
I dont care being imperfect

High school romance and break up's are really common. But what will happen to the relationships of imperfect people's? It might be pretty complicated. Ren Hilston, a 16-year-old second-year high schooler falls in love at first sight with Lula a transfer student. And she ends up being in his class, what a stroke of luck! He cares for her in the deep but even he himself doesn't notice it. He has never felt real love or caring from his friends as he was like an imperfect person due to his disorders such as dyslexia and MDD and his parents never had time for him due to their businesses. So as a revenge Ren tries to flirt with Lula to make his other classmates jealous especially boy's as they use to bully and harase him. It's pretty common for others to get jealous over your girl who is cute as f*ck. Hey there! I'm wine, I'm the author of this book named "I dont care being imperfect". This is my first book, so pardon my mistakes. I would really like to get your feedbacks and I hope I can entertain my readers by making the book interesting and fun. Thanks a bunch sweet_wine

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14 Chs

05 Ramen?

Yes, it's Ave. Ave noticed us and she started to wave her hands at us and Lula activated her grumpy mode. Maybe Lula does care for me and she doesn't want me to be with anyone else. Sounds like fantasy to me, I don't know and I don't care for now (maybe I should care a bit).

I settled down myself getting ready for the feist (I'm poor, so every food is a feist to me). Well, all I could think right now is how to enjoy the ramen. Meanwhile... these girls seem to be fetching a war, I hope they won't sacrifice me as I'm sitting in the middle (anything could happen to me). Maybe they will cling on to me (not gonna happen) or maybe they will use me as a human shield (I see a lot of possibilities). who know's.

Oh my Gawd! I think they are fighting with the ramen I mean an eating competition kinda thing. This is no good, I don't think I have the money to pay for it. Should I leave? No, I think, it will leave a bad impression on me. I will cancel my orders and will stick with a glass of water (I'm starving).

Oh my dear god from the great heaven above, please grant me the strength not to faith even though my starving. Bless me!!!

what are these girls? how can they eat so much and so fast? I wonder whether they will eat the entire shop (fastest chopsticks in the east). I wanna cry so badly, Ave made me pay for her bill too with the help of these two I successfully emptied my wallet. Help me mommy...

(And by their action it was the first and last time Ren taking them to eat food. Ren was really satisfied). What am I suppose to do now? I'm totally broke. Well, Ave said that she will be giving me more tips. So I'm just gonna consider this as a treat. That's all I can do now.

The night passed by and it was the next day already and I'm really excited cause it's a Sunday, the weekend! weeee...

And now that I have thought about it, what should I do today? I knew it! I was aware that I would have to face this day. An empty weekend.

I didn't know what I should do, all I could think was about gaming. But I didn't want to.

I guess I will take a casual walk then.

I got ready to go for a walk, I didn't knew where to go. So I went to the park for no specific reason. It can't be helped.

As I was walking towards the park in the broad daylight, I came across a face I have never seen before. Aww, a cute little puppy. Then again, as I was trying to tie my shoelace, I came across another face that I have never seen before. An old granny who is gray as white. wait... gray as white? never mind. And once again as I was trying to play with the slide, I came across a face I have seen before, she was standing in front of me. Eh... crap it's Lula.

She didn't see me. As she hasn't noticed me yet! let's see what she is up to. Is she going to use the slide? haha, it will be really funny to see a tomato rolling down a slide. But what if she gets squished? Oh my fricking god that will be amazing, I mean that will be sad.

Aww, I got it all wrong. She is with a kid. Ahh... Is she Lula's kid, she looks exactly like Lula (ok I need to stop) who is her daddy? (ok I'm going insane. Bye...).

Oh, this is a chance for me, girls like-kind people (if I'm right). So if I can be friends with that kid, that will make Lula think that I'm Kind. Anyway, I'm not a monster, I'm a true born gentleman to my family who is uneducated about ladies (hissssss... Me No Gay, Me Straight). But what if that kid is really Lu-

Ok, I seriously need to stop.

Let's go for it... I went near to Lula from Behind and gave her a sneak attack (girl's likes to get surprised or hugged from the back, but as in my case I can't hug her but that was the most effecti- ENOUGH), she was really surprised that she even got really shocked (did I mess it up?) I guess I messed it up, She isn't that red either compared to the other times and she was breathing heavily. But anyway she smiled at me.

We both talked for a while about our classmates and other stuff. Anndddd... that little kid is Lula's little sister, that's why she was looking like an exact carbon copy of Lula. It's a mini adorable version.

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