
I Dumped the Male Lead Before the Apocalypse

The system found Tang Tang and brought her to an apocalyptic novel where she became the male lead’s cannon fodder ex-girlfriend. Before the apocalypse happened, this ex-girlfriend who, after he was betrayed and kicked out by his clan, cruelly humiliated him before their breakup. After the apocalypse, this ex-girlfriend couldn’t awaken her ability and was finally torn to pieces by the zombies. Tang Tang worked hard with acting as his ex-girlfriend, after hearing the whole fate of this character from the system. She humiliated the male lead and brutally split up with him. Even if she feels guilty, she believes she shouldn’t get in his way of getting stronger once the apocalypse begins, it was for his own good. She has completed all her tasks now, so she happily asked the system: Can we prepare the time machine to go home now? The system, however, spluttered: …That, it’s that… Tang Tang panicked: What is ‘that’? The system: Report, host! I received the information that, that your original body is gone. Gone, gone…. Tang Tang looked at the close by male lead and cried: Dalao! Wait for me!!! www.mtlnovel.com Don't blame me if there a problem because I did not translate it. :tags Alternate World, Apocalypse, Beautiful Female Lead, Caring Protagonist, Couple Growth, Devoted Love Interests, Early Romance, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Magical Space, Modern Day, Power Couple, Special Abilities, System Administrator, Transmigration, Weak to Strong, Zombies,

mjean1234 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs


Laughter and laughter on campus, as usual.

No one will know that, according to the original text, tomorrow, just after the coming twenty-four hours, oh no-Tang Tang looked down at the countdown timer on his phone and frowned deeply.

There are only twenty-three hours left, and here, it will be shrouded by zombies.

If I thought that all of this was just a dream, then Tang Tang is now completely stumbled into a dream, and it is still a nightmare.

Time is not waiting for anyone, she can no longer waste time here.

Tang Tang knew that with his "personal" character, even if everyone is reminded now that the end is tomorrow, no one would believe it. Maybe she thought she was alarmist and deliberately spread rumors. Thinking that, she turned around and ran towards the bedroom.

Run while looking at the hidden space you just got.

The hidden space is only about 27 cubic meters in size, and it is still empty at the moment. According to the system, this is a growing space, that is, it will continue to expand as her capabilities increase. Things can be stored in the space, but for now, only inanimate items can be stored.

This is the result that she just spent an hour bargaining with the system. I have to say that that system is really pitted! Not only the pit, it also pulls!

I said before that I would give her some more help, but when she said she wanted to hide the space, it said she would refuse to honor her previous promise.

It is said that the hidden space is already a very powerful existence. If you help her, it will affect the normal order of the world. Tang Tang is really good to talk about, and finally did not persuade the system, because it has gone away without a word.


The dormitory is about 20 minutes away from the playground. Tang Tang ran all the way and finally ran down to the dormitory building after ten minutes.

The campus of the university always covers a large area, plus this is a newly built school. Buildings such as dormitory buildings are tall and new. The walls are covered with white to reflective tiles, and the bushes and bushes on both sides of the road Reflected on it, fresh and beautiful.

But now is not the time to appreciate.

Tang Tang quickly swiped the campus card and ran into the dormitory building.

She is now going to the dormitory to get the silver, line, and card stored in the locker, and then rent a small room outside, and then take the car to the nearest wholesale market.

Since the book was read after only a few chapters, she did not know what would happen in the end times. But make preparations in advance and buy food and tools is always wrong.

The dormitory is a quadruple room, but there are only two people in the dormitory at the moment. When she noticed that she came back, she cast a contemptuous glance and began to ridicule.

"Some people are shameless. At first, Jiang Zhu was the younger master of the Jiang family. He was very pleased. Now that the other party is kicked out, he immediately turns his face and does not recognize the person."

"That is, how many gifts did you receive from Jiang Zhe, and today you said that you were so imposing when you broke up, so why don't you go back a little bit spineless?"

"How can she be so shameless?"


When the two were in love, Jiang Zhu and Tang Tang were all in the eyes. I would like to ask how enviable and enviable it is to be liked by someone who looks like Jiang Zhu, looks good, has a good family background, and is very, very specific. What's more, this person is still by his side, as a roommate, he has long been jealous.

As soon as this happened, they certainly would not miss this opportunity to mock Tang Tang.

But Tang Tang didn't have time to listen to them, quickly opened the locker, took out his wallet and stuffed it into his pocket.

After doing all this she walked to the door.

Originally wanted to go out directly, but still stopped when approaching the door.

Although there was no friendship, and they knew that they would n't believe her, but they had been a roommate for so long, but they reminded him in disguise before leaving.

"I heard from others today that there will be robbers from time to time in the vicinity. You should be careful when you go out. It is better to bring some self-defense tools."

Her hand on the door handle paused, and she turned and walked back.

Bend over and carefully hug a small paper box placed at the bottom of the cabinet. The movement gently flicked the fine dust on it, and then put it in the back of the schoolbag.

"I'm not coming back tonight. You remember to lock the door at night. If there is any movement outside, don't open the door casually if you don't know who is outside."

Tang Tang greeted the sarcasm of the two of them, and finished speaking: "Tomorrow Sunday and Sunday, you can prepare more food today."

"Tang Tang, do we have to tell you what we are going to do? Hey--" Wang Fen shook his arms exaggeratedly, rubbing his arms. "Every time I call your name, I feel sick."

"Who knows what you want to do if you don't come back at night, will you kick Jiang, just go crawling on someone else's bed? Disgusting!"

The two sang one at a time, and Tang Tang didn't know if they had written down what she said.

She opened her mouth and tried to remind her that both of them had turned around and put on their headphones and ignored her.

Tang Tang sighed with a sigh of relief, but he still pursed his lips and walked out.

When the door was closed, the two men took off the headphones again. They scolded Tang Tang one by one for a while, and stopped when they were tired.

Wang Fen looked out of the window and asked, "Someone has robbed again recently?"

"I don't know," Zhao Li shrugged. "But who made this neighborhood remote, I bought the small knife last time and still put it in my drawer."

Things went smoothly afterwards. Tang Tang rented the house near the wholesale market and went shopping as soon as it was rented. When everything was moved into the room, she was relieved. Immediately followed by putting everything in a hidden space, neatly arranged in different categories.

After all these things were done, Tang Tang realized that he was already sweating.

The summer weather is hot, not to mention that she ran back and forth for a long time today, and did not take a break to rest for a while. Now it is finally possible to steal the time temporarily and quickly turn on the air conditioning in the room.

Feeling the cool breeze from the air conditioner, I don't know if it was the last time the air conditioner was blown in this life.

Uncomfortable for a while, mixed feelings.

Finally, it became a anger:

Sure enough, all this is caused by that dog system!

It was so fast to slip, there is a skill now appearing in front of her, to see that she does not strangle it!

The size of the 27 cubic meters of hidden space has been piled up now, and there is no spare space at all.

Tang Tang thought about it, and bought a lot of food and daily necessities, and prepared a lot of tools for self-protection. Even the warmth of quilts and clothes are available.

But looking at these things in the hidden space, she was still not at ease.

She only had the cannon fodder script in her hand. In the original book settings, not only zombies will appear after entering the end of the world, but also some people will have a mutation.

That is, the appearance of the abilities.

Just like the heroine's ability is healing, it can be used not only to protect yourself in the last days, but also to heal others, which is a great ability. In this harsh environment of the last days, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is sought-after.

The configuration of the male lead Jiang Zhu should also be very high, but the novel is written from the perspective of the female lead, plus the early Tang Tang abandoned the pit, so I do n't know what the male host 's power is, I only know that it is very powerful , Very invincible existence.

But now the biggest problem she faces is that she, a small cannon fodder in the original text, would have been torn by zombies, what would her power be!

wrong! and many more!

Let her think about what the system told her when she first arrived here three years ago--

What is the original saying?

The memory three years ago was a bit unclear, but Tang Tang's intuition system was not saying anything that would make her feel comfortable now.

It seems to be: Without awakening the slightest power, and finally successfully divided by zombies? ?

! !


Tang Tang sat up in shock, and the whole person was bad.


No, no, it must be that her memory is wrong! Yes, yes, it must be so!

Although I think so, I can't comfort myself at all.

Tang Tang couldn't sit still now, turned off the air conditioner, and hurried towards the school.