
I Dumped the Male Lead Before the Apocalypse

The system found Tang Tang and brought her to an apocalyptic novel where she became the male lead’s cannon fodder ex-girlfriend. Before the apocalypse happened, this ex-girlfriend who, after he was betrayed and kicked out by his clan, cruelly humiliated him before their breakup. After the apocalypse, this ex-girlfriend couldn’t awaken her ability and was finally torn to pieces by the zombies. Tang Tang worked hard with acting as his ex-girlfriend, after hearing the whole fate of this character from the system. She humiliated the male lead and brutally split up with him. Even if she feels guilty, she believes she shouldn’t get in his way of getting stronger once the apocalypse begins, it was for his own good. She has completed all her tasks now, so she happily asked the system: Can we prepare the time machine to go home now? The system, however, spluttered: …That, it’s that… Tang Tang panicked: What is ‘that’? The system: Report, host! I received the information that, that your original body is gone. Gone, gone…. Tang Tang looked at the close by male lead and cried: Dalao! Wait for me!!! www.mtlnovel.com Don't blame me if there a problem because I did not translate it. :tags Alternate World, Apocalypse, Beautiful Female Lead, Caring Protagonist, Couple Growth, Devoted Love Interests, Early Romance, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Magical Space, Modern Day, Power Couple, Special Abilities, System Administrator, Transmigration, Weak to Strong, Zombies,

mjean1234 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs


But fortunately, in the end this big ball persisted.

Jiang Zhuliu looked at the two people who were outside and returned to the team. This time, they didn't have to worry about their attack will accidentally hurt the two people who were outside. They immediately started to exert their strength.

Qin Zhang's earth shield rose up in large pieces, caged the tops of several people's heads, so that the stones thrown from above could not enter.

At first glance, those people had a bad heart, a bite-heavy change tactics, and the abilities were a few abilities of stones, and immediately threw the stones from below.

Jiang Zhu 's starry sky belt was released in a large area at this time, wrapping all the parts under the head and face of the eight people, forming a large circle.

Leave the head and face parts to see the way and release abilities.

The stones met the starry sky and were blocked again.

Those people are so stomped, why are these eight people's powers that are either strange and incomprehensible, or are common but have strong power reserves?

Among the abilities of these people, they are not without special features, such as stone abilities, but compared with Jiang Zhu 's eccentric ability, it suddenly seemed bleak.

In fact, they can probably guess that when the ability awakens, I am afraid that different people will have different strengths and weaknesses. It's as if they also have water abilities on the side, but the one in the group of eight who also uses water abilities has more energy than their side.

What can I do if the singles play, but it is not only a group attack?

But now they find out sadly, it seems that there is no way to attack the group!

These people besieged for a long time, as if they were of no use at all.

But what they did n't know is that, because everyone is the same kind, and they all have the same demand for food, **** chase another small light spot ability that can be corroded is not used at all.

Tang Tang faced the big boy who was still chasing after her, evading from front to back, left, right and left, trying his best not to let the opponent's fist touch him again.

The man was angered by her rushing around, shouting at her several times, causing her ears to hurt.

This proves that this big ball does not protect her eardrum.

A few people did not love to fight, and stepped back out little by little under the protection of the encircling circle. It's just that the other party's people didn't give up and kept following them, as if they weren't trapped here today, they would never give up.

Tang Tang took a look and thought it was not good!

Especially after chasing the man she hit, she was really troubled by him. When the man fisted again, her head suddenly bumped forward—

Of course, it's impossible to bump her head straight out. She just wanted to take advantage of the opponent's hand to reach the gap that she couldn't reach back. She wanted to try if her big ball could play a role.

She was very satisfied with the result. Her big ball hit the man's shoulder with a slap and instantly knocked the opponent back a few steps.


The man was knocked back several steps. When he raised his head, Tang Tang had already ran for a long distance with the team. The man was anxious and immediately shouted.

Tang Tang looked back when he heard the sound, and he just saw the other party stand up and catch up.

At this time, a stone just hit his head, I am afraid that the power type ability can not be invulnerable, plus the injury that was hit during the chase before, it is **** at the moment.

Tang Tang glanced in his arms, a bag of snacks that he didn't even know if it was expired ...

She frowned.

Because this is a novel, if the male and female masters did not encounter it in the early stage, it should have developed independently.

Since the male lead has a male lead group, it will certainly continue to expand the size and strength of the male lead group with time and experience.

And in the last days, it is not necessary to fight with the same kind. The most important thing is to work together to overcome this difficulty.

Although Tang Tang has not read the original book, it must be a heroine with healing powers, who should have the task to lead you through the difficulties together.

Then the male lead Jiang Zhu should be similar.

Tang Tang looked at the boy who was desperately running towards this place and tightened the snacks in his hands. But the bag of snacks was obtained by the cooperation of the eight of them. No matter what decision Jiang Jiang will make afterwards, her task now is to protect the bag of snacks.

Eight people finally got rid of those people and hid in the room on the first floor.

Several people gasped for breath. The consumption of abilities required food and rest to supplement them. Tang Tang took the food out of the hidden space. After eating, several people sat against the wall while talking.

"The people who chased us today look like they haven't eaten in a long time." Qin Zhang said suddenly.

Several people nodded, "I don't think we can find so much food in one morning, alas, it's not easy for everyone!"

"It's not easy, you can't just grab it without saying anything, and it's so heavy to start, our deadly abilities can take care of not letting go!"

"Hungry, if we find something to eat, I don't know if it will become like that ..."

A few people said one by one, one after another, Tang Tang leaned against the corner, weighing the bag of snacks just in his hand.

He glanced at Jiang again.

I don't know when he will gather the people here to form an end-time team?

In this case, basically everything you can find outside has already been found. Just like they were busy for a day today, from the harvest in the morning to the later, that is, just found a small bag of snacks, I am afraid that this side is almost hollowed out.

Jiang Zhu noticed her gaze, "What's wrong?"

Tang Tang was about to open his mouth and suddenly heard a footstep outside.


Tang Tang was startled, and suddenly his conditioned reflex sat up.

"A zombie again?"

She asked subconsciously.

But after listening carefully again, I felt that this time I am afraid not.

She frowned and looked towards Jiang.

Quietly asked: "Isn't it just those people who just chased it?"

Although it is a question, it has actually been confirmed in my heart. After all, she can also feel the fluctuation of abilities now. As long as she listens carefully, she can find the abilities that are put together outside.

Others also heard the sound, and after frowning and looking at each other, their faces were not very good, and they all stood up one after another.

Tang Tang had a little confidence in his abilities after the first battle. At this moment she called out a big ball wrapped around her body, and then first approached the window in the room to check the situation outside.

Sure enough, it was human.

No, it should be an ability.

Tang Tang squinted and looked out of the group of people outside. Without much effort, he saw the more prominent one of the mighty abilities in the crowd.

Someone outside noticed her with a sharp eye, and suddenly shouted, Tang Tang was about to retreat to prevent outsiders from attacking, and saw the leader of the nearly thirty-man team, raising his hand high.

The next second, the people behind them stopped slowly and gradually closed their mouths, quieting down.

Tang Tang was a little surprised and told Jiang to chase them all.

When I looked back, I saw several people wrinkling their brows, thinking deeply, as if thinking about what the people outside wanted to do this time.

The man outside the line came up and knocked on the window very politely. Tang Tang was standing by the window. Hearing the sound, he turned and saw that the man smiled at her.

It was a dark-skinned boy. His teeth were very white when he smiled, and he was also quite tall. Tang Tang looked at him and looked up.

The other party seemed to notice this and took a step down the steps outside, almost immediately looking at Tang Tang.

Tang Tang was slightly surprised, this is a very careful person.

Just don't know what he wanted to do with bringing so many people?

Tang Tang looked at the seven people in the room, "Does the window open? He seems to have something to tell us."

Several people looked at the people outside, and then looked at Jiang Zhu, which meant waiting for Jiang Zhu to make a decision.

Jiang Zhu walked past her, nodded, and then raised his hand to open the window.

At the same time, including Tang Tang, immediately prepared for defense.

But I did n't expect the boy outside to move his arm, but just opened my mouth and introduced myself: "My name is Meng Li. I was originally a small resident in this neighborhood. Soon after I moved in, I did n't expect to encounter the strange thing of the last days suddenly. . "

He shook his head and sighed, expressing helplessness.

"Almost all the 28 people behind me escaped from your school. As you can see, most of the things outside have been robbed. Many people, including me, are hungry."

Yan Chen they also went to the window and looked at the people outside together.

Indeed, there are a few boys in them who have a little impression that they are from their school and have played basketball several times before.

It's just that many people outside didn't show up when they attacked them before, and the situation was so tense at that time, even if they played together, they were hard to recognize at once.

None of the eight people spoke, and wanted to hear Meng Li finish all the words first.

Sure enough, Meng Li quickly received it again.

"I heard them say that your abilities are very powerful, and before the end of the world, they are all the characters in the school, and the brain is very smart, so after consultation, they are brought over and want to seek your asylum."

Oh! coming!

As soon as Tang Tang finished talking about Meng Li, these words popped out of his mind!

Is this the first time the male group has grown? !

This Meng Li also looked very brainy. Although he didn't know if he had participated in those ambush things before, he knew how to lower his posture at this time was enough to make him feel comfortable for him.

"Then you ambushed us before? Wouldn't it be impossible to see the ambush, you have to come? Sorry, we don't have any extra food here for you." Han Feng said politely.

Twenty-eight people outside could also hear the voices of the people here. When they heard Han Feng's words, they suddenly became angry one by one. Meng Li hurried back to appease, and nearly a minute passed before returning to silence.

"I'm sorry for what happened before. I did participate." Meng Li stepped back and sincerely bent down to apologize.

"You can punish us, as long as it does not endanger our lives, we will not have any complaints." He continued, "We are here to sincerely hope to join your team and fully accept your leadership."

These people probably discussed the general process before. At this moment, when Meng Li said this, 28 people behind him immediately bent down, "Please take us and be our captain!"

Tang Tang was almost scared by this momentum.

I sighed that the male lord really deserved to be the male lord. This man sat here, and all his brothers came to the door.

Then she went to see Jiang Zhu's face, but found that the man was still expressionless.

Jiang Zhuming was notoriously expressionless. When Tang Tang first saw him, it was the day after she wore it. The first day she became familiar with her identity. The next day was the official report of the school.

They are at the same level, and according to the system's prompt, she needs to pass Jiang by the day of the report.

The pure white piping skirt is dazzling under the hot sun, not only dazzling, but also unusually hot. She used her hand as a fan to blow the wind. After being warned by the system, the character ooc simply hid in the shade.

I remember that she waited for a long time that day, nearly an hour before this legendary man appeared slowly.

Jiang Zuo wore a white top shirt that day, and his lower body was a slim suit trousers. One side of the white shirt was tucked into indescribable parts, and the other side was neatly placed on the pants surface.

In the pile of boys in big undershirts and big pants, they are particularly conspicuous!

Simply dazzling than her pure white piping skirt!

Tang Tang really noticed him at a glance!

So handsome! So handsome!

She even forgot to complain about the system's unreliability at that time, and asked it proudly: Is this the male master? How about it, am I good-looking, I guess right at a glance!

The system splashed her cold water at the time: it was the male lead, nor your male lead.

She snorted. Wasn't she still excited? She is the one who wants to follow him for three years!

Tang Tang thought easily at that time, it was as if he had come here to have a relationship with a handsome guy, and when the talk was over, she rolled back. And you must never read the original novel after you go back, otherwise you must not see him and the love of other women with your own eyes?

That's too sad! !

She walked out of the shade and walked in the direction of Jiang Zhu according to the good plot.

At that time, the picture portrayed in her head was really beautiful. The men and women looked like black trousers collided with pure white piping. He looked up at her and she smiled at him ...

Tang Tang was almost sweetened by his own brain!

As a result, there was a sudden strong wind blowing in the next second.

... I do n't know why it 's so hot in the summer.

All the sweet pictures in Tang Tang's brain ended in an instant, because her pure white piping did not collide with Jiang Zhu's trousers, but instead hung solidly on his trouser belt.

Oh, what an embarrassing encounter ...

Excuse me, is it okay to read the file again?

Tang Tang couldn't express his grief and anger at that time! She shouldn't buy a light-weight type, she should buy a steel wire seam! !

Jiang Zhu was expressionless at the time, and frowned at this sudden situation. Tang Tang clearly felt that the other party looked at her with a bad look!

The two entangled under the sun for a while, and finally released the shackles between the two.

They were relieved one after another.

But Tang Tang was annoyed by the system at this time and asked with a sweet smile: "I'm sorry, my skirt seems to be in trouble, will I invite you to dinner?"

At that time, she was wearing a skirt and walking past, it was really like the scheming white lotus green tea girl who thought about everything for the sake of money.

The system said so to her.

Of course Jiang Zhu rejected her, and persuaded her to stay away from him when he left ...

Tang Tang remembered this expressionless boy.

Meng Li could not get an answer, so it is impossible to give up. He began to list the current situation.

Although Jiang Zhu is strong here, food is limited after all. And they can't stay here all the time, the food is gone, and one day they have to go out. What is the situation outside, they don't know at all now, and they don't know if there will be a greater danger waiting.

Besides their twenty or so people, although the strength of a single person can not be compared to Jiang chasing them, but more expensive. If you go outside and meet other people, you will be able to scare others from the momentum alone.

Besides, it also talked about the warehouse of the school supermarket. It is said that the people there are very powerful. Some of the 28 people behind him have been to the inside and almost did not come alive.

There should still be a lot of things in the warehouse. If they form a large team, it is estimated that they can fight against the people inside. Once the food in the warehouse is available, all hunger conditions can be relieved. And after the food in the warehouse is gone, they can probably leave and leave here.

Tang Tang listened and couldn't help but nod.

Yeah yeah! This should be the route of the rise of the male master!

Just don't know who is hiding in the warehouse, and how many people are so powerful?

"Jiang Zhu, look?"

Yan Chen glanced back and took a step back. The meaning was obviously Meng Li, who was ready to wait for their result, asked.

Jiang Xuan glanced at Meng Li and the people behind him.

It is not unthinking to gather most of the people and rely on the advantages of many people, but the end of the world is unpredictable. The eight-person team is also the result of careful consideration. If you join so many people at once now ...

He thought of Tang Tang's hidden space. If this were exposed, it would be miserable.

Tang Tang noticed Jiang's line of sight, and of course Yan Chen also noticed. In the same way, they also thought of hiding space one after another.

Once the hidden space is exposed, the most dangerous thing is not the seven of them, but Tang Tang himself who has the hidden space!

Han Feng was awkward and said, "Let's forget it? The eight of us are pretty good, so many people are squeezed in, they don't even know, and it's troublesome."

Other people have the same meaning.

Jiang Zhu is actually the same idea.

But Tang Tang was ignorant.

How can this be? Didn't Jiang Zhu develop power in the early days? How did it rise in the end times?

She now squeezed her thoughts, and gradually became clear.

There must be no single player in the end times, because the zombies are not one, but a group. And people are social animals. Those outside must be united together.

If Jiang Zhu didn't gather people here, there is no united team, then after going out, rely on single-digit teammates, in case with other teams of dozens of hundreds of people, even if Jiang Zhu's ability Rare, no matter how powerful, I'm afraid it can't resist.

In the end, she is just a bug. Can't she bury Jiang Zu's future life because of her sudden appearance?

And even if we don't talk about the rise, there is a large united team backing it, after going out, whether it is in the acquisition of food or in combat, it should be more likely to win.

The odds are to live.

As for how to unite the team, Jiang Zhu, as the male lead, must be able to do it.

"Are you worried that I am shy and embarrassed to stay with so many people? Actually the end of the world, I am not so particular about it!"

Tang Tang knew what they were worried about, but now they are still there, of course Meng Li can't say it directly.

"Where are you shy?" Han Feng couldn't hold back.

Yan Chen slapped him on the back with a slap: "Can't you be shy, little girl?"

Han Feng was taken aback, how did Yan Chen change so much? !

When Yan Chen woke up, the eight people began to discuss the matter of finding food. After all, what they ate for a second was likely to disappear completely.

Therefore, Yan Chen didn't have time to tell them what happened in the bedroom. Although Han Feng's views on Tang Tang changed a lot, he was completely changed.

When Yan Chen looked at Han Feng, he couldn't help but think of himself before. Feeling guilty about Tang Tang in my heart, I decided to find time to talk to Han Feng, the kid, about the things they experienced together in the bedroom!

Although Tang Tang said so, several people also understood.

This is to let them not care about her!

Han Feng now really feels that he had really misunderstood her so long ago.

Meng Li is also very fond of this girl, of course, not the kind of love at first sight.

After all, even if he was so clumsy, he could see that this girl and the one next to her, that is, the famous person in the 28 population behind him, Jiang Zhu, were a pair.

He begged to join the team and seek refuge, but if he stared at the girl he liked in a blink of an eye, he would have no way to kill himself.

But even after Tang Tang said this, several people still had concerns.

After all, Tang Tang became a teammate first. If she was hurt because of the expansion of the team, they would be difficult to accept.

Of course, Jiang Zhu wanted to disagree.

Tang Tang looked at it, how could these people seem to be completely unable to persuade?

Suddenly anxious.

Her hidden space is indeed an annoyance, and being exposed to these seven people is already the biggest decision made so far. But she can completely hide the matter next, as long as she doesn't take out the things at will and just not expose the hidden space.

She can hold back, really!

I just don't know if the food they put in here has to find a chance to take it out.

Tang Tang thought this way, and then went to persuade Jiang to chase them, so he persuaded him to persuade him for a long time, coupled with the occasional talk of Meng Li, finally finally let Jiang Zhu loose.

He looked at her deeply, like the look and expression in her eyes every time she watched her walk through the system.

Tang Tang always felt that it was a disapproving look, but every time Jiang looked at her, she always indulged her behavior.

Sure enough, Jiang nodded and agreed.

Meng Li was happy with his eyes, and the people behind him were also very happy. After Meng Li's "Captain is good", he shouted.

Following the strong, even if you are not strong, the probability of survival will be much greater.

Jiang glanced at those people one by one, with no emotion, and he hummed gently.

He raised his hand and seemed to want to hold Tang Tang's hand, but was blocked by the big ball.

Tang Tang saw that his hand hadn't been retracted. He still stayed in the place blocked by the big ball. His thoughts moved, and suddenly raised his hand to catch it.

Her hand naturally passed through the circle of the big ball. The hand still wrapped in gauze did not feel the touch of the skin, but it was real enough.

Tang Tang grabbed Jiang Zhu's hand, bit by bit, and slowly pulled back.