tang Tang looked at the close by male lead and cried: Dalao! Wait for me!!! www.mtlnovel.com Don't blame me if there a problem because I did not translate it. :tags Alternate World, Apocalypse, Beautiful Female Lead, Caring Protagonist, Couple Growth, Devoted Love Interests, Early Romance, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Magical Space, Modern Day, Power Couple, Special Abilities, System Administrator, Transmigration, Weak to Strong, Zombies,

mjean1234 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs


"Who put the stone ?!"

This familiar voice, Tang Tang looked back, it really was Jiang Chi!

Immediately after she quickly found the figure of Zheng Xue behind Jiang Chi, she found it all over again, and did not see the figure of the man. Not only that, Jiang Chi 's original teammates, but now she looked at it, and only the girl whose vision was the only thing left.

what's going on?

Jiang Chi over there just stepped into the door of the supermarket. As a result, a big rock, half full, was rolled straight over. If he didn't react quickly, he was rolled!

Only after I screamed out, I saw what was inside, but it was them again?

And there are so many people.

"Do you fight? Add me one?" He looked at the tense atmosphere and asked suddenly.

Everyone: ...

The people in the warehouse came again at a glance, and the newcomer's wind power looked very powerful, and he was a little flustered. A few people looked at each other and decided to start first.

For a time, all kinds of abilities came together.

Tang Tang was quite stable under the attack of the power. Basically, the people who aimed at her were suffocated. Whether it was spikes or stones, it seemed to have no effect on her big ball.

Jiang Zhu also seemed to be at ease, and while defending, he still had time to let out a small flashback.

Several people in the other party didn't take this little light into their eyes at first, but when they discovered that this thing could corrode, they suddenly panicked.

"Fuck, that man's powers can even be corroded!" Another man who had taken a stroke, clutching the stomach that suddenly had a few more pits, scolded. All his clothes were corroded, and there was less meat!

Those people gradually began to beware of Jiang Zhu, but this is useless. Although his small light spot can't be released too far now, if the size of the space is limited here, it is easier to control it.

Tang Tang felt a little too busy.

Everyone is struggling, only she looks like she is lying down and wins, although a bit cool, but it's really embarrassing.

Those in the warehouse are very ruthless, basically attack-like abilities, all attacks are aimed at deadly parts, like fighting for a deadly effect.

Several people have been hit, but fortunately, the fatal point has been avoided, but the blood is still flowing. After the people beside them noticed, they helped the people walk towards the corner. It was important to stop the bleeding first.

Tang Tang frowned, thinking about the consequences and deciding to shoot.

She took out her half-meter big knife again from behind, and did not know whether it was an illusion. She always felt lighter and more comfortable. She turned upside down in her hand, and then ran quickly towards the other person who had placed the order.

That person is a plant-based ability, and it will release a lot of branches when used, but it seems that due to the limitation of the ability, the length and thickness of the branches cannot be considered. Tang Tang held the knife and came to the man's back with a small angle.

Raise the knife and it will fall.

Suddenly, the man felt that he turned around, but he probably didn't expect someone to sneak attack, hide a bit embarrassed, and almost stumbled to the ground.

Tang Tang was a pity, but soon turned around and chopped aside.

The branches stretched out densely, and immediately blocked the line of sight in front of her. Jiang Zhu over there was back to the open space to block the attack. Looking back, Tang Tang with the big ball beside him already Is gone.

He looked around and found that she was fighting alone with the person opposite.

Jiang will rush over by raising his feet.

But at this time he was blocked again by the attack, his face sank, and his powerful abilities were released unabashedly.

Tang Tang has a knife in his hand and a ball in his hand. Those branches actually have no effect on her. It's just that the other party's desire for survival is very strong. She cut and chopped them all up and used pre-judgment, and it still only hurt the man's shoulder.

The twigs have good flexibility, and Tang Tang is a little worried that his knife will become entangled, which is not easy to handle. But if you don't stick the knife out of the big ball, you can't attack the opponent.

Finally she thought of a good way.

Tang Tang took off his coat and wrapped it layer by layer around the knife.

There were fire abilities around and left on the ground after the attack, and the small flames that had not been extinguished. She leaned the knife wrapped in the clothes against the small fire, and the knife immediately upgraded and became a fire knife.

She looked at the plant psychic who was stunned by her operation, and he laughed twice.

There was a barb on the opponent's branch, and she had just injured a person on their side. She had just glanced sideways, and the person's blood had not stopped. Although she could not return to him with the same barbed damage, the fire knife was also good.

This time the man hid even harder and ran directly into the warehouse.

Where Tang Tang may make him successful, after all, the coat is so big, it will be gone after it is burned, of course, to catch up with him as soon as possible.

Then everyone on the scene saw a big ball carrying a burning knife and ignited everywhere.

What went by was messy.

The people in the warehouse were messed up by this situation, and turned their heads to try to solve the big ball running around, but no matter how they were done, the power seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Tang Tang looked at them anxiously, angry and hateless, and suddenly fell in love with the big ball.

The man didn't escape in the end, but he didn't fall on Tang Tang's fire knife. Instead, he bumped into their own ability awkwardly.

Tang Tang, which rotates at high speed, did not have time to see what it was, but in a short moment, the thing passed through the body of the plant-based ability person and was nailed to the ground, with high damage. The man fell to the ground on the spot.

Tang Tang suddenly stopped, squatted down to look at the man's wound and the thing nailed to the ground.

The wound is not fatal, but the damage caused by the high-speed rotating things is too high. It depends on him if he can sustain it. As for that thing, it turned out to be just a small stone, the size of a thumb.

What kind of power is this? Spin?

Tang Tang was still thinking, and suddenly felt his big ball was attacked. And it's not the same abilities that she couldn't do before, she can even feel the big ball trembling slightly.

She looked up sharply and found another thing spinning at high speed.

That thing turned so fast that I couldn't see anything at all, but in terms of size, I'm afraid it was another small stone.

The big ball didn't keep it out as before, Tang Tang's naked eyes could even see the thing rushing in and lost.

Her Khan immediately emerged from the back.

Can't even start to doubt, is it her way to end here? ?


She jumped aside, the big ball jumped with her, and the spinner followed. As she stood up, the big ball grew bigger and the spinner was still on it! She squatted again, the same situation ...

She tried again to see if she could put another small ball in the big ball and get a second shield, but after the test, she found that it was not good.

When it was over, she was really over.

She was desperate for a time and couldn't help closing her eyes.

But in only two seconds, Tang Tang opened his eyes again, the expression of despair last second, and fierce next second.

Since the big ball is no longer good, then she took the big ball and put it up again! It's just that there are power attacks around here. If she doesn't move fast enough, the moment the big ball is just collected, it will be swallowed by other powers.

But no matter what, the thing nailed to the big ball must be solved first.

Tang Tang thought about this and started to turn to the corner on the other side. She always paid attention to the situation of others and found that no one seemed to chase her.

First stand upright, then back to the wall.

Tang Tang stared at the rotating object that was flush with his line of sight, meditation.

Stay steady, stay okay!

Immediately following, Tang Tang mobilized the abilities in the body, and then let the big ball begin to dissipate from the bottom of the foot. When you are close to the rotating object, increase the speed instantly.

The big ball quickly disappeared, the rotating object was not blocked by the big ball, and suddenly rushed in without hindrance-probably because the ball consumed a lot of energy, the rotating object failed to nail into the wall It hit the wall and rolled to the ground.

Tang Tang had squatted down.

She touched her intact body and wiped her sweat while another big ball was put up.

It's really thrilling.

How can this power be so scary ...

Jiang chased him, and he saw the scene just now. He was no less nervous than Tang Tang.

If it weren't for this big ball ...

He dare not think about the consequences!

A pair of shoes popped out of Tang Tang's field of vision. She looked familiar. She looked up, and it was really Jiang who came over.

The rest of the life after the catastrophe was really not easy. As soon as she saw Jiang Zhu, her tears would stop.

Woo almost she will say goodbye to this world!

Jiang Zhu wanted to hug her, but in the current situation, there is no such condition.

In the end, he could only pat the top of Tang Tang's heart with his heart still slamming.

"Be careful." Jiang Zhu's voice looked low and depressed.

Although the dozen or so people in the warehouse have much better abilities than the 28 people here, they gradually fell out because of Yan Chen and Jiang Chi.

In the end, there were only three people left in the dozen people, that is, the three people who stood at the front of the team.

A person is a boulder ability, one is a spinning ability, and another is not sure what his ability is. According to Tang Tang's observation, that person seems to be able to emit many things, fire ability, water ability, Wind abilities, wooden slats ... all came out.

It 's confusing, is it a child of all the abilities that all abilities have?

Impossible, Tang Tang glanced at the man, and then looked at this one next to him. The real natural choice is this one beside her ...

Jiang Chi finally had the opportunity to come to Tang Tang here.

"What's going on, a sudden group fight?" He asked Tang Tang.

Tang Tang :? ? ?

"Don't you know you are still playing together?" Tang Tang was startled by him.

"Then I'm here, don't you watch it?"

"You can quit the supermarket first," Tang Tang said, and then remembered something, "Yes, what about the rest of your team?"

Jiang Chi lifted his face, a little arrogant, "all drove me away."



"Isn't that what you said? Let me pay more attention to Zheng Xue, and then I found that he has been instigating me and other people, let us come to trouble you. I think he is suspicious, and he does not listen to me. No Just listen, let others not listen to what I said, as if he was the captain. "Jiang Chi suddenly turned on the Tucao mode, but his expression was still as arrogant as ever.

Tang Tang nodded, "What are you going to do now? Are the two team going to the world?"

Jiang Chi heard this and shook his head. "No, I want to ask if you can join us."

Jiang Zhu, who had been listening to them all the time, heard this and couldn't bear it anymore. He stepped forward and blocked Tang Tang's half.


"I didn't ask you." Jiang Chi bypassed him and wanted to look at Tang Tang again.

Jiang Zhu's face suddenly dimmed, and his steps moved, not letting go.

Tang Tang was a little curious, "Why should I join?"

Jiang Chi told the truth: "Aren't you awakening the wisdom ability? It used to be Zheng Xue's idea. Now that he's gone, he wants to invite you."

Tang Tang burst into tears and laughed after hearing this. The silly boy really believed what she said, and she began to feel guilty.

I heard Jiang Chi's doubtful voice, "But what's the matter with your ball? What's the use?"

"Abilities, defense." Jiang looked at each other and had a good conversation, then interjected.

"What do you want?"

The communication here was interrupted, and a voice came from the side near the warehouse. Everyone turned their attention and saw the remaining three standing in line, looking at this side.

Jiang Chi was about to speak, and was upset after being interrupted. "Noisy, get away!"

The three of them were outraged by these words, but there were so many people who were afraid of it, and they could only swallow their hatred for a while.

"Do you want to enter the warehouse? There is a lot of food in the warehouse. In fact, there is no need to fight this way. It can be shared." One of the three began to please.

Yan Chen sneered, "You have killed many of our alumni before this? And also hurt our teammates, do you think it is possible to share this matter?"

He released the water ability to circle around on the ground, looking at the many teammates on both sides who were hemostasis, and his face was ugly.

Hearing this, the faces of the three people were not pretty. Probably knowing that it was unsuccessful, I suddenly changed my attitude.

"Huh, we have set up various agencies in the warehouse. Without our guidance, you don't want to eat safely!"

At that moment, the girl who came with Jiang Chi came forward, "There is danger in the warehouse."

Tang Tang frowned as she thought about the girl's condition after seeing it for the first time. Could it be that the inside is more scary than the mixed abilities just now?

All other abilities are okay, she can try the water first. What's important is that high-speed spinning ability, and her big ball doesn't seem to have much effect on it.

She habitually likes to glance when she thinks about things, but when she glanced at it this time, she suddenly caught the other three people, and the man in the middle suddenly shrank back.

This action caught her attention.

She intentionally felt the release of the opponent's power, but because the power battle was too fierce just now, there are fluctuations in the power around here, and she can't feel it.

Tang Tang stretched out his hand and just pulled Jiang Zhu's sleeves on. He wanted him to pay attention, and he suddenly saw the man's hand stretched out again.

Immediately following, a small transparent circle was hit.

The direction of play-Jiang Zhu!

Tang Tang was startled, watching the small circle get bigger and bigger, and bigger and bigger, she once again relied on the big ball, and immediately stood in front of Jiang Zhu.

Jiang Zhu also quickly reacted, quickly released the starry sky belt, blocking in front of Tang Tang.

It's just that the bigger circle passed through his starry sky belt, and then the next second, Tang Tang only felt her feet light, and then—

Ok? ? ?

Why do these people seem to be away from themselves?

Tang Tang blinked, suspecting he was flying again.

"Tang Tang !!"

The last scene she saw was a picture of Jiang Zhu reaching out when she ran towards her, and also heard the shouts of others around her.

It seemed to be dark in front of him, Tang Tang felt that he had entered a strange space, there was nothing everywhere, it was dark. Her feet did not step on the ground, and she had no sense of down-to-earth.

No other sounds can be heard in the ear.

So, where is she forced to arrange?

What Tang Tang didn't know was that because of her sudden disappearance, the supermarket was fried.

Jiang Zhu's reason is no longer. The starry sky bandage sandwiched the small light dots and attacked the man in the middle of the opposite side. The speed was fast. The man couldn't even run two steps, so he was wrapped and brought into the air.

The man was a space-based power, and he just released his big move. He thought he had targeted Jiang Zhu this person, because he had long discovered that this person is the most powerful among this group of people, not only has more energy, but also attack power. Strong. He wanted to take him away when no one was paying attention, but he didn't expect to be blocked by a big ball.

Not only was he wasting nearly two-thirds of his abilities, this most powerful person is still standing here!

And he had a period of weakness after the big move was released. Now he is completely weak like an ordinary person. After being wrapped in the starry sky, he can't even struggle.

"Where did you get her?"

No one has seen Jiang Zhe's appearance at this moment, his face is dark, his eyes are dark, and he is covered with turbulent energy that is completely unstoppable, making people unable to bear doubts. Perhaps the next second, this supermarket will be He ruined.

Space abilities are scared.

"You, you let me go, I brought her back." He stuttered.

Jiang Zhu looked at him with a cold expression, a hand moved gently, and a small light spot on one side was attached to the man's body. Suddenly--


"You are not qualified to tell me the conditions." He reminded lightly.

When the other two people left in the warehouse looked at it, they immediately counseled. The abilities that had been prepared in secret have been taken back again, and reason tells them that they should be a little better now. Did n't they see that everyone on the opposite side had a brutal expression ...

"Ah !! I don't, I don't know! I don't know where I went, let me go !!" The man's half was occupied by Xiaoguangdian, but he still didn't evacuate after he occupied it This kind of corrosive pain has been torturing him.

Not only did he hurt his scalp, he even wanted to die directly.

But Jiang Zhu will not allow it.

Before Tang Tang didn't come back, don't think this guy is better!

He turned his eyes and looked at the other two. The two noticed suddenly shook, feeling bad.

But the supermarket doors were blocked by Jiang chasing them. If they had to escape, they would have to run into the warehouse.

The two stared at each other, and as soon as their legs were pulled, they ran back.

Suddenly, the daggers stopped their footsteps, and the tips of those daggers were facing them. As long as they took a step forward, there was no doubt that these daggers would poke into their bodies.

The two swallowed and sweated.

Xin Dao is really planted this time.

Han Feng stepped out and controlled the daggers, so that the two of them had to come back again surrounded by the daggers.

Qin Zhang's soil was prepared well long ago, and he waited for the two to retreat into the area and immediately buried them.

Of the two people buried in the soil, one is a rotating ability, that is, it can rotate a thing continuously and then use it to attack.

Generally speaking, the bigger or heavier the thing being rotated, the greater the power consumed. The advantage of this ability is high damage, but the disadvantage is that it takes a long time to prepare each time it is issued. Reduce, or do not want this preparation time, then it needs to consume a lot of abilities.

Therefore, when Tang Tang was not hit once, there was no second attack.

The other is the boulder ability, which seems slightly inferior to the other two.

Jiang Zhu also had an impression on this person who used the spinning ability. At the moment, he also released a starry sky band and wrapped up that person.

"Give her back to me." Jiang Zhuyin said.

On the other side, Tang Tang, who was originally in the dark space, suddenly saw the light again in the next second.

Not dazzling, because the mist still surrounds.

But at the next moment, Tang Tang suddenly realized the taste of free fall.

In a hurry, she looked down. Didn't she see that? When she saw that she had appeared in midair? ?

And below, there is a big river that doesn't look shallow ... What's more, sometime, the big ball that enveloped her also disappeared!

Tang Tang panicked, and quickly adjusted all the abilities in the group with the fastest speed of his life. When he was about to touch the water, he quickly put a new big ball on himself.


The sound of the big ball hitting the water is really terrifying.

Tang Tang was shocked even when he was hiding in the big ball. He didn't stand firm and sat directly on the big ball.

The big ball deserves to be a ball, letting itself go directly on the surface of the water, and began to spin up joyfully. Tang Tang sat in the ball, fell to the right for a while, and did not sit firmly underneath for a while. In just ten seconds, she felt very tired and dizzy.

But this river looks so deep, she really has no courage to believe her swimming skills, and can only continue to go. Hope to get to the shore sooner.

Tang Tang was tossing around, uncomfortably wanting to dizzy the ball, and finally slept directly in the ball.

Suddenly, Jiang Zhu's face appeared in her mind.

Was he so nervous to see himself disappearing?

She couldn't tell the taste in her heart, and he loved him and herself.

In this way, she floated on the river all day and night, and at the same time the next day, the current gradually brought her to the shore.

Tang Tang watched that the river bank was only one meter away from him. This was the shortest distance in a long time. He quickly extended his limbs from the big ball and began to move towards the shore.

The big ball can't be put away, in case she sinks ...

That's fine. Although it was very hard, she could get her to the shore slowly.

Tang Tang's hands and feet were wet, and he lay on the ground as soon as he got tired.

She looked up at the mist in the sky, and suddenly thought of the fact that Jiang Zhu taught her to swim before.